I think Phx hits exactly on why we see some traditionally sycophant media outlets willing to report on this now: because they're willing to let a has-been Obama draw fire while they work on the "Why We Need Hillary" headlines.
Great. Jon Crzine is a nice touch of corruption reality D. Instead of Jon Corzine, who should be in jail with Bernie Maddoff but isn't for the simple fact that he's a democrat, they should also show Obama standing next to Hillary and McAufill.
The emphasis needs to move away from Obama and toward the people who elected him. The question that needs asked a thousand different ways is: Why did you accept his lies about virtually everything he's told you? Why have you let a career politician with no accomplishments other than getting elected break so many of your own standards? Why did you let him make a fool of you, lessen you, diminish you and your nation.?
I don't care which party you vote for, that should never happen again, and people need to own up to what they did. What we need is better voters: smarter, better informed , and more discriminating. We can't survive if we are content to be marks for con men.
Never in my life have I seen such lying from anybody, let alone elected official doing so on TV, bald-faced and layer upon layer of it. When did this become acceptable here? Accepting such a thing is the root of some very evil history. Usually people have to be forced to accept such treatment from their government, but we have half the population actually defending and choosing it. Have some fucking shame, and drop the kool-aide already.
Why did you accept his lies about virtually everything he's told you?
My guess...
All the promises of freebies conned a significant part of the electorate. You have to want to be conned for the con artist to work his magic.
And on the sensible side, fury against the mammoth rip-off that was the mortgage/derivatives scandal led people to want revenge against the malefactors... although, identifying them correctly was pretty difficult, given the bipartisan nature of the scam.
In the arena of sanctimony, a significant percentage of the electorate bought into the Magic Negro fantasy.
And, really, what are the Republicans offering? Blanket amnesty and cheap labor. That's better?
The question is who destroyed the ones we had? We have a nation that is more educated than ever and never has it been more easily and totally fooled. I blame the education.
You, for one phx, have some splaining to do. Why do you accept this lying on a daily basis, followed by more lies to cover it up or deflect? Why do you except scandal after scandal being stonewalled when any investigation is attempted? Why are the witnesses to Benghazi still being threatened to keep them quiet and hold back the truth from you? Maybe you don't care about these things. Maybe you are exactly who I'm talking about. Maybe you should have some standards. Did you once? Where did they go?
The vote could be a mistake, and as lame as it is, at least understandable, but accepting what you are getting afterward when it is so clearly unacceptable to most everyone is the disappointing thing. Even you know it's crap now. There are only two kinds of people at this point, those who accept the lying and help it live and those who don't.
Don't be a fool by trying to portray me as some caricature that is sinister for pointing out the obvious. That's not flying anymore, just like it's no longer working for Obama to pretend his critics are unreasonable fanatics. That shit is worn out, spent, and lame.
It has nothing to do with party or team at this point. It's decency versus corrupt self-interest and run-away ideology. When you start seeing people asking for the truth and accountability as a dangerous development, then maybe you have lost your way. Consider taking a stand you won't be ashamed of later.
"It scares the shit out of me when people speak like you do. You're going to hold people accountable. You won't be happy with anything less."
How ridiculous. Holding people accountable is scary? Is lying a virtue in your bizarro world, failure a goal, willful destruction some kind of standard protocol. Come back to the world of standards. I bet you had them before the messiah was elected.
People who weren't elected for anything by anyone thinking it's their job to hold others accountable for their political beliefs...yeah, that's never been a bad thing.
You are deflecting. You are avoiding the the question and the point. Why do accept the lying? Why do you defend it? Why don't you denounce it? Do you really tell yourself that you would have the same attitude if it was being done by a Republican President? Do you believe that?
I am absolutely positive that if the level of lying and stonewalling we have seen under this President happened under George Bush that he would be impeached, and I'd be all for it. I admit it would take me a little longer to get there than people on the left, but I would have gotten there long ago. You can't have a stable sustainable democracy with this kind of behavior at the top. It's ugly, embarrassing, and we deserve better. You deserve better. Those coming along behind us deserve to have a minimum level of decency and accountability as a standard in the kind of government we pass down. Party has nothing to do with it.
I didn't really expect much more than this from you. I've seen it all before here.
Let me help you. If the roles were reversed, I'd say, I really want the policies that Obama promised, I want the government to handle more things, because I believe they can do it fairly and efficiently and some problems are just so large that government is the best way to solve them.
BUT, this administration has lied repeatedly to the public to protect itself from accountability for serious mistakes and to sell policies it believed the public would not buy otherwise even if they are good policies. That is unacceptable in a President whether I voted for them or not. A democracy cannot let that stand.
That's what a supporter of the President would be saying if the the truth and the health of the democracy were important to them, and they had the balls admit they made a mistake. I'll let you decide which one isn't you.
You could say that you wish you had the balls and integrity to say what I said for you. That's almost as good, and a hell of a lot better than what your doing. I even make a better lefty than you do I could be your writer for a small fee. Your very own low tech teleprompter.
Only 2 stars, the pace needs to be faster and there needs to be more Landrieu.
And throw in she's a lesbian, that won't fly outside of New Orleans.
Won't do a bit of good.
The cult will not be impressed.
That's Carl Rove's outfit. Ya oughtta see the one he's working on to get Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
I think Phx hits exactly on why we see some traditionally sycophant media outlets willing to report on this now: because they're willing to let a has-been Obama draw fire while they work on the "Why We Need Hillary" headlines.
Great. Jon Crzine is a nice touch of corruption reality D. Instead of Jon Corzine, who should be in jail with Bernie Maddoff but isn't for the simple fact that he's a democrat, they should also show Obama standing next to Hillary and McAufill.
The emphasis needs to move away from Obama and toward the people who elected him. The question that needs asked a thousand different ways is: Why did you accept his lies about virtually everything he's told you? Why have you let a career politician with no accomplishments other than getting elected break so many of your own standards? Why did you let him make a fool of you, lessen you, diminish you and your nation.?
I don't care which party you vote for, that should never happen again, and people need to own up to what they did. What we need is better voters: smarter, better informed , and more discriminating. We can't survive if we are content to be marks for con men.
Never in my life have I seen such lying from anybody, let alone elected official doing so on TV, bald-faced and layer upon layer of it. When did this become acceptable here? Accepting such a thing is the root of some very evil history. Usually people have to be forced to accept such treatment from their government, but we have half the population actually defending and choosing it. Have some fucking shame, and drop the kool-aide already.
Why did you accept his lies about virtually everything he's told you?
My guess...
All the promises of freebies conned a significant part of the electorate. You have to want to be conned for the con artist to work his magic.
And on the sensible side, fury against the mammoth rip-off that was the mortgage/derivatives scandal led people to want revenge against the malefactors... although, identifying them correctly was pretty difficult, given the bipartisan nature of the scam.
In the arena of sanctimony, a significant percentage of the electorate bought into the Magic Negro fantasy.
And, really, what are the Republicans offering? Blanket amnesty and cheap labor. That's better?
"Who can build these for us? Spare no expense."
The question is who destroyed the ones we had? We have a nation that is more educated than ever and never has it been more easily and totally fooled. I blame the education.
You, for one phx, have some splaining to do. Why do you accept this lying on a daily basis, followed by more lies to cover it up or deflect? Why do you except scandal after scandal being stonewalled when any investigation is attempted? Why are the witnesses to Benghazi still being threatened to keep them quiet and hold back the truth from you? Maybe you don't care about these things. Maybe you are exactly who I'm talking about. Maybe you should have some standards. Did you once? Where did they go?
The vote could be a mistake, and as lame as it is, at least understandable, but accepting what you are getting afterward when it is so clearly unacceptable to most everyone is the disappointing thing. Even you know it's crap now. There are only two kinds of people at this point, those who accept the lying and help it live and those who don't.
Don't be a fool by trying to portray me as some caricature that is sinister for pointing out the obvious. That's not flying anymore, just like it's no longer working for Obama to pretend his critics are unreasonable fanatics. That shit is worn out, spent, and lame.
It has nothing to do with party or team at this point. It's decency versus corrupt self-interest and run-away ideology. When you start seeing people asking for the truth and accountability as a dangerous development, then maybe you have lost your way. Consider taking a stand you won't be ashamed of later.
"It scares the shit out of me when people speak like you do. You're going to hold people accountable. You won't be happy with anything less."
How ridiculous. Holding people accountable is scary? Is lying a virtue in your bizarro world, failure a goal, willful destruction some kind of standard protocol. Come back to the world of standards. I bet you had them before the messiah was elected.
"There are only two kinds of people at this point, those who accept the lying and help it live and those who don't."
I'm listening. Who else is there?
Holding people accountable is scary?
People who weren't elected for anything by anyone thinking it's their job to hold others accountable for their political beliefs...yeah, that's never been a bad thing.
You are deflecting. You are avoiding the the question and the point. Why do accept the lying? Why do you defend it? Why don't you denounce it? Do you really tell yourself that you would have the same attitude if it was being done by a Republican President? Do you believe that?
I am absolutely positive that if the level of lying and stonewalling we have seen under this President happened under George Bush that he would be impeached, and I'd be all for it. I admit it would take me a little longer to get there than people on the left, but I would have gotten there long ago. You can't have a stable sustainable democracy with this kind of behavior at the top. It's ugly, embarrassing, and we deserve better. You deserve better. Those coming along behind us deserve to have a minimum level of decency and accountability as a standard in the kind of government we pass down. Party has nothing to do with it.
Men don't run from simple questions.
The master of the complex question says "Men don't run from simple questions."
"I know I'd rather vote for a dozen wrong fascists or scalawags or what have you then wear that mantle of self-importance and certainty. "
I didn't really expect much more than this from you. I've seen it all before here.
Let me help you. If the roles were reversed, I'd say, I really want the policies that Obama promised, I want the government to handle more things, because I believe they can do it fairly and efficiently and some problems are just so large that government is the best way to solve them.
BUT, this administration has lied repeatedly to the public to protect itself from accountability for serious mistakes and to sell policies it believed the public would not buy otherwise even if they are good policies. That is unacceptable in a President whether I voted for them or not. A democracy cannot let that stand.
That's what a supporter of the President would be saying if the the truth and the health of the democracy were important to them, and they had the balls admit they made a mistake. I'll let you decide which one isn't you.
Apparently very little.
You could say that you wish you had the balls and integrity to say what I said for you. That's almost as good, and a hell of a lot better than what your doing. I even make a better lefty than you do I could be your writer for a small fee. Your very own low tech teleprompter.
No further questions, your honor. The Prosecution rests.
Baliff, whack his pee pee.
PHX - If I were you, I'd take Bagoh up on his offer to be your writer/brain.
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