Friday, June 13, 2014

The Weekly Standard: The Taliban Five are even worse than you’ve heard

"One of the five senior Taliban leaders transferred to Qatar in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a key role in al Qaeda’s plans leading up to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban’s army chief of staff and deputy defense minister prior to his detention at Guantánamo, did not have a hand in planning the actual 9/11 hijackings. Along with a notorious al Qaeda leader, however, Fazl did help coordinate a military offensive against the enemies of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan the day before. And Osama bin Laden viewed that September 10 offensive as an essential part of al Qaeda’s 9/11 plot." (read more)

In some alternative universe (in a place far far away) there would be a mad dash of enterprising reporters staking out the homes and neighborhoods of 9/11/2001 survivors, seeking a comment, a reaction. Did you know the president swap included the release of people involved in the 9/11 attacks? ... while a camera rolls.

Thank goodness, however, in the real world we live in, decent enterprising reporters do not use surviving family victims that way... except maybe now and then, when... someone is telegenic enough and... they are physically in the right coast. You can't expect people in NY to make good compelling television. No offense Trooper.


Shouting Thomas said...

We Americans live in an overwhelmingly secular society in which family bonds are disappearing. It's difficult for us to understand that there are people out there who are still passionate about religion, clan and ethnic affiliation.

So, we have a difficult time believing that real, determined, evil enemies exist.

Obama and his followers are believers in the therapeutic , anything goes culture that ridicules passionate religious and family attachments. So, they are particularly unable to understand that their enemies intend to be enemies.

I wrote about this today.

I don't intend to give Crack PR, but if you want to understand the mindset of somebody who does not shy away from having enemies, read his blog. He obsesses over the evil intentions of his enemies (whites), and incessantly catalogs and recalls past atrocities, real and imagined. He craves revenge.

Try to imagine the affect on the collective psyche of whole cultures in the Middle East that likewise spend almost all their time hating their enemies, tallying up their martyrs and plotting revenge.

Shouting Thomas said...

I may not have connected my first comment to your post.

The left, lead by Obama, doesn't (I think) understand or accept that the Jihadis intend to attack the U.S. again and to continue to attack until they triumph.

Such dogged determination to destroy one's enemy through outright war seems positively medieval to the American mindset.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Also, even when we are exposed to "revenge", the kind we are more familiar with, pales in comparison to the kind ST is talking about.

Revenge, American-style

Unknown said...

Innocent people will die because of this decision.

Unknown said...

All for an anti-American anti-Military guy who probably prefers the company of his captors.

KCFleming said...

Don't worry. Hillary is on the case.

Nothing that can't be fixed by forcing bakers to make wedding cakes for gays.

Plus gun control.

And $15/hr minimum wage.

Hillary: She's got electrolytes!

KCFleming said...

I'll bet the US consulate folks in Baghdad are updating their wills.

Meade said...

"We’ll do our vengeance on the playing field, thank you, where unwritten rules apply and the frisson can be enjoyed with Bud in hand."

And really, who wouldn't enjoy watching Crack on the mound plunking Shouting Thomas square on the ass with a 95 mph fastball?

Shouting Thomas said...

The susceptibility of the "ironic" crowd, that has no passionate attachments, to Mau-Mauing blacks who do has been one of the continuing curiosities of my time on this earth.

The white folks who crave this Mau-Mauing act somehow convince themselves that they do so out of compassion, rather than because they view blacks as a sort of primitive form of entertainment through which they can experience those passions at second hand.

KCFleming said...

Maybe we should have traded Bergdahl for some magic beans instead.

Shouting Thomas said...

Maybe we should have traded Bergdahl for some magic beans instead.

I think gay wedding cakes will do the trick!

Once our crack troops have been fully diversified with queens, trannies and pregnant women, the Jihadis will undoubtedly surrender.

KCFleming said...

Magic lesbian beans, with electrolytes. Like Hillary!

KCFleming said...

The Taliban Five's never been the same without Michael Jackson.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Let them eat cake. Just not yellow cake.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

[T]he frisson can be enjoyed with Bud in hand.

Different strokes for different folks.

Me? Today it's Spain vs. The Netherlands, 3:00 p.m. EST.

And it'll be a Yards Saison, baby!

edutcher said...

We might want to start stocking up on our potassium iodide now and avoid the rush later.

I'm just hoping the Choom Gang is still in DC when it all happens.

Unknown said...

Did you hear, Pogo? - Hillary is going to provide tax fairness. Right after she takes stuff away from us for the common good. Because, after all, what difference does it make? Soon after that, Hillary's donors and cronies will all benefit financially. But that will only be a coincidence.
Spectacularly, the world will be free of all angry screeching and force, and we will all come together to sing kumbaya because she will once and for all distribute made in China re-set buttons through her portal at Media Matters. She will bring us together. We should be nice to her. Just in case.

Hillary - got connections? You too can join the friends and family plan.

William said...

You just have to look at their photos to know that those five Taliban are not done murdering. They don't look like they're very good at many things, but you can sense that they have a real flair for killing......My guess is that coverage of their victims will be less extensive and probing than of misdeeds in the Abu Ghraib prison.

ndspinelli said...

Great job staying focused here folks.

ricpic said...

I am convinced when the myriad muslim cells within America are activated on a second horrific 9/11 that Obama will "study the issue" as he's doing now regarding the coming fall of Baghdad. After all, jihadists have a legitimate gripe against the Great Satan and any regime associated with it. And just as Hussein will be in no way responsible (by his action) for the horrific murders committed by the released Taliban thugs he will be in no way responsible (by his inaction) for the slaughter in Baghdad. Bet on this: on the next 9/11 he'll be an outsider, railing against the powers that be in Washington who failed to protect us, along with all the rest of us outsiders.

Trooper York said...

If the men who actually commited 911 had survived Obama would have been happy to let them out of jail.

It is what he does. Comfort to our enemies and confusion to our friends.