Friday, October 4, 2013

#Shutdown Showdown Showcase

@DLoesch ...and shut the valve on Niagara Falls. Cage all the Grizzlies in Yellowstone; and fill in that grand canyon; in Arizona


The Crack Emcee said...

I'm assuming, though it's awful to do, that somebody hasn't seen that episode of Star Trek with the blob that gets stronger every time you shoot at it.

Or they've never been outnumbered and knocked down in a fight, or a "hazing" (or, Ladies, possibly being raped) and the attackers are getting off on the victim struggling to get free. What is the victim to do? Answer:

Look your attacker in the eyes and STOP FIGHTING.

Look, guys, this one is un-winnable. There is no - NO - upside. All you can do now is stop the bleeding.

The Right read too much Alinsky. We've got a million tacticians (listen to Cody talk) but no strategists. And, right now, we're screwed for it.

Dana Loesch is part of the problem. Every one of these pricks that have led us to this Dead End is responsible for us being here.

All you can do is demand Ted Cruz end this now.

It was the wrong fight, at the wrong time, for the wrong reason.

And everybody gets that but the people doing it.

Revenant said...

All you can do is demand Ted Cruz end this now.

I hate to break this to you, but Ted Cruz is a Senator. The funding bills come out of the House. The thing Cruz wanted -- full Obamacare defunding/repeal -- is already off the table.

It would be dumb for the Republicans to cave at this point. Polls show Americans overwhelmingly want a compromise solution. Delaying the individual mandate until the employer mandate kicks in is a political winner.

chickelit said...

Good points, revenant.

edutcher said...

Agreed, but I do like the way Ms Loesch is keeping up the fire on the absurdity of the Choom Gang's conduct.

This didn't work in the sequester, why should it work now?

The Crack Emcee said...


It would be dumb for the Republicans to cave at this point. Polls show Americans overwhelmingly want a compromise solution. Delaying the individual mandate until the employer mandate kicks in is a political winner.

No, dumb is risking this party's chance at ever governing anytime in the near future again. Don't you see:

You're trying to get from A to C but B (for Barack) is standing there with his arms folded and there's nothing - nothing - you can do about it.

We picked this fight, and it was stupid. You want to talk compromise? Give in.

It's the only way to get there,...

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm tired of giving in.

AllenS said...

Quit feeding Michelle O.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We always give in till we have the white house till we have the senate till we have the house there is always an excuse not to fight.

I say go down fighting and let the people decide.

Sell it! its not like it's impossible to sell that spending a trillion dollars over what they take in is unsustainable. its unsustainable.

Revenant said...

The stars are not wanted now, put out every one

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun

Pour away the oceans and sweep up the wood,

For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Revenant said...

No, dumb is risking this party's chance at ever governing anytime in the near future again.

Yeah, right. After the last shutdown got blamed on the Republicans they were punished with... control of Congress for the next five elections.

This time around voters blame them less -- and like the President less -- than they did THAT time. Feel free to wet your panties in fear of being punished by the voters, but nobody much cares.

The Crack Emcee said...


We always give in till we have the white house till we have the senate till we have the house there is always an excuse not to fight.

Oh yeah - that's me - Mr. Let's Not Fight. No - I'm Mr. Let's Not Fight Stupid.

You chose the other guys.

I say go down fighting and let the people decide.

The people have decided:

Your "protest" was more-than-a-little ill-timed.

Sell it!

Right now there's nothing to "sell" - we're wrong.

its not like it's impossible to sell that spending a trillion dollars over what they take in is unsustainable. its unsustainable.

Agreed. It's how you stop it where we differ,...

The Crack Emcee said...


After the last shutdown got blamed on the Republicans they were punished with... control of Congress for the next five elections.

You're not acknowledging the new landscape you're in with these recent ruckus' you guys have created. People are sick of it. "The Party of Stupid" is back with a vengeance and will be rewarded with nothing this time.

You've made it Obama's America.

This time around voters blame them less -- and like the President less -- than they did THAT time. Feel free to wet your panties in fear of being punished by the voters, but nobody much cares.

I don't live in fear of it (you're the second person assuming fear, which says something about the mindset here) I'm telling you people are cheering our downfall now - this silly battle is what they don't care for. That's why they're not rallying to your side. You know the score:

It's your version of political purity vs. "free".

You lose.

Chip Ahoy said...


The thing "to sell" immediately is a delay, the same delay given to employers. It must be made clear the president cannot pick and choose through a 7' high piece of legislation paying off cronies. That is unacceptable. Full stop.

Crack Emcee you're being defeatist and rationalizing around it. Blamed? Try congratulated. You're way off track.

This is quite the demonstration citizens do not want this lot anywhere near their healthcare. Too feckless, simply cannot be trusted.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip Ahoy,


The thing "to sell" immediately is a delay, the same delay given to employers. It must be made clear the president cannot pick and choose through a 7' high piece of legislation paying off cronies. That is unacceptable. Full stop.

Crack Emcee you're being defeatist and rationalizing around it. Blamed? Try congratulated. You're way off track.

This is quite the demonstration citizens do not want this lot anywhere near their healthcare. Too feckless, simply cannot be trusted.

You guys are are tacticians with not a single strategist amongst you.

Nobody's arguing against your policies but how you're going about enforcing them - which will FAIL. You simply can't win this way and, now, there's nothing you can do about it.

And I'm not being defeatist, I'm saying you fight like a girl,...

rhhardin said...

The government time websites are shut off, leaving networks that use them to gradually go unsynchronized.

The Crack Emcee said...

And I'm not being defeatist, I'm saying you fight like a girl,...

I take that back:

You just don't know what you're doing because you've created an echo chamber.

Nobody else can hear it, or has to, or wants to - not now.

You turned the fire up too quickly and all the frogs have bailed,...

The Crack Emcee said...

I just found this on Hot Air, but it's from Ricochet - almost identical analysis:

"For a group of tough talkers, preening swaggerers, and would-be political gladiators, congressional Republicans have made it abundantly clear that they don't have the first clue how to fight and win political battles anymore."

He also makes the very-obvious point the president isn't going to be made to budge on his signature piece of legislation.

It's a fool's errand,...

chickelit said...

Crack's message is stop fighting and lose. He's saying we've already lost so we might as well lose of our own volition. It's better to commit suicide than be killed is another way of expressing Crack's gloom.

Revenant said...

I just found this on Hot Air, but it's from Ricochet - almost identical analysis:

My goodness, you found someone on the internet who agrees the Republicans should throw in the towel?

I can name three such people, and that's looking no further than my Democrat facebook friends. :)

deborah said...

Crack, Republicans might be on their way out anyway, at least presidentially. Maybe it's best to go out with a bang? Then they can concentrate on Congress and governorships.

The Crack Emcee said...

El Pollo Raylan,

Crack's message is stop fighting and lose. He's saying we've already lost so we might as well lose of our own volition. It's better to commit suicide than be killed is another way of expressing Crack's gloom.

No, I'm saying you're publicly committing Hari Kari now, and not only is it not necessary, but you'll never win if you're dead.

Your way was tried - it failed. Try another,...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I largely agree with Crack. If the real goal was to repeal the ACA then it would have made sense to appear as reasonable as possible to win over the moderate voters with the goal of winning the senate and then the presidency. This short-term tactic only helps the Dems in their goal to block this and possibly win back the house.

Incredibly, given how useless the Dems generally are, they have shown a considerable degree of party discipline during Obama's presidency. Despite the complaints about Obama's leadership skills I can't recall them acting with such relative unity at any time in the past.

The Crack Emcee said...


My goodness, you found someone on the internet who agrees the Republicans should throw in the towel?

I can name three such people, and that's looking no further than my Democrat facebook friends. :)

Ricochet is conservative, and, if you've got a real argument with the analysis - and especially a way to win - I'd like to hear it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

deborah said...
Crack, Republicans might be on their way out anyway, at least presidentially.

I really doubt this. It's a two horse race, largely driven by personality and biography but also by the electorate's desire for regular change.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack, Republicans might be on their way out anyway, at least presidentially. Maybe it's best to go out with a bang? Then they can concentrate on Congress and governorships.

Not true. We've got Chris Christie in the dock, and nobody even close to likely beating him - not even Hillary.

Unless you guys decide to "go out with a bang".

That would be to the head, BTW. With a revolver.


The Crack Emcee said...


It's a two horse race, largely driven by personality and biography but also by the electorate's desire for regular change.

That's right. And after a vacillator, we've got another "Decider" (as Bushie Boy used to say).

But that's the one upside to this whole debacle:

It's making Christie's bombast even look reasonable,...

chickelit said...

Your way was tried - it failed. Try another,...

I've been saying for sometime that a lot depends on 2014 (the number you never hear pass the lips of Democrats). I think that the Presidency has usurped too much constitutional power (Bush II included), and the only peaceful political solution is to reassert Congressional authority on many matters.

Are you predicting a Dem sweep in 2014?

deborah said...

No way would Cristy beat Hillary. Cristy would be a gift to the Dems. He's a big mouth with an attitude and I don't think he'll hold up well on the trail. He'll get nasty quick.

Known Unknown said...

What happens, like with the sequester, when a majority of people don't really notice any detrimental effects of the shutdown?

Do they start perhaps to believe that the government is too big?

chickelit said...

Ricochet is conservative, and, if you've got a real argument with the analysis - and especially a way to win - I'd like to hear it.

With a name like that there's no way they can be straight shooters.

chickelit said...

What happens, like with the sequester, when a majority of people don't really notice any detrimental effects of the shutdown?

That's why His Majesty is trying make people feel the pain.

Revenant said...

Ricochet is conservative

That would be impressive if I thought the average conservative was capable of finding his own cock with the aid of both hands and a map.

and, if you've got a real argument with the analysis - and especially a way to win - I'd like to hear it.

My analysis from 5:53 stands as is. There's no need to elaborate on it.

The Crack Emcee said...


No way would Cristy beat Hillary. Cristy would be a gift to the Dems. He's a big mouth with an attitude and I don't think he'll hold up well on the trail. He'll get nasty quick.

Yes he will - and it'll work. He's polling at 72%. 36% amongst blacks. A Republican, deb. A competent Republican, deb.

Huma's deciding if she'll leave Anthony Weiner to be part of the Hillary campaign with Bill's new girlfriend and more CHELSEA!!!!

Nobody will trade one for the other in a million years,...

deborah said...

Just can't see it, but time will tell :)

Revenant said...

We've got Chris Christie in the dock, and nobody even close to likely beating him

It will, indeed, be impossible for anyone to beat Chris Christie in the 2016 Presidential race.

Because he won't be running in it, because the silly fat fuck hasn't got a prayer in hell of getting the nomination.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard that the Obama administration is actively looking for sob stories.

What a president we have.

The Crack Emcee said...


My analysis from 5:53 stands as is. There's no need to elaborate on it.

Oh yes there is, because you still have to explain how you'll make Obama give you anything - much less changes to his signature achievement.

Does he look scared to you? Remember? He doesn't care about style points - he's Michael Jordan with the ball - he's just going to unmercifully beat you silly, with not a care for how un-sportsman-like it looks, or if the ladies in the audience think he's cruel for taking advantage of your almost-Special Olympics level of political ineptitude. You picked this fight.

Now - really - I want to hear how you're going to change that dynamic:

Magical thinking is fun,...

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

I largely agree with Crack. If the real goal was to repeal the ACA then it would have made sense to appear as reasonable as possible to win over the moderate voters with the goal of winning the senate and then the presidency. This short-term tactic only helps the Dems in their goal to block this and possibly win back the house.

More FUD from Troll.

The Demos' taking the House was always a pipe dream.

The Republicans can take the Senate more easily and a few years of ChoomCare will probably do it. Then all they need is a couple of Demos from purple states to push through the repeal.

As for the Presidency, a few more years of the Choom Gang and a very shallow Democrat bench may put that a lot more readily in reach than many here might imagine.

The vote fraud machine is the big issue.

chickelit said...

Yes he will - and it'll work. He's polling at 72%. 36% amongst blacks.

So who's polling at 64% among blacks?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chip @ 7:40


The thing "to sell" immediately is a delay, the same delay given to employers. It must be made clear the president cannot pick and choose through a 7' high piece of legislation paying off cronies. That is unacceptable. Full stop.

That's all the R's in the house are asking.
That's all the American people are asking.
No more special favors for insiders and cronies. No special subsidized health care for government officials.

The Crack Emcee said...


The silly fat fuck hasn't got a prayer in hell of getting the nomination.

Yeah, but right now - from everything that's happened between Romney's nomination and this clusterfuck - your political analysis ain't looking too hot.

Meanwhile, I ain't got no shit on me yet,...

edutcher said...

The Crack Emcee said...


My analysis from 5:53 stands as is. There's no need to elaborate on it.

Oh yes there is, because you still have to explain how you'll make Obama give you anything - much less changes to his signature achievement.

Does he look scared to you? Remember? He doesn't care about style points - he's Michael Jordan with the ball - he's just going to unmercifully beat you silly, with not a care for how un-sportsman-like it looks, or if the ladies in the audience think he's cruel for taking advantage of your almost-Special Olympics level of political ineptitude. You picked this fight.

Choom didn't look scared during Syria, either.

He's losing on this, just as he lost on the sequester - and, yeah, he didn't care how it looked then until it was obvious he wasn't going to get his way.

The issue is less ChoomCare than the economy and any delay is really in his interest, but he's too vain to see it.

The Crack Emcee said...


The thing "to sell" immediately is a delay, the same delay given to employers,...Full stop.

That's all the R's in the house are asking.
That's all the American people are asking.
No more special favors for insiders and cronies. No special subsidized health care for government officials.

Sigh. You guys are being especially dense tonight. One more time:


And, this time, it's your own fault.

Now, please, make your next comment one reflective of that reality,...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Again, I largely agree with Crack. I do think it will be hard to beat Hillary in 2016 because she will bring out a host of new voters as the potential first women president. In 2020 she should be pretty easy to beat, like Bush I.

For Christie the ideal strategy is to run and lose in 2016, see the more polarizing candidate lose, say I told you so and then win in 2020. Maybe there would be a big woman turnout in 2020 to ensure that Hillary is not a one term failure but Is suspect there will be too much Bill and Hillary fatigue by then.

For Hillary the best outcome would be for Bill to die in the first year of office and she rides the sympathy vote to another term.

Hillary is not a very good candidate at a personal level but any sequence of events that result in Bill's death will make her much stronger.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack -
We got nothing when the idiots and cheat machine voted for the HarryReidObamaPelosi statist cabal.

We have nothing NOW.

Revenant said...

Oh yes there is, because you still have to explain how you'll make Obama give you anything - much less changes to his signature achievement.

I don't want to give away the ending, so read the whole thing.

The current Republican proposal combines two things Americans overwhelmingly want: funding for the government, and a delay in the individual mandate.

The Democrats' position is "we refuse to fund the government unless the mandate goes into effect".

Every swing-district Democrat who sticks to that position and refuses to compromise is going to get fucked in the ass with a chainsaw during the 2014 elections. The Republicans, on the other hand, have a beautiful story: each one can honestly say "I voted to fund the government but the Democrats wouldn't sign unless we stuck you with the mandate".

When full repeal of Obamacare was on the table, Democrats had a good position. Most Americans don't want Obamacare fully repealed yet. But even more Democrats hate the mandate. Going to the mattresses to defend the mandate is a dipshit move, politically.

The question isn't "will Obama cave". The question is "will Democrats cave". The answer to that is "yes, if Republicans hold out", because the Republican proposal is reasonable to voters and the Democratic opposition to it is not. The employer mandate is already delayed by Obama fiat -- Congressmen don't want to be standing in front of voters explaining how they gave corporations a break but stuck it to the middle class. Sure, they could do it out of loyalty to Obama... if they had any, which they don't. He's a lame duck and has done nothing to help out Democratic congressmen over the past five years.

Anyway, I guess it is possible that Obama will keep throwing his little temper tantrum even after a compromise bill comes out of committee. But even the most slavishly pro-Obama press won't be able to spin THAT as a Big Mean Republicans story. And you don't actually need a Presidential signature to pass a spending bill.

Does he look scared to you?

Obama's too self-involved to look scared. When he's worried about losing he doesn't get scared, he gets angry and bitchy. He's been quite angry and bitchy this past week or two.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Laurel documented the other day the extreme language and demonization of Republicans coming from the highest levels of the Democratic Party, The new civility: Dems turn public debate into schoolyard taunts:

1. “Unhinged” Arsonists (Wasserman-Schultz)
2. Insane People Who “Have Lost their Minds” (Harry Reid)
3. “People with a Bomb Strapped to their Chest” (aka Terrorists)(Dan Pfeiffer)
4. Blatant Extortionists (Jay Carney)
5. “Legislative Arsonists” (Nancy Pelosi)

Ordinary American? The democrat party hates you.

It's time to take a stand.

Revenant said...

Again, I largely agree with Crack.

Color me entirely surprised that "Republicans should give the Democrats everything they're asking for" is a position you agree with. :)

The Crack Emcee said...


We have nothing NOW.

Not true - you guys are stuck on stupid, is all (How to un-stick you is the problem,...).

Like I said, you're great at ugly tactics - hey, you got me to go away for awhile - but you're no good at long-term strategy. You flit from this to that, claiming everything is a scandal, until YOU are either classified as The Boy Who Cried "Wolf" or crazy.

You actually OPTED for crazy,....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You sound like the democrats. They are all yours.

Revenant said...

Yeah, but right now - from everything that's happened between Romney's nomination and this clusterfuck - your political analysis ain't looking too hot.

I predicted that the Republicans' nomination of a big-government technocrat would cause the tea partiers to stay home and the Republicans to lose. I feel pretty good about that prediction, in retrospect.

You're probably just remembering all the times I made fun of your fruitcake obsession with Mormons, and confusing that with enthusiasm for the Romney campaign. :)

Revenant said...

you're great at ugly tactics - hey, you got me to go away for awhile

To be fair, making fun of you when you suggested Obama was the better candidate wasn't so much "a tactic" as "a reflex".

The Crack Emcee said...

Revenant - from the Ricochet post, because I could've written it, but it's already done. Emphasis mine, of course:

Whatever his faults and shortcomings, Barack Obama cannot be blamed if congressional Republicans ignore poll after poll after poll after poll after poll indicating that, whatever the American people think about Obamacare, they don't want the government to be shut down over an effort to defund it. Furthermore, Barack Obama cannot be blamed for basing his response strategy on a position that sells in the polls, and Republicans can hardly be surprised that the president will take public opinion into account when thinking about how best to counteract Republican demands (though congressional Republicans continue to amaze me by finding ways to be surprised by the bleeding obvious)....

...Oh sure, at the beginning, it was all about defunding Obamacare. But that was never going to happen, and no, it doesn't take hindsight to see that. Now, congressional Republicans say that they might be prepared to settle for an amendment to or repeal of the medical device tax, or a one-year delay in the individual mandate. Raise your hand if you believe, after the display we have been treated to this past week, that the White House will suddenly decide to fold like a cheap tent and give congressional Republicans even this victory. And even if the device tax is repealed (you can forget about the mandate going away), will any congressional Republican be able to sell the public on the idea that it was worth shutting down the government just for this?

It's insanity, squared,...

Rabel said...

"Look, guys, this one is un-winnable."

Crack, you gave us a Star Trek reference and a Willie Wonka, but I'm sure Animal House is more appropriate.

But whoever bombed Pearl harbor, neither side can completely back down at this point.

There will eventually be a small deal that the Republicans can call a compromise and the Democrats and Obama can call a win.

There is one upside for the right. Obama doesn't handle pressure well. Not at all. He's under a lot of pressure right now and he just might pop.

I watched the part of his recent speech in which he made the "fire the striker" gaffe. That was not a cool and confident guy. He was literally dancing on stage.

Let's give him a few days and see if the mask slips a little more.

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
The question isn't "will Obama cave". The question is "will Democrats cave". The answer to that is "yes, if Republicans hold out", because the Republican proposal is reasonable to voters and the Democratic opposition to it is not.

The problem with this analysis is that 20 or so house Republicans have already caved. A vote on a clean CR already wins. I can't understand why the Dem pols have not made more of this.

The Crack Emcee said...


You're probably just remembering all the times I made fun of your fruitcake obsession with Mormons, and confusing that with enthusiasm for the Romney campaign. :)

No, you're forgetting I was always right - I get off on being right - and even the Mormons now know it:

"A wave of doubt and disillusionment among members who encountered information on the Internet that sabotaged what they were taught about their faith."

High-ranking members, across the globe, are done with it. I live in Utah, remember? With a specialty in cults?

I know this shit better than you ever will,...

Icepick said...

Crack is trying to sell me on the idea that more than five black people will ever vote for anyone OTHER than the Democrat in any given election? And he's claiming that HE is the sane one?

And Christie should not be taken seriously after his term as Jersey governor. He has gone out of his way to distance himself from all Republican policies and positions while publicly sucking the shit out of Obama's asshole. I'm sure he'll have a great chance at beating Hillary though - for the Democratic Party nomination, which is what he seems to be angling for. No Republican or conservative should vote for someone that so shamelessly attaches himself to a Democratic President's asshole.

Icepick said...

And Crack, if the Republicans cave now (I believe they will, because I have no faith in the likes of Boehner or McConnell) what can they ever win? Obama and the Democrats have said "Give us everything we want, and then we'll spit in your face." And you think that is what the Republicans should do for the next several years, just give in to everything Obama wants, regardless?

Seriously, if they won't fight now, against a policy that isn't well-liked, what should they fight against?

The Crack Emcee said...


There will eventually be a small deal that the Republicans can call a compromise and the Democrats and Obama can call a win.

I got $5.00 says there will be no deal what-so-ever.


Come on - I need the money.

Revenant said...


Thank you for that fascinating Ricochet rant about how Republicans are IGNORING the polls that CLEARLY SHOW they should STOP DOING the thing they already stopped doing last week.

Like your "demand Ted Cruz end this now" remark at the top of this thread suggests, you appear to have woken up from an eight-day drug bender under the impression that it is still September. If you can't keep up, kid, take some notes.

Icepick said...

I can't take your bet, Crack, because I gave all my spare money to Trooper.

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

The problem with this analysis is that 20 or so house Republicans have already caved. A vote on a clean CR already wins. I can't understand why the Dem pols have not made more of this.

The Democrats haven't made much of "20 Republicans caving" because those Republicans have thus far continued to vote with their party. The latest Republican bill to partially restore funding was voted against by a whole 1 Republican. 23 Democrats voted for it.

The Democratic leadership would look pretty darn silly trumpting "20 Republicans caving" when 19 of the 20 are missing and 23 of their own folks have caved.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Look how this president behaves. Like a big baby.

Obama has slipped to 41% approval.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
if the Republicans cave now (I believe they will, because I have no faith in the likes of Boehner or McConnell) what can they ever win?

How about an election?

Revenant said...

How about an election?

Like the 2012 House races, for example.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

They couldn't win an election when the real unemployment rate had been over ten percent for about four years. If they couldn't win that one, they can't win any of them.

And they certainly have one hell of a narrow margin now that Florida is a blue state. They're spotting the Dems CA, NY and FL, and the Republicans want to turn TX into a blue state too. There aren't enough Wyomings in the country to make up for that mass of blue.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack is trying to sell me on the idea that more than five black people will ever vote for anyone OTHER than the Democrat in any given election? And he's claiming that HE is the sane one?

I repeat - 36% approval for a Republican amongst blacks. I'll also ask you to take a good look at that first photo I used:

That's a leader from the party that freed the slaves - not Mitt Romney's condescending robot bullshit.

Christie can go all the way - easy.

And Christie should not be taken seriously after his term as Jersey governor. He has gone out of his way to distance himself from all Republican policies and positions while publicly sucking the shit out of Obama's asshole. I'm sure he'll have a great chance at beating Hillary though - for the Democratic Party nomination, which is what he seems to be angling for. No Republican or conservative should vote for someone that so shamelessly attaches himself to a Democratic President's asshole.

He did what he had to for his people in a hurricane. Why you guys don't get that - especially the optics in Jersey - is beyond me. Like I said, stuck on stupid.

And Crack, if the Republicans cave now (I believe they will, because I have no faith in the likes of Boehner or McConnell) what can they ever win?

Two points:

1) Boehner's the only good thing we've got up there. Like I said, the crazies make everybody look better, and you guys are pumping up the crazies. Boehner's fine unless you guys screw him, which I won't put past you suicidal fucks.

2) Rather than committing suicide, first, learn how to fight. Any fool will tell you, when fighting a bigger guy, you can't charge him directly - which is all you guys seem to know - repeatedly charging the cannons at Gettysburg. It's silly.

As far as I'm concerned, Barack Obama should never have been president, but you guys fight conventionally and he can outwit you all day playing like that. Remember the Harlem Globetrotters?

You're the Washington Generals.

Seriously, if they won't fight now, against a policy that isn't well-liked, what should they fight against?

The support networks for the party. Targets are everywhere but you guys don't take them seriously. You think they're just my obsessions (which allows you not to even take me seriously) but I'm real big on WWII and the whole We Have To Take Africa To Get To Berlin type of thinking. I've asked this before:

Would Barack have been president, ever, if we had taken out OPRAH years before he came along?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
Like the 2012 House races, for example.

They lost the popular vote.

The Crack Emcee said...


If you can't keep up, kid, take some notes.

Look who's talking:

You seemed to have missed the part that says "you can forget about the mandate going away".

You have no leverage to do anything,...

Revenant said...

They lost the popular vote.

So did Obamacare.

As it turns out, though, it is the individual election results that matter, not mass public opinion.

Revenant said...

You seemed to have missed the part that says "you can forget about the mandate going away".

Despite the similarity in spelling, "missed" is not a synonym for "dismissed".

Anonymous said...

"The extortionists are getting testy with themselves.....

....on Wednesday at a private luncheon, several Senate Republicans — Dan Coats of Indiana, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire — assailed Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who has led the movement to block funding for the health law.

Ms. Ayotte was especially furious, according to two people present, and waved a printout from a conservative group friendly to Mr. Cruz attacking 25 of his fellow Republican senators for supporting a procedural vote that the group counted as support of the health law.

Ms. Ayotte asked Mr. Cruz to disavow the group’s effort and demanded he explain his strategy. When he did not, several other senators — including Mr. Johnson, Mr. Coats and even Mitch McConnell, the minority leader — joined in the criticism of Mr. Cruz.

“It just started a lynch mob,” said a senator who was present."



Icepick said...

Crack, black people haven't voted for a Republican in serious numbers since Nixon ran in 1960. Black people only vote for Democrats, period. They even voted for Obama almost unanimously again in 2012 even though his economy has screwed them more than anyone else. Black people only vote for Democrats. Even vegan transgender lesbian abortionists are more likely to vote for Republicans than blacks are. There's no point in picking a Republican nominee on the off-chance that maybe SIX black people will vote for him, instead of the usual five.

Hell, if the Republicans put together of Condi Rice and Colin Powell for VEEP and POTUS, black will vote at over 90% for the Dems if they nominate the Grand Wizard of the KKK. That's just how it is.

Revenant said...

36% approval for a Republican amongst blacks.

Oh good, so 36 of the 100 black Republicans left in America can be expected to support him in the 2016 primaries.

Now all he has to do is make up for the fact that he's alienated the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, the military conservatives, the Tea Partiers and the libertarians and he'll be a shoo-in for the nom. :)

Revenant said...

Personally, I think Crack's "Christie will be swept to office with the aid of black support" theory is the delicious dessert wine to accompany his "what Obama wants is what's best for Republicans" main course.

Icepick said...

Well, Crack, you've got a serious reading comprehension problem if you think I'm a Republican at this point. I've said the Hell with them. And anyone that thinks Boehner, he that wants to give Obama everything he wants, including about 40 million more Democratic voters in the next decade, is the salvation of the Republican party is fucking insane, or fighting for the other side. Given that you and ARM seem to be in complete agreement these days, that's pretty easy to believe.

So, I can believe that I just happen to know one of the five blacks that have ever voted for a Republican, or I can believe that you are completely full of shit. Decisions, decisions....

And forget his outspokenness against Obama: Can anyone think of any conservatives that Crack has ever said anything good about? The only Republicans he ever says anything good about are those like Boehner and Christie that always role over and take it in the ass whenever the Dems ask them to.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
Hell, if the Republicans put together of Condi Rice and Colin Powell for VEEP and POTUS, black will vote at over 90% for the Dems if they nominate the Grand Wizard of the KKK. That's just how it is.

I think Crack's point, which I also agree with, is that it would be good for blacks to vote for Repubs in greater numbers because it would give them more leverage with both parties and make it less likely that they are taken for granted.

I was disappointed that Powell never seriously ran for the Repub nomination. If Repubs could get 30% of the black vote blacks would be a hell of a lot better off in the long run but it would take someone like Powell to make that happen.

The goal for minority groups, if they are big enough or infuential enough, is to play both sides of the ball. Jewish voters do this very successfully.

Icepick said...

Personally, I think Crack's "Christie will be swept to office with the aid of black support" theory is the delicious dessert wine to accompany his "what Obama wants is what's best for Republicans" main course.

Hmm, I hadn't thought about it in culinary terms. But I'm pretty sure that it's more like warm piss in a Styrofoam cup to go with a runny shit sandwich on moldy Wonder bread. Can any of the gourmands help? Chip? Chick? Trooper would just tell us that he can't eat it anymore anyway.

Icepick said...

Would Barack have been president, ever, if we had taken out OPRAH years before he came along?

This must be the Napolean brandy to have after we retire to the den, Rev.

Exactly how were the Republicans supposed to accomplish this, Crack? Have Dick Cheney shoot her on live TV? Of, that's probably now what you meant. Perhaps by having John Boehner go head-to-head with her on the talk show circuit? Is there anything John Boehner CAN'T do?

The Crack Emcee said...

Icepick & Revenant:

The Daily Caller (conservative, you know) has already seen the light.

You will, too.

Or you can go on losing - your choice,...

Icepick said...

I think Crack's point, which I also agree with, is that it would be good for blacks to vote for Repubs in greater numbers because it would give them more leverage with both parties and make it less likely that they are taken for granted.

Right, I'm sure you've got the best interests of the Republican Party in mind....

And this is who Crack is in agreement with about what would make for good opposition to the Democratic Party.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Icepick said...
Right, I'm sure you've got the best interests of the Republican Party in mind....

I don't particularly, but I would like to see blacks get a fairer shake economically. Their best chance to get a black president was to stick with the Dems and I think this was an critical psychological hurdle but if you read TNC you can see him starting to pivot to economic problems and the recognition that simply having a black president is not going to magically solve these problems. Black voters will probably become more tactical in their voting after Obama, if they do not feel he was demonized simply because of his race.

Revenant said...

If Repubs could get 30% of the black vote blacks would be a hell of a lot better off in the long run but it would take someone like Powell to make that happen.

Plenty of people like Powell have run for the nomination, or even for office. Bob Dole, for example. They didn't get enough of the black vote to matter.

Now, it may be that by "someone like Powell" you meant "someone the same color as Powell". But any person who refuses to vote for a candidate unless he's the right color is exactly the kind of person you *don't* want affiliated with tour party. It scares away the intelligent people with the money.

The Crack Emcee said...


Anyone that thinks Boehner, he that wants to give Obama everything he wants, including about 40 million more Democratic voters in the next decade, is the salvation of the Republican party is fucking insane, or fighting for the other side.

I never said he was anything other than the only adult in the room when Republicans gather. You like the babies throwing tantrums? Fine. Stick with them.

You'll never win anything ever again.

Can anyone think of any conservatives that Crack has ever said anything good about? The only Republicans he ever says anything good about are those like Boehner and Christie that always role over and take it in the ass whenever the Dems ask them to.

First, that's the wrong question (see how easy it is to detect your problem?) the question is, am I right or not?

Second, George W. Bush is my hero, and if it bothers you I'm not drawn to the wingnut contingent, well sorry.

I like to win,...

chickelit said...

Putting this down in my Crack notes:

2012: preached against Romney
2013: Preached against Tea Party

So what is Crack for?

The Crack Emcee said...

I think Crack's point, which I also agree with, is that it would be good for blacks to vote for Repubs in greater numbers because it would give them more leverage with both parties and make it less likely that they are taken for granted.

Nope, that's not my point:

My point is people are drawn to candidates who give a fuck about them.

Blacks haven't been getting that from anybody but Christie,...

Revenant said...

The Daily Caller (conservative, you know) has already seen the light.

Feel free to provide a link to the Daily Caller instead of blog-whoring a link to yourself.

After you've done that, browse up to my comment at 8:48 for a reminder why citing the popularity of an argument with conservative blogs is, in addition to logically fallacious, a silly thing to try on me.

Icepick said...

Crack is for that Hero of Conservatism, George W. Bush, who gave us increased deficits, wars we didn't fight to win, increased social programs, a security state that does more to go after citizens than it does protect us from terrorists, and so on.

Revenant said...

So what is Crack for?

I like to think he's "for my own personal amusement", but it might not just be me.

Icepick said...

First, that's the wrong question (see how easy it is to detect your problem?) the question is, am I right or not?

No, the correct question is, why should conservatives think that you have their best interests at heart? You supported that paragon of big government, George W. Bush, and also Chris Christie and John Boehner, who both never met a Democratic policy they didn't want to vote for, given their druthers.

Revenant said...

Second, George W. Bush is my hero, and if it bothers you I'm not drawn to the wingnut contingent, well sorry.

So many good responses... but they're all too mean.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Nope, that's not my point:

My point is people are drawn to candidates who give a fuck about them.

Blacks haven't been getting that from anybody but Christie,...

Probably because Christie sees an opportunity created by a turn towards more pragmatic tactical concerns on the part of black voters who can legitimately feel somewhat disappointed in the Dems.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

For the record I disagree, vehemently, with Crack on W.

Icepick said...

So many good responses... but they're all too mean.

You're kidding, right?

The Crack Emcee said...

El Pollo Raylan,

So what is Crack for?

You've become Mia Farrow asking what "Lincoln" was about.

Some of you really ought to re-watch that movie to remind yourselves what the title "Republican" means.

It has nothing to do with Mitt fucking Romney and his space opera belief system.

And it has nothing to do with people claiming to be about economics, but when I go to their meetings they're preaching fire and brimstone, and talking about "building Heaven on Earth".

It didn't take me long to see they'd lost it - I study "crazy" so I'm observant that way.

I am a Republican. A member of the party that WAS for my interests and freedom.

I know, some of you prefer something a bit more,...theatrical, but I'll stick with the party of Lincoln, thanks,...

Revenant said...

For the record I disagree, vehemently, with Crack on W.

Don't worry dude, we never doubted you for a second.

Revenant said...

My point is people are drawn to candidates who give a fuck about them.

And yet Barack Obama got lots of middle class white votes. :)

The Crack Emcee said...


Feel free to provide a link to the Daily Caller instead of blog-whoring a link to yourself.

Are you really going to start that stupid shit? Did your widdle fingers have to click TWO WHOLE LINKS to get to the original?

Poor baby, how you suffer,...

Revenant said...

You're kidding, right?

Yeah. It was more that they were all variants on "I know you are but what am I", and I have my standards.

Revenant said...

Are you really going to start that stupid shit? Did your widdle fingers have to click TWO WHOLE LINKS to get to the original?

Sure, Crack, tell yourself it is the number of clicks involved that keeps people away from your little vanity project.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack is for that Hero of Conservatism, George W. Bush, who gave us increased deficits, wars we didn't fight to win, increased social programs, a security state that does more to go after citizens than it does protect us from terrorists, and so on.

Boy, you really are a piece of work - you do remember it was that Bush-bashing from the Right that helped bring Obama to power, don't you? Good job, Einstein:

"Boy, do we miss you," a fan called out after the crowd chanted "43, 43" when he was introduced.

The Crack Emcee said...


Sure, Crack, tell yourself it is the number of clicks involved that keeps people away from your little vanity project.

Keeps people away? I don't know what that means? And aren't all blogs just vanity projects? If so, was that supposed to be a put-down? if so, it's pretty lame, considering.

I mean, I knew that,...

Revenant said...

Boy, you really are a piece of work - you do remember it was that Bush-bashing from the Right that helped bring Obama to power, don't you?

Obama ran for office on a platform best summarized as "Bush sucks moose ass, and have I mentioned how black I am today?".

Both planks in this platform were popular with voters, the latter because of residual white guilt and the former because Bush's popularity rating ranked somewhere between "sex with Rosanne Barr" and "a swift kick square in the balls".

But yeah... it was because the conservatives turned on Bush, ayup. That's why McCain lost. The Bush administration's total lack of anything that could be called "a success" was in no way a contributing factor to that drubbing.

In other news, Jimmy Carter only lost because he was stabbed in the back by Democrats. Reagan was due for a serious ass-kicking until that happened, yessiree.

Revenant said...

But hey, Kerry and Gore would have been worse. And unfortunately I don't mean that sarcastically.

chickelit said...

Crack writes: I am a Republican. A member of the party that WAS for my interests and freedom.

You are like a repulsive force driving people away from the Republican Party. I mean repulsive in an electrostatic sense, not an aesthetic one. A low information voter would look at your blog and conclude: "Vote Obama".

But you don't see that of course.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
My point is people are drawn to candidates who give a fuck about them.

And yet Barack Obama got lots of middle class white votes. :)

I'm white middle class and I'm doing OK under Obama. My retirement portfolio recovered and then some, my house is worth something again, we avoided financial armageddon and I can still buy a car built by a US company.

Revenant said...

Keeps people away? I don't know what that means?

That explains your personality, I suppose. :)

The Crack Emcee said...

El Pollo Raylan,

A low information voter would look at your blog and conclude: "Vote Obama".

But you don't see that of course.

Oh, I see that, but what do I care? If I'm too nuanced for you or anyone else, that's your ignorance in the way, not mine. And I'm not some Right-Wing tool, doing whatever the lemmings do, either. I'm a man.

You've heard of those, haven't you?

Used to be REAL popular,...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Constitutionally, the congress is exercising its power over the purse. Obama cannot appropriate, that power is in the hands of the Congress. If anyone is being recalcitrant, it is the executive.

Its constitution 101.

Obama will not negotiate with the republicans? that only means one thing - the shutdown lays squarely on Obama.

The Crack Emcee said...


That explains your personality, I suppose. :)

Why you old charmer, you! A paragon of personality, you are, yourself!

Does it bother you I have my supporters? People just as sick of your fartknocking attempts to play politics like Big Boys?

How many losses in a row is this for you guys now?

Romney. Trayvon. Benghazi. The I.R.S.. ObamaCare.

Did I miss something? There's more, I'm sure, productive little nymphs that you are.

Oh wait - no - you've actually done nothing but had your hat handed to you repeatedly. Kinda beat up each time, too.


Revenant said...

I can still buy a car built by a US company.

There was never a danger that you wouldn't be able to do that.

Many people have this strange idea that bankruptcy reorganization causes businesses to vanish into thin air. Back here in reality, businesses with successful product lines (even Detroit produces *some* non-shitty cars) and revenue streams always survive in some form.

The Crack Emcee said...


Obama will not negotiate with the republicans? that only means one thing - the shutdown lays squarely on Obama.

Dude, you're still missing the point:

He doesn't have to care - and doesn't.

That's what you have to deal with.

Revenant said...

Does it bother you I have my supporters?

Of course you do. They undoubtedly live in Canada, that's why we don't see them around.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
There was never a danger that you wouldn't be able to do that.

You and the executives at Ford have very different views on this issue. I'm going with the guys at Ford who built my last car, which I love.

The Crack Emcee said...

Does it bother you I have my supporters?

Of course you do. They undoubtedly live in Canada, that's why we don't see them around.

I can see, considering the turn of your argument, you've lost the debate. Fine by me.

Goodnight, Lem:

You really need to find some new friends,....

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lem said...
Obama will not negotiate with the republicans? that only means one thing - the shutdown lays squarely on Obama.

As a point of interest, Obama doesn't have to win any more elections.

Revenant said...

How many losses in a row is this for you guys now? [snip] Trayvon.

Ok, topic change. This I gotta hear. Please, elaborate.

Revenant said...

You and the executives at Ford have very different views on this issue. I'm going with the guys at Ford who built my last car, which I love

American auto industry executives are in favor of free tax money for American auto businesses? I am entirely shocked that they would adopt that position, especially when I don't agree with it.

Revenant said...

I can see, considering the turn of your argument, you've lost the debate. Fine by me

Following up an "I know you are but what am I" with an "I win! I lose!"? Go for the trifecta, dude, accuse me of having girl germs. :)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
American auto industry executives are in favor of free tax money for American auto businesses?

Ford didn't get any money.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh - and Lem:

This thread is a fine example of how you guys lost against Obama - and why he won't negotiate with you.

Seriously, look at Revenant's comments. Do you think, if I was Obama and he was [place name of Right-Wing idiot here] do you think I'd do anything but crush him at this point? Do you think I'd negotiate with him? Care how he looks to his constituents? Care how I looked?

Nope - we'd be on a one-way street, headed for Revenant's graveyard, and causing him as much discomfort as possible during the ride.

So, if you think Rev handled my infrequent visit well, then you have every reason to be optimistic for the future.

But, if not, well at least you know why what's happening is happening,...

Anonymous said...

Crack, they are incapable of recognizing the truth in what you are saying.

Anonymous said...

Lem's place has surpassed Althouse's for viciousness, sorry Lem, not your fault.

Revenant said...

Ford didn't get any money.

I didn't say they did. I did assume you were talking about Ford executives thinking the bailouts were necessary to save the American auto industry, though.

If you weren't, then I'm afraid I don't see what you're getting at. You're thankful to Obama that you can buy a Ford, even though Obama had nothing to do with your ability to buy a Ford? Schwa?

Revenant said...

Do you think, if I was Obama and he was [place name of Right-Wing idiot here] do you think I'd do anything but crush him at this point?

Obama couldn't even crush Assad, despite him being hated by approximately the entire population of Earth and getting caught red-handed using weapons of mass destruction. Despite the leaderships of both parties having hard-ons for war. Couldn't close the deal.

Harry Reid worries the Republicans. Nancy Pelosi worries the Republicans. Barack Obama would be hard-pressed to scare his own kids at this point. He's an amateur and a lame duck President. Nobody has reason to care what he thinks, because he's got no political muscle to exert.

I get it. You think he's Black Jesus and all bow before his unstoppable genius. Meanwhile he hasn't won a significant legislative battle since Obamacare passed. Its cute how scared you are of him, but don't be.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant, you are all over the place. You throw out talking points that can't be fully justified and then back-track in an argumentative fashion rather than examine your underlying assumptions. Crack has some valid points. I obviously don't agree with everything he has to say but he represents a significant fraction of the Republican party.

Revenant said...

Revenant, you are all over the place. You throw out talking points that can't be fully justified and then back-track in an argumentative fashion rather than examine your underlying assumptions.

I am won over by your total lack of examples or supporting evidence of any kind as to my misdeeds.

Crack has some valid points.

He's repeating your own talking points almost verbatim. I would certainly hope YOU think they're valid, but the rest of us are less impressed by them. :)

I obviously don't agree with everything he has to say but he represents a significant fraction of the Republican party

Concern troll is concerned.

Icepick said...

Crack has great allies for a reasonable Republican party in Inga and ARM. Now just as soon as the Republicans purge their ranks of all voters that believe in God, all voters that believe in limited government, all voters that believe in fiscally conservative finances, all that believe in economic liberty, and so on, and get all the Ingas that want to vote for Republicans but are otherwise scared shirtless by anyone that isn't a party-line Democrat, only THEN will the Republicans win.

This is an even better recipe for success than the plan of pissing off all white voters in order to win 30% of the Mexican vote.

Anonymous said...

I would encourage ARM, Ritmo, Phx and any other liberal types that wandered over here to wander back to Althouse. She has turned off moderated comments for now. There is still a much larger base of commenters there, with discussion not plummeting to the depths of personal attacks, as there are here. I understand that in the past the very same bad actors who have brought the level if civility down here, did so on Althouse. I'm fairly certain she won't let that happen again, and that's a good thing.

ARM you want decent back and forth without the rediculously bad behavior, come back to Althouse. More liberal voices needed there, they are wasted on these people. And the commenters here that have been worth interacting with are already back at Althouse and no longer comment here, have you noticed? Sorry Lem, I really like you and respect what you tried to do here, but it's failed and become an echo chamber, with the voices being vile, mean and incredibly disrespectful. If I were you Lem, I'd shut down this place and come back to Althouse full time.

chickelit said...

Inga has stated her new mission and we have been warned.

KCFleming said...

I wish Althouse well. She has made her opinion of me quite clear. Good luck in your efforts, Inga.

Icepick said...

Inga, you keep saying you're going away, but you keep NOT going away. Go away, you psychotic bitch, and stay away.

deborah said...

Chick, 'her' new mission or her original mission lol.

KCFleming said...

It's her missionary position.

Anonymous said...

I said liberals. The rest of you stay here, please, thank you in advance.

virgil xenophon said...

Yeah, Inga, Althouse really has the courage of her convictions. First it was that people only came to read her, so no comments while the new, "liberated" Althouse would concentrate on more finely honing her writing; then it was "moderation"; now moderation is off. Why do you think that is so? It's because her page-views were in the now she is, inter alia admitting she was profoundly wrong and that, unlike her original argument, comments ARE an integral part of her blogs success--something she had previously and forcefully denied..

So much for intellectual honesty..

Chip S. said...

And the commenters here that have been worth interacting with are already back at Althouse and no longer comment here, have you noticed?

The people Inga finds worth interacting with have gone back to TOP? Well then, it seems like a good time to drop a comment here:

What virgil xenophon said, times 10^100 or thereabouts.

Chip S. said...

Re Crack's demand for a Grand Strategy, anyone who understood the first damn thing about US politics would know that the "impasse" will be resolved on the basis of numbers like these.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

And numbers like these.

Chip S. said...

When Matt Yglesias says the data speak for themselves (as at ARM's link), one thing you can be sure of is that the data are subject to multiple interpretations.

What odd logic leads people to conclude that the inability of two sides to agree is obviously the fault of one particular side?

The fact is that Obamacare is unpopular, and increasingly obviously a gigantic clusterfuck. The shutdown ends as soon as the Dems agree to postpone this disaster. Why should the Reps cave?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
Why should the Reps cave?

Ignoring for the moment the hysterical over reaction to a modest increase in health insurance coverage, the issue now is who is doing themselves the most electoral damage. Clearly a lot of mainstream Republicans believe that there ship is taking on water at the fastest rate. It's time for a free vote on a clean CR.

Free, free the clean CR.

Chip S. said...

Obama's transparent attempts to generate hysteria via Shutdown Theater demonstrates his fear to my satisfaction.

Also his petulance and divisiveness, but those have been obvious for quite a while.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Good discussion by Douthat of the causes of the current impasse.

I have some sympathy for constraints on the size of government but am also appalled by our current health care system, which gives us the worst of all worlds, too expensive and immoral. This is not a good fight for small government types.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip S.,

Re Crack's demand for a Grand Strategy, anyone who understood the first damn thing about US politics would know that the "impasse" will be resolved on the basis of numbers like these.

Nope - first you have to make him care. You didn't understand his comment, during Syria, about "style points", did you? Like most black people, Obama has the ability to completely ignore the expectations of whites, so I wouldn't hold my breath that not being liked will make much of an impression.

Actually, now that I've mentioned it, I think that's probably been your mistake all along:

You guys are so removed from blackness you can't read the president's actions or motives.

And that, too, would be all your fault.

No wonder you're at such a disadvantage,...

Revenant said...

There's some interesting data in those Gallup polls if you dig a little deeper. There has been a huge drop in the confidence Democrats have in the economy, and a somewhat smaller drop among Republicans -- but among independents, there has been no significant change at all.

The swings in the overall confidence rating over the past years are driven by Democrats and Republicans; the Independent line is very flat. Aside from an anomalous "surge" to -8 in June of this year they've been bouncing around -20 or so for 12 months. Now they're at -22.

This actually bodes well for Republicans, if the trend holds. Democratic voters are panicking more than Republican voters are, and swing voters hardly at all.

Revenant said...

I have some sympathy for constraints on the size of government but am also appalled by our current health care system, which gives us the worst of all worlds, too expensive and immoral. This is not a good fight for small government types.

It is an excellent fight for the small government types. The government exercises control over every aspect of that "expensive and immoral" health care system you're complaining about. Health care was much cheaper before the government started "making it cheaper" in the mid-20th century.

But of course a certain kind of people will always think "we've been increasing government control of healthcare for eighty years and things keep getting worse! Quick, increase government control of healthcare some more!" :)

Chip S. said...

Dearest Crack,

If the polling numbers keep trending anti-Obama, the Dem senators in any purple states will get wobbly on Reid. That won't have jack shit to do w/the Authentic Blackness Obama picked up during his years of oppression at Punahou, Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard.

Revenant said...

How does a half-white guy raised by white people in Hawaii learn to "think black"? Guess it's genetic.

Chip S. said...

The "impasse" in a nutshell:

There are 21 US Senate seats up for re-election in 2014 that are currently held by Democrats, with more than half of those being vulnerable.

Details here.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

NYT: "The House, in a rare Saturday session, voted unanimously to guarantee that federal workers will receive back pay once the government shutdown ends, offering a promise of relief if not an actual rescue to more than 1 million government employees either furloughed or working without pay."

This is pathetic. They are paying people not to work. Not exactly a sign of strength or sound fiscal management.

ndspinelli said...

Can Leisure Suit Larry be far behind? As much as I dislike Annie, I believe she would shit if she knew that psychotic LPN was over here shilling. That's like a Nazi doing German travel ads in Israel.

ndspinelli said...

Obama is @ 41 approval rating in Gallup! Folks aren't buying he's being the adult. Well, critical thinkers aren't.

Revenant said...

They are paying people not to work.

You say that like it's a change from business as usual.

chickelit said...

Crack wrote: Nope - first you have to make him care.

Can you even image anyone saying that about Nixon or Clinton?

We have to get on "his" radar!

The sheer audacity of Crack's statement -- and that anyone could respect that in a leader--is astounding.

That is precisely what someone would say about a dictator.

Chip S. said...

That is precisely what someone would say about a dictator.

But he's not a Mormon, so it's cool.

Icepick said...

Nope - first you have to make him care.

See, this is why the IRS scandal doesn't matter. First, you have to make Obama care.

This is why an Ambassador being murdered by terrorists doesn't matter. First, you have to make him care.

This is why blaming terrorist attacks on YouTube videos doesn't bother Obama. First, you have to make him care.

This is why all the fuck-ups with the ObamaCare implementation doesn't bother Obama. First, you have to make him care.

Icepick said...

It's great when you don't have to give a shit about anything.

Revenant said...

What makes Crack's weird vision of Obama particularly reprehensible is that he's spinning it as a "black" thing. Obama's just too black to give a shit what you want, y'all.

If black people were really the way they are in Crack's insane world-view, non-blacks should not only be uniformly anti-Obama, but uniformly against letting black people vote. Or carry weapons. Or have any position of responsibility at all.

In Crack's mind, black people really are the moral degenerates the Klan claims they are.

Chip S. said...

Not giving a shit would be an improvement over nonstop petty vindictiveness.

Guildofcannonballs said...

There is a sadly justified criticism of "minority" groups-- which by definition are always larger and more powerful than me--being more problematic to be elected into positions of power via figurehead because accusations of sheer bigotry will blunt both legitimate and other-than criticism.

Of course, Justice Thomas faced such struggles and became what some have claimed is "the greatest living American," a concept which I could defend several ways not including our military.

deborah said...

I think Crack is saying you need to get Obama to care politically. Have him over a barrel.

Obama adopted his black cadence inbetween Columbia and Harvard Law IIRC:


Guildofcannonballs said...

Republicans when faced with a Lowell Weiker kick him. Linc Chaffe him.

Democrats figure to keep The POTUS safe hire a buffoon to prevent what Don Corleone spoke with regards to.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip S.,

"If the polling numbers keep trending anti-Obama, the Dem senators in any purple states will get wobbly on Reid."

My beloved Chip, not on the issue they've been working toward since Roosevelt, delivered by an "authentic" black man. (Wow - we're French now) They have no higher consideration. You can't win.


How does a half-white guy raised by white people in Hawaii learn to "think black"? Guess it's genetic.

Kinda. See, when Soul Food is rubbed on the skin, the grease mixes with the melanin, producing a paste that's rubbed on the forehead, resulting in a black telekinesis that allows us to telegraph our collective experience into a unitary one, thus resulting in Obama's African half having American "black" thoughts. (His white half got it's ass kicked years ago. Michelle, wasn't having it. Nothing personal, it just got creepy in bed.)

El Pollo Raylan,

"Can you even image anyone saying [you have to make him care] about Nixon or Clinton?"

Nope. That bad racial blood isn't really a factor between whites. You guys have made it a factor with Obama by being clueless to it. You'd rather prove you don't give a shit than accept someone else does.

"We have to get on 'his' radar!"

If you want to figure 'him' out.

"The sheer audacity of Crack's statement -- and that anyone could respect that in a leader--is astounding."

I never said I respected it. I said I understand it. You are practically incomprehensible in how dense you can be. You want to fuck with him? Fuck with him. He'll push back. Go outside and try it on a black guy. I betcha, that's how it'll work.

That is precisely what someone would say about a dictator.

No, this is what you say about someone exasperated by trying to operate with a group of people who are so used to getting their way - which rarely is to your people's benefit unless they "struggle" for it - that they appear unhinged, and on occasion, inhuman. As all Americans now can, post-Reconstruction.

Obama's not trying to dominate, or settle scores, though. You're just being unreasonable, as he sees you historically already, and he sees to no reason to bow to that - he's the president.

If you don't want to acknowledge American reality with that mock outrage - How DARE he! - be my guest, but it ain't gonna get you much with anybody not as out of it as you are.

The Crack Emcee said...


It's great when you don't have to give a shit about anything.

That's true - it's quite freeing.

I wish you guys wouldn't keep putting him in that position because, when you're expecting a responsible response, the result may disappoint you.

Guildofcannonballs said...

As far as Althouse I am a fan. Please understand. I think the reportage during the protests was admirable.

I have not accomplished that much.

You can focus on metrics if you wish. I am unable to understand more than elementary mathematics. I apologize here and now for my ignorance.

When I accomplish more than Althouse's reportage during the demonstrations at her Capitol I might indeed become more harsh in my declarations regarding her and her generation's mindset's harm.

The Crack Emcee said...


In Crack's mind, black people really are the moral degenerates the Klan claims they are.

Yeah, somebody's lower than white guys in sheets, killing innocent people in the dead of night under a burning cross.

Tell us another one, Revenant.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why in God's name are there not numerous competing hagiography's of Sir Ronald Magnamus Reagan?

Liberals are correct in the minuscule as art that changes attitudes isn't supported and fails.

Icepick said...

So Crack's great political advice to Republicans is to do everything Obama says, piss on core constituencies, and then ride to electoral victory on the back of 30% of the black vote and Inga.


Guildofcannonballs said...

Obama's mastery of us puppets is less than satisfactory than other thoughts contained within this here now.

The Crack Emcee said...


So Crack's great political advice to Republicans is to do everything Obama says, piss on core constituencies, and then ride to electoral victory on the back of 30% of the black vote and Inga.


Icepick, I don't know you, so whether or not you're stupid, or just possess some amazing ability to reduce everything to "retarded" is just one aspect of your charm. Whichever it is, no, that is not my advice to my party. My advice would be more like:

1) Give up this insane charade, because it is insane, and try to reestablish your credibility by showing your my race-for-another race replacement, Mr. Cruz, the door. Not only does his presence make you look like an even bigger racist (All that screaming, "We HAVE to find a Hispanic!" nailed your ass before you knew anybody was listening) but the man's stupid and, placed next to Rand Paul and Paul Ryan, the resemblance to The Three Stooges isn't helpful, overall, to the impression white Republicans are especially competent.

I know - Ted was "destined by God" for leadership - but you must accept there's just one little kink in that plan:

God doesn't seem to want him anymore.

2) Remind your "core constituencies," such as they are, that the point of political exchange is to WIN and unless they can connect their desires to those of the nation's - which includes we hated blacks - stay home and keep your mouths shut. Maybe have some tea and think of Jesus. Anything, but fucking things up any longer.

3) Find someone who lives in the real world - not on another planet with multiple "spiritual wives" or claiming he and his maker are on speaking terms - and try running him for a change.

4) Stop actively trying to be assholes.

The last one's the most difficult to achieve, I understand, but - Republican to Republican:

Yes We Can,....

The Crack Emcee said...

And BTW - since, for some completely unknown reason, no modern Republican has ever gotten above 15% with his fellow citizens of a darker hue - I wouldn't be too quick to fuck that up with your piss poor narcissistic outlook. I mean, you never know:

Blacks might even start thinking about you for a change, too.

In case you haven't heard, we're real big on change,...

Guildofcannonballs said...


Revenant said...

no modern Republican has ever gotten above 15% with his fellow citizens of a darker hue

The Republican Party has done better in the fifty years since black voters abandoned them than it did in the fifty years previous to that.

Just an observation.

The Crack Emcee said...


The Republican Party has done better in the fifty years since black voters abandoned them than it did in the fifty years previous to that.

Just an observation.

No, not "just an observation" but another little racial dig that you think is charming (because other white racial resentment-mongers agree) but instead alienates any black within miles and labels you as someone too immature and annoying to be worth working with in any way - if you're not a racist.

"Why won't they negotiate with us?"

That's why.

Revenant said...

No, not "just an observation" but another little racial dig that you think is charming

It isn't a dig at your race, it is a dig at your obsession with your race.

I'm sure you can't tell the difference, because you're you. But there it is. :)

The Crack Emcee said...

Yeah - like I'm not the guy who told the rest of you to shut up about race for years.

Now I'm the one who's obsessed once I join the conversation and disagree with you.

You people are nuts,...

Revenant said...

I have no memory of whether or not you used to be race-obsessed. I've always considered you a fruitcake and spare little attention to what you do. You're race-obsessed now, and that's what I'm commenting on. Before you were, if I recall correctly, Mormon-obsessed. You've always got some new hobby horse to bang on about.

Revenant said...

I have no memory of whether or not you used to be race-obsessed. I've always considered you a fruitcake and spare little attention to what you do. You're race-obsessed now, and that's what I'm commenting on. Before you were, if I recall correctly, Mormon-obsessed. You've always got some new hobby horse to bang on about.

The Crack Emcee said...


I have no memory of whether or not you used to be race-obsessed. I've always considered you a fruitcake and spare little attention to what you do. You're race-obsessed now, and that's what I'm commenting on. Before you were, if I recall correctly, Mormon-obsessed. You've always got some new hobby horse to bang on about.

I'm not race-obsessed, you moron, I"M FUCKING WITH YOU.

God, you're stupid,...

The Crack Emcee said...

And I wasn't Mormon obsessed - you were going to give them power.

That was a responsibility, not an obsession.

Notice they're not even on my radar anymore? That's because you don't understand shit - you just say/think you do and go on that as the "truth".

I live in Utah you fool.

You're like the dumbest guy in the bunch of dummies,...