Issa on Wednesday accused the Maryland Democrat of colluding with the Internal Revenue Service in its targeting of the conservative nonprofit group True the Vote, whose founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, said she received multiple letters from Cummings in 2012 and personal visits from the IRS and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Explosives. Engelbrecht’s True the Vote is one of the many conservative groups that claims to have been improperly targeted by the IRS while it scrutinized the applications of tea-party groups.
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Congressman Cummings and Committee Chairmen Issa |
In a letter signed by his five subcommittee chairmen, Issa raised the possibility that Cummings coordinated with the IRS, “surreptitiously” contacting the agency to request information about True the Vote...
Since June of last year, Cummings has pressed Issa to call the investigation off and the two have repeatedly butted heads. Tomorrow’s (today) hearing is unlikely to be an exception.
Cummings sics Lerner on conservative org.
Lerner gets caught.
Cummings grandstands while Lerner takes 5th.
"Oversight" my ass.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 9, 2014
Second time I've responded to a post that way this week.
Obamacare added something like 14,000 jobs to the IRS. Government jobs are allocated by quota. Blacks are first in line in the quota system.
Obama ordered the IRS attack on the Tea Party. Sure, he carefully scrubbed the trail so that you can't trace the order back to him. (Or, maybe not. We don't exactly have a watchdog press hounding Obama over this issue.)
The IRS is key to the implementation of Obamacare and the extension of greater government control over the individual. Using the IRS as a blunt instrument to beat his enemies is clearly Obama's intent.
Sic em boy.
Obama, in my opinion, has clearly committed a variety of impeachable offenses in his use of the IRS as a political weapon. Under normal circumstances he should be impeached, convicted and removed from office.
We need for him to finish his term and leave in an orderly fashion. This is essential for the full assimilation of blacks into our political and economic life. (Note to knuckleheads. Of course, this logic is "racist." Damned if I care.)
So, Obama gets a pass. The precedent he is setting will come back to bite us all in the ass. We've created a secret police force in the IRS. And, we've already set in motion the creation of a huge black market economy. Those who are resourceful and clever will find a way to conduct their business and their politics out of the sight of the secret police.
Repeal and replace the IRS.
Once the IRS becomes politicized, and it has, it is no longer a trustworthy institution. It must go.
Is any agency in the US government not corrupt?
Right now, everything the US says, whether IRS, Medicare, Senator, or the CDC, everything is a lie, partly a lie, or twisted in service to a lie.
Yes, even the CDC.
Very Soviet.
You can see in this episode why Obama and his followers keep calling their opponents "racist," and continue to insist that there is a "war against women."
Obamacare is, fundamentally, a make work program for blacks and women in the Federal bureaucracy.
So, from the viewpoint of the Obama people, they are doing a good thing... providing soft, protected jobs to their constituency. And, their opponents must be motivated by the desire to prevent blacks and women to get ahead.
I'm liking the verb "to collude": It used to be politically dirty, with negative connotations. But the Dems are trying to tart it up and make it look pretty and defensible by doing things that are dirty and saying 'so what?"
The strategy here is the same as that used by the left to take over the college campuses... black studies, women's studies, gay studies, etc.
Build a self-perpetuating patronage base. It is a brazenly corrupt strategy.
How do you counter that strategy?
They are colloidal.
Poor Elijah, the quintessential token.
Pelosi Galore had to invent a job for him when his went away.
Why can't house of reps declare Lerner to be in contempt of congress and throw Lerner's butt in jail? She'd sing like a canary. Why does there have to be this futile dance with the Just-Us Department? Maybe because Issa & Co. don't want to cut off the beast's head, ya think?
Cummings colluding with the IRS? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell ya! "Perish the thought," as Bugs would say..
Pogo ... you are quite right on the endemic lying within government today. Here's among the simplest of them: The current IRS head saying it will take up to two years to gather all the emails vis a vis Lerner up and provide to Congress.
Uh, no, my direct first hand experience ( I was a DOD fed and I dealt with the IRS on tax matters via email), supported by the images of emails already seen, is that the IRS (and most of federal government) uses Microsoft Outlook, as provided in Microsoft Office Pro, for email .... every message ever sent or received by Lerner can be aggregated in less than a week and converted to PDF folios, and provided to Congress paper necessary.
Don't believe me? If you use Outlook try the search feature at the top of the in-box (or any folder you save) and see just how fast it can be done. It is the same process on the email servers used to handle Outlook in the government...not to mention adding any number of specialized search engines out there.
This time delay crap is a bold faced lie. Government email is only for government business so nothing personal contained there in is protected. I have fired an employee for violating that principle.
Any PPI data (Personal Privacy Act information) that might be legitimately contained in some emails can be isolated by searches on PPI item data strings generally, then only those relatively few messages would require redaction screening. Very few government emails contain PPI information, instead usually citing a case number, a contract number, an RFP or RFQ number, etc.
Data is data and can be aggregated today very quickly.
But they will still lie and say we must delay...just like FOIA's that they do not want to respond to timely.
Let me tell you how fast I was required (standing orders) to respond to any inquiry by a Congressman or Congressional committee: I had 72 hours, clock time not work day time, to have the response out the door and documented as such. And I never missed, even dealing with 4 global databases at times to do so.
This culture of lying will not change until the instituionalized bureaucracy, particularly the SES and higher (picuture the haughty and arrogant images of Lois Lerner and Steven Miller in the testimony), is cut in half and forced to be accountable in real time. SES and higher levels are appointments, and can be terminated at will. A new regime needs to be installed where these senior leaders know they will be axed if not compliant with requests.
Who is POTUS is only part of the problem.
The House of Representatives DOES NOT NEED Executive Department approval to go ahead and declare Lerner in contempt and throw her in jail until January 2015. Read the article at American Thinker that addresses this issue. Problem is it depends on Boehner growing a pair or finding a pair.
Ricpic .... having the authority to jail someone (for inherent contempt) does not confer the means to do so. I have been unable to find a source about what means are available to Congress outside of its own ranks.
Anyone who knows the answer should post it.
Trey Gowdy went OFF today during the Lerner contempt hearing.
Which is nice since this is likely the only justice we're going to see on this issue, other than civil suits.
At this point, I don't see any alternative short of violence at this point to remove these scum bags from office. They will be voted into office for infinity and they are nothing but a cancer on the republic.
That is not going to happen. Big screens and legal weed will quell any uprising.
Amartel said...
Trey Gowdy went OFF today during the Lerner contempt hearing.
Which is nice since this is likely the only justice we're going to see on this issue, other than civil suits.
As I've said before, no heads will roll. No one will be punished, nothing will happen to anyone within the administration and within any of these departments. Bodies will be shuffled around to give the perception that something is being done, but that will entail raises and promotions, while no good deed goes unpunished. No one will be indicted, no one will see jail. The congressional circular firing squad will be pointing inwards. Have a nice day.
Methadras said...
... to remove these scum bags from office. They will be voted into office for infinity ...
The two bureaucrats of note in this matter have never been elected to anything. Lerner and Holder are both career bureaucrats in the federal government, appointed by both parties over time. In other words, no matter who is elected, this kind of entrenched cancer does not leave office, it just transfers or gets promoted.
Until a President and a Congress is elected with the courage and fortitude to clean the senior federal house of bureaucrats who serve themselves, nothing will change. A good start would be to immediately terminate 50% of the entire SES, and then 50% of the military flag ranks, arbitrarily, just to show them they can be axed.
Then, from that point on, require all SES and above, including military flag ranks, to periodically testify (every two years) before the appropriate Congressional committee on their work in office and and answer all questions put to them by Congress persons.
I've said all this before. It can be done...all SES and above, including flag ranks over 2 stars, are appointed and subject to dismissal at will. Their stock in trade is skeleton collecting on their peers. This said....we may be beyond redemption in this matter.
This just gets weirder.
** Why would Cummings be writing to True the Vote's founder? **
And no, I did not read the whole article, so excuse me if that is answered "below the fol."
If that is true then this whole things is one major you know what.
Do the Democrats who were frothing at the mouth while they sneered and called Republicans names aware of this?
"That is not going to happen. Big screens and legal weed will quell any uprising."
Fuckin' A.
(signed)Binge House of Cards Viewer
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