Friday, June 13, 2014

"Upcoming full moon on Friday the 13th is rare; won't happen again until 2049"

The full moon in June has a variety of nicknames: Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon and also the Rose Moon. This time around, it can also be called the "Rare Moon."


Chip Ahoy said...

My brother kept trying to get me to see the man in the moon but I could never make out a man.It's a total fail. But at last tonight now I think that I do. He is a hipster wearing sunglasses.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wear my Sun Glasses at Night so I can So I can ... not clear what he says after that.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

So I remembered some song from some early Zappa album about the moon in June, I bite your neck, and so I googled it, and I got kind of lost on the intertubes . . . HEY WAIT A MINUTE! . . . was it that song that goes CALL ANY VEGETABLE, CALL ANY VEGETABLE, CALL ANY VEGETABLE, . . . AND THE CHANCES ARE GOOD, THAT THE VEGETABLE WILL RESPOND TO YOU????

Anyway, I ended up at YouTube listening to "Moon in June" off of Soft Machine's third album, and I was all, like, hey!, I remember this, I haven't heard this in decades. It's some kind of ProgRock masterpiece.

And then I keep listening and I realize, hey!, this is completely, totally, 100% unfamiliar. I must not have the third, after all.

Weird, huh?

Shouting Thomas said...

We Old Dawgz will be out tonight howling at the moon.

Playing for a motorcycle rally tomorrow.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Oh, silly me!

Turns out it's "prune" in June, as in the fruit, off of The Duke of Prunes.

Can't I get ANYTHING right?

MamaM said...

According to the Chinese view, there's a rabbit behind the hipster.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The man in the moon is going to be the GOP handpicked nominee to run against Hillary.

Unknown said...

It's not the Harvest Moon, but it looks a bit like one.

KCFleming said...


Get yer silver bullets ready, y'all.

edutcher said...

Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon. There's also the Mead (no e) Moon

All evoke thoughts of romantic, possibly besotted, romps under warm summer nights.

The one to watch out for is the Blood Moon in October when the Comanches would raid from the Staked Plains deep into Mexico.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Funny. I can never see the "man in the moon" since I was told, as a child when we lived in Mexico, that it is a "rabbit on the moon" Once seen, can't be unseen.

I love the full moon in our area because we have very little ambient light. The moon and stars, when there is no moon, are spectacular.