Monday, August 19, 2013



I meant to say the empeach, the peaches are very good right now.

This happens every year. You have one week. Two at best. Then it's over, baby, it's over. For a whole 'nuther year. And you know what? They're not so different from mangos.

Cobbler would be easier. That's one of my favorite things. You can probably use refrigerator biscuits, if you're scared of making those. But I would do buttermilk biscuits loaded up with butter.

So that gives me the idea of mango cobbler.  


edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Impeach is good, too.

Especially since the Demos must be getting scared.

The Impeach Protesters got a visit from Solly an' da boys.

I didn't know you could be a mobster and a cop at the same time.

Only in Obamamerikkka.

roger said...

best peaches are our west in northern utah. we will bottle and process for home canning usually 75 or 80 quarts in mason jars.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow. That's a lot of peaches.

How about this? Okay, open your mind a little bit like a funnel and allow this little something odd. It's related.

Toni, a woman, likes plum wine. We noticed there were two types available at the time, one very nice, the other not nice. Then we discovered they are plum flavored regular grape juice wine. But she still likes the good one.

Then my dad gave us a recycled dark bottle written in his distinct everyday handwriting indistinguishable from his extra careful calligraphic handwriting, on piece of masking tape with the obvious tears hanging off, the single word, "plum," and we knew immediately this cannot be good.

He beamed, "From the tree in the back yard."

Months elapsed before we were sufficiently desperate to try it, and how wrong we were in our presumptions, it was the best wine I have ever tasted, and that is a fact.

I do recall the carboys in the basement, the hydrometers and tubing and recall thinking at the time a disaster in progress, but I was wrong there too. He didn't know what he was doing, just experimenting, and he never knew or fully appreciated how excellent his batch of plum wine was and he never repeated that.

I'll bet you can do that same thing with peaches and it would be great.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm peachy keen with this post.

sakredkow said...

I said it before and I'll say it again. You're a peach.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"You're a peach."

I thought that was something you tell a girl exclusively.

It apparently is not.

There is only one entry. I take it that's a sign of stare decisis... or something. in English, stare and confirm. or is that the supreme court confirmation hearings?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You inspired me Chip!

The rule of Lemnity said...

If its true that "We always fight the last war", my impression is that while Nixon made it easier to make the call to impeach Clinton. The Clinton impeachment outcome may have made it harder, if not impossible, to impeach Obama.

The Obama offences have to be grave and simple to understand.

Anonymous said...

Impeach Obama.

Anonymous said...

Benghazi beats anything about Watergate hands down. The IRS scandal beats any of the secondary Watergate scandals hands down.

The problem is not that the charges must be grave and simple to understand. The charges must be covered by an investigative free press that does not exist with respect to a progressive black POTUS.

Instead we have a press complicit in protecting the President.

Anonymous said...

Impeach Obama.

rhhardin said...

Are your peaches fuzzy.

The Imus go-to line in the early days.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The nectarine is the Rodney Dangerfield of stone fruit.

rhhardin said...

NY state health authorities are issuing an alert for a rare untreatable always-fatal tick-borne disease.

That's another reason to have vast flocks of chickens roaming the countryside, like in the age of the dinosaurs.

The Indians ate them all and now we have ticks.

Cody Jarrett said...

rh, I was under the impression it was the early settlers that decimated the vast chicken herds of yore. The government put a 2 cent per beak bounty on them and the rest was history.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I had a fourth grade teacher who told the class that the ideal complexion for a young lady was "peaches and cream."

In her defense, I have to add that she was an old white lady.

Every morning she'd start the school day by reading out loud a passage from the bible.

It was a public school, 1969 or so.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I very much preferred the 4th grade teacher I had for advanced reading.

She was young and we did calisthenics in class. She'd lead us in "Simon Says."

She never made me stand out in the hallway as punishment for talking out-of-turn in class as did the other one.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

A search of "peaches and cream complexion"

Cody Jarrett said...

Some people say peaches and cream is light skin, rosy cheeks. Others say it's just washed fresh scrubbed.

Unknown said...

Guilty pleasure that works equally well with not-so-good peaches....

Grease an oblong pan or glass dish, put in a generous layer of peaches. Open a yellow cake mix box and pour it over. Take a stick of butter and slice it, scattering the pats of butter around the dish. Bake at 350 degrees until done, (30 or 40 minutes I think....don't remember. But you will know.)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Peaches and Cream Complexion Rule 5

Cody Jarrett said...

Do mangos cook well? I don't think they do, but I'm not sure. Chips? Palladian?

ndspinelli said...

I was in Chicago this weekend and had lunch @ a Corner Bakery. For those who don't have one near you, it's a chain of restaurants that serve breakfast and lunch in urban areas. I love them. They gave me another reason on Sunday. My beef w/ restaurants this time of year, when GREAT local tomatoes are plentiful and cheap, is that they continue to serve horseshit Sysco red round things called tomatoes. Corner Bakery has a prominent sign stating they serve fresh local tomatoes this time of year. I had a BLT and it was superb. A breath of fresh air in corporate restaurants.

Unknown said...

With good peaches, a pie like that would be amazing. I wouldn't waste good ones on a cobbler (especially my dump recipe.)

Both the crust itself, and your photo of it, are enviable, Chip.

ndspinelli said...

Cody, I grill mangoes all the time are they're even sweeter!

ndspinelli said...

I make a grilled mango relish w/ avocado, grilled corn, leeks, lime, olive oil that's a great accompany to fish or chicken.

ndspinelli said...

A slice of peach in wine or grappa is a dago treat. My elders would let me eat the peach as a child.

deborah said...

Jeeze that Chip is a show-off...highlighting his flaky crust, and all ;(

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, How does one spell flaky crust? L A R D.

Cody Jarrett said...

I've only had grappa a couple of times but can't imagine it with peach.

deborah said...

Absolutely, Nick, since they messed with Crisco.

deborah said...

I take that back, Nick. I can still get a flaky crust with the new Crisco, but if I put a little bit of new Crisco on my tongue, it has a different feel...mushier.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We had too many peaches one year and were sick of peach cobbler, pies and other desserts...

Try Peach BBQ Sauce

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I can't see the pictures right now, but if you're talking empeach, it should be peach empanadas

deborah said...

DBQPBBQ? Looks awesome.

ken in tx said...

Guess which state produces more peaches, Georgia or South Carolina?

deborah said...

I'm going to have to go with S. Carolina :)

My Ohio aunt calls her four Georgia grand-kids her Georgia Peaches.