Saturday, July 12, 2014


Meh. I'm not in the mood for you. I got your dreamers right here.

These are the 'children' Reuters describes as "migrants." 

Jacking with language as usual. Taking in the low information voters who accept Newspeak that show up at polls in droves who couldn't tell the difference between legal and illegal even if they did care and who couldn't pass a third grade American History exam if they were given the answers, purposefully conflating illegal immigrant with migrant as if to suggest some intention of returning. They assume you are stupid.

Per National Review, adults posing as children to enroll in High School, screw you, property owners. Here is your one chance to instill a sense of what it is to be American, whoops, too bad, the teachers are socialists too. 

Objections to federally sponsored waves of illegal immigrats have nothing to do with xenophobia either, it has nothing to do with nativism as one Shikha Dalmia at Washington Examiner so rudely suggests. 

Per Breitbart TSA is now allowing illegals to board commercial airlines without identification. While regular American travelers get the full shakedown. We know nothing of these people, who they are, where they come from. Their documentation mere copy paper without any photo, easily counterfeited. I could do it myself. Without any health clearance whatsoever. So screw you, regular paying jet airplane traveler. Here, have a case of scabies, or nits, or worse, tuberculosis. I know what happens to people with vulnerable immune systems who dare board a plane. I've seen what happens to them. Even healthy people get sick when they fly. At this point you couldn't pay me to get on a plane. I honestly believe our federal government is making itself our enemy. Taken together this is so far beyond the pale it is quite unbelievable. I could weep were I not so angry and disgusted for what has become of my onetime wonderful country at the hands of this shiftless president and his malevolent controlling Party, and his abetting corrupted media. I am fed up with all of them. 

We are being lied to. Again. These people are looking for a socialist country to embed within. To take care of them. To change by their numbers, by their lack of education, their abject absence of appreciation of our laws, our history, for our constitutional constructions, by their propensity for accepting ruthless ruling class.This is why Homeland Security is not allowing journalists to document activities, when they're not swarming small towns in a show of force. It is precisely why photographers are not allowed. This is not a thing that is happening out of the blue by forces beyond our control, rather, it is a thing our federal government is doing to us. 

Photo from Film Ladd's twitter.
Via Jeff G. at Protein Wisdom.


The Dude said...

That is more upbeat and positive and less full of invective and personal insults than anything I could have written on the subject.

But I don't have any answer whatsoever.

edutcher said...

Even the Gang of 8 crowd is starting to see this has gotten so far out of control that the usual whines to excuse it won't work.

People are showing up to not only protest, but to block, the "undocumented Americans" from getting in.

You might not hear this from the Establishment media, but you do hear it on the Internet which, I suspect, is why most of us are here in the first place.

We got sick of being lied to.

Good piece, Chip.

PS The latest is that Mexico and Guatamala have made a deal to expedite the movement of our "migrants".

So somebody is paying, and getting paid, at the highest levels.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I clicked on the link to read the Washington Examiner piece.

Is nativism now a euphemism for racism?

Anyway, now I feel like a great big meanie.

*hangs head in shame*

KCFleming said...

When the people quit supporting the Soviet Union, when its decades of punishment and propaganda yielded nothing but shortages and concrete shacks, the people found it illegitimate.

And it quickly collapsed.At that point, the people wouldn't piss down the gubmint's throat if its heart was on fire, to mangle Pres. Johnson's colorful saying.

The US is fast approaching the same illegitimacy.

This withdrawal of support does not require a Tea party to be spied on, or internet pages to be surveilled for mal-content by malcontents.

One by one people withdraw discretionary effort and refuse to comply in a thousand ways. Little things that the gubmint just assumes will be there. Quiet ordered compliance from the white folk because that's what they always do, no matter what shit you throw at them.

Well, no.

Preference falsification can cover over massive disagreement with the State ....up to a tipping point. This is why I am no longer voting in national elections. Local stuff only. No point pretending my vote means jack shit to the technocrats shoving this crap on me.

I do not have to pretend I am voting when Al Franken and the migrants can always print up more votes than my silly lever-pulling.

Like going broke, governments fail very slowly, then all of a sudden.

Unknown said...

Don't give the R party another cent until they agree to push John McCain out.

Come on AZ- is there anyone who will step up and lead?

Great Protein Wisdom link. I haven't been there in a while.

Unknown said...

It's time for a revolt. A huge sing along with a refusal to pay taxes until this shit stops.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

My mother-in-law hates John McCain, not because he's a RHINO, but because he put Sarah Palin in the limelight.

Oh, that and . . .


I think that was when I put my head down on the dinner table and started rocking it gently back and forth.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Like Pogo said, people will start furtively resisting the laws by fudging a bit more on your tax return or aggressively discounting the fair market value of a car you sell privately to reduce the sale tax to the state or lying outright about your financial status/assets on college financial aid forms.

Hell, I may go down to a border state and get me a new name, ID and soc sec number so I can keep working under my new name and collect my soc security checks under my old name. If enough iof us did that, it will cost the feds some significant tax dollars.

Unknown said...

Is this the same mother in law who adores queen fascist Hillary! ?

Unknown said...

... I honestly believe our federal government is making itself our enemy. Taken together this is so far beyond the pale it is quite unbelievable. I could weep were I not so angry and disgusted for what has become of my onetime wonderful country at the hands of this shiftless president and his malevolent controlling Party, and his abetting corrupted media. I am fed up with all of them."

Thank you.

Unknown said...

I cannot stand McCain because he supports Hillary. (one of many reasons - but that is reason #1.)
Reason #2 is his disparaging remarks towards the Tea Party.

FU old man.

William said...

You don't see any male teen agers with neck tattoos at the immigration centers. That's not because they don't exist. That's because the news directors prefer to show pictures of adorable children clutching teddy bears......They use the same news judgement when filming protestors at counter immigration rallies. They focus on fat people with angry faces.......I don't think a parent who puts their child in the care of the cartels and coyotes necessarily has the best interest of their child in mind. Likewise, those who pay such smugglers several thousand dollars upfront don't necessarily qualify as the most destitute people in Cental America. There's a downside to this sudden influx and lots of them are gaming the system rather than fleeing from violence. Anyone who makes these common sense observations can expect to be demonized as a bigot.

Shouting Thomas said...

Welcome to America, MS-13!

Lydia said...

Two things:

--TSA says it's not true that illegals can board commercial airlines showing only a notice to appear form, but that they do need a valid form of government ID.

--About Mexico and Guatemala making a deal to give new "regional visitor's card" to folks form Guatemala and Belize -- that's actually an FMVL (Forma Migratoria de Visitante Local) card that's been around since 2008, I think. With one of them, someone from Belize can travel within the border state of Quintana Roo for up to 72 hours, and those from Guatemala with one can do the same in Chiapas. See here and here.

The Dude said...

TCM is showing Bound for Glory, about our favorite home grown commie singer, Woody Guthrie.

He was turned away from entering California due to insufficient funds. He was an American citizen. Temporarily inconvenienced due to the depression.

The LA police set up a blockade and prevented Americans from entering the promised land of California.

Railroad bulls just shot a guy riding atop a train car.

Now we spend money to haul illegals here, pay for their train tickets, their plane tickets, allow them to cough on us, and so on.

What in the name of all that is good and right is going on? What in the wide world of sports is wrong with this country now? Should we even give a shit?