Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Firenado" East Of Oceanside

h/t: link


Rabel said...

It's a plasmanado!

See, Chick, I am paying attention in class.

The Dude said...

Chicken fricassee!

john said...

See the shadow to the left of the column? The four horseman of the apocalypso!

These are the end days.

Amartel said...

I saw something about there being some suspicions about the ignition points of 8 of the 9 fires. Uh oh

Unknown said...

Good Lord. End times indeed.

Time to shoot some cannons.

Unknown said...

a few songs for the occasion. Cliché


80's arms flailing.

Jim Kerr did it too.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost your way

XRay said...

That's horrible stuff. But it's Cali. Drought, fire, earthquake, or leftist assholes. All pretty much equal in effect.

chickelit said...

XRay said...
That's horrible stuff. But it's Cali. Drought, fire, earthquake, or leftist assholes. All pretty much equal in effect.

Thanks for the bigotry, XRay!

chickelit said...

Other Americans tend to view California the way Europeans view Americans.

In reality it's a great state choking under the yoke of single party control. The truism about things happening here first is still true.

XRay said...

Are you serious?

I lived there for 15 years. 15 years and two months if you count my time at Pendleton, which I normally don't.

Seriously. You say I'm a bigot.

I'm going to have ask you how so.

Perhaps you just didn't get my sad attempt at humor. That's understandable, as I fair poorly in that regard.

chickelit said...

XRay it's just a trope I hear often enough. 51% of the state could be fucking it up but the 49% (who vote) just have to fall under the moniker.

I'm a victim too, dammit!

XRay said...

I realize I haven't commented enough here (sober anyway) for any sort of explication to be relevant. But please don't short me as uninformed or launching into areas of which I am ignorant of sense. and place.

chickelit said...

I'm sorry I called you a bigot, XRay. I was trying to make a pedantic point which I made.

Chip Ahoy said...

I always loved California from the moment I saw the place. Lived there awhile at Travis and loved that too. My favoritest brother lives there presently with his new family and he and they love it there too. There is so much about it that is fine.

But then I love Chinook winds. In Denver a day of Chinook winds can clear the whole place of snow just like that, POW, snow gone.

And I notice the people who lose everything tend to be philosophical about it. Tend to, I say. Unlike what I've heard here, say, on the news when a trailer park is flooded and gewgaws and trinkets are swept away in a flash. Through teary eyes, "All mah treasures are gone!" I haven't met a military brat yet who hasn't parted with their favorite things repeatedly and understood they are just things.

XRay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Tornadoes are left wing and firenadoes are right wing.

chickelit said...

You'd make an excellent student, Rabel.