Monday, August 19, 2013

"This man refused to open his eyes"

Mug Shots from the 1920's.

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Gwyneth, is that you?



AllenS said...

I wanted to see all of the images, however, they were loading so slow, I couldn't stick around.

Sydney said...

When ‘Harry Leon Crawford’, hotel cleaner of Stanmore was arrested and charged with wife murder he was revealed to be in fact Eugeni Falleni, a woman and mother, who had been passing as a man since 1899. In 1914, as ‘Harry Crawford’, Falleni had married the widow Annie Birkett. Three years later, shortly after she announced to a relative that she had found out ‘something amazing about Harry’, Birkett disappeared.

How the heck does that happen?!

rhhardin said...

Always wear your business suit and smile for your mug shot.

Tom DeLay proved that.

rhhardin said...

The curiosity factor seems to be responsible for a lot of traffic delays, speaking of delay.

chickelit said...

Interesting that the face of crime was more white and female back then.

edutcher said...

The usual suspects.

rhhardin said...

Althouse is going on about M*A*S*H movie vs TV series.

I don't remember which was better, neither particularly.

The movie Catch-22 was a huge disappointment though.

They missed the point of the book.

The book was a commentary not on war but on organizations. Everybody in an organization related to the book.

Except Hollywood people, who thought it was an anti-war book.

Also book reviewers, who wrote things like the Yossarian character lacks development.

In general, skip the movie is good advice.

Did anybody try Carell and Hathaway Get Smart?

There's a dance scene, where 99 dances with a villian and the still-unwanted Max picked out a very heavy Russian woman to dance with, in sort of a dance-off contest to see who had the best moves.

The scene is amusing but strangely fits the plot very exactly.

Lit crit : the heavy Russian lady represents the still feminist 99 and shows Max's ability to deal with her anyway.

Something 99 notices with a beginning of admiration.

Revenant said...

Interesting that the face of crime was more white and female back then

1920s New South Wales didn't have a lot of non-white people in it.

Dante said...

"Convicted in October 1924 of making counterfeit coins, and of having a coining instrument (ie a mould) in his possession, for which he was sentenced to two years imprisonment with hard labour."

Yeah. That's the ticket.

sakredkow said...

Sorry to see that. She looks like a fine woman.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Woah. I was able to click on the link and take a look around.

That's a serious dose of humanity, not for the faint of heart, that is, kinder, gentler people like me.

No, wait. I just thought of a caption: "THIS PENIS MAKES BUNNY CRY."

Now all I need is a photo.

deborah said...

The Catch-22 movie was great, though it's been many years since I've seen it. It gets across the idea of army bureacracy just fine. Arkin was perfect in the role.

I loved the MASH movie and book, as well as the series.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

When they showed the MASH movie on TV they blurred out the wall of sanitary napkins in the storage room where two guys have a punch out or something.

I remember that.

deborah said...

rh, since you like Carell and stories about organizations, you should look at clips of The Office on youtube to see if you'd like the series. I think it's hilarious.

deborah said...

I still kink of cringe when I think of that MASH movie.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Self-murder is painless" not only doesn't fit the meter, it's also stupid and desperate-sounding.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Actually, now that I think about it, it's just stupid and desperate-sounding, more or less.

deborah said...

Alda's MASH movie, I mean. He was very hurt by its reception.

rhhardin said...

Bailing hay by hiring highschool students

Bailing hay with professionals

Also, in formation.

deborah said...

rh, it's ok if you don't get it. My kids watched for years before I got into it.

rhhardin said...

It's not Carrel or Hathaway but the plot, though they do the thing very nicely.

Guy who is interested in being a good agent paired with feminist career agent.

rhhardin said...

It's James Bond with a permanent love interest and better dialog.

I don't think a sequel is possible, which was Bond's problem for the writers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"The cappuccino machine is only for agents". A reference to Glenn Gary Glenn Ross (1992)

Watching Get Smart the movie, right now.

I selected the regular version. The other version with alternative scenes would take a lot longer.


deborah said...

Glenn Gary Glen Ross is an intense mood movie with a fab ensemble cast.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The scene with Bill Murray in a tree is hilarious.

rhhardin said...

I think the alternate scenes aren't as good as what they went with.

That is, they always chose what went with the story.

edutcher said...

The guy who created Hymie the Robot for "Get Smart" is the one who played Steve on "The Virginian".

He had to find a second career as a writer using his real name after he'd been all but blacklisted from acting.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks Rh. I enjoyed it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

For a minute there, when the Jaws look alike character was introduced in the plane I thought it might be Tony Robins.

Tony Robins would have been funnier.