Tuesday, July 30, 2013

line up

line up, line up
row, row, people in line
row, row, line up
get in line
two separate signs
for emphasis

No reason.  

I wondered why the previous things posted already, and I did see the schedule say EST and wondered, "Hey! Im in the middle, not the East Coast," that's what I wondered. And now I realize, it really meant it when it said that.  Me park bad all time. 

The word for line is your two pinkies touch then pull apart and it really does look like a line, and if you wiggle them then it means spaghetti.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night we watched "Identity Thief" (2013), with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy.

It was okay, I guess, watchable for the most part.

But there should be a word to describe movies where you have to get up to go to the bathroom or something and your spouse says "Do you want me to put it on pause?" and you say, "No, don't bother, if I miss something good you can back it up."

Anyway, Melissa McCarthy did this bit where she was singing obnoxiously along with the car radio and every time Jason Bateman would change the station to get her to stop it'd be a song more obnoxious than the one before.

When they got to that "My Milkshake" song, well, . . ., that was pretty funny.

Just wanted to say that.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Chip, I hope it's OK if I ask a somewhat personal question--just ignore if it's not--are you hearing impaired or did you just learn sign language for the fun of it? Just curious. I like learning how creative some of them are. Like for Quakers. Not sure if I learned that from you or elsewhere.

Chip Ahoy said...

My hearing is fine. I think. I picked this up as a little kid from a card my mum passed to me and it turned out to be useful. It took hold fairly fast and within a few months I was being asked to interpret job-related classes since I was hanging around the print shop where deaf men worked trying to be invisible anyway, by no means expert but I did it.