Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The times, they are a-changin'.

The Democrats have trotted out their old warhorses one last time. And it's probably going to be the last time. The only 2 Demos to serve as 2 term Presidents since Harry Truman and their only official Co-President have had little, if any, success in rallying the faithful.

The Hildabeast went on a podcast to tell the world we need to junk the First Amendment. Lurch quickly followed suit. All either did was vindicate the voting public for rejecting them.

Then came Zippy, he of the silvern voice and the inability to form a simple declarative English sentence without idiot cards. Having nothing better to say, he tried the old bitter clinger routine on black males and only reminded them how his brothahs ended his Administration calling him halfa cracka.

Lastly, there has been Willie, looking like Hell and sounding worse, who channeled his inner Orval Faubus and reminded the world the young Laken Riley might still be alive "if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened".

The irony here is that the Ozero ego's insistence on clearing the party of anyone who might outshine The Won has worked far better than could ever have been envisioned.

On t'other side of the aisle, Donald Trump is younger than Springtime, having survived betrayal, lawfare (the appellate courts in NY have struck down those 34 counts), 3 (or is it 4?, or 5?) assassination attempts, and is appearing before cheering crowds, the idol of milions, with a disintegrating opponent, and a clear field of fire.

The order is rapidly fadin' For the times they are a-changin'

Friday, October 11, 2024

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Are we due?

You may or may not have heard (Troop certainly has) Donald Trump is having another rally in NY, Madison Square Garden, to be specific.

In theory, NY is the bluest of states yet Trump is wasting his time doing a rally there. Why, you ask.

Granted, his campaign has placed VA, NM, and NH on Flip Watch. MI is said to be underwater for the Demos (which propbably ends the Obersturmbannfuhrerin's political career), WI and MN are looking to be within reach. PA is no longer in doubt.

And so on. Some people are even talking Reagan landslide. And then there are those signs popping up in Gotham.

Consider the possibility NY and NJ are also flippable. Stuff and nonsense, you may say.

Then look at where the Demos are right now. The Chlamydia campaign is so far underwater, they can see the Japanese ships at Truk. Fake News, having given her several venues to save the day, appears to be trying to position her for all the blame when the smoke clears on 11/6.

So, what happens if this continues for the next month? If NY and NJ flip, what states won't? Even CA appears to be mightily sick of Governor Nuisance.

Which brings us back to the Garden. Trump knows something. Something, if the Demos know, they don't dare discuss. Once Chlamydia bombed on Oprah and then challenged Trump to another debate, it was a sign the word salads were toast, as it were. Now she's blundered the View, 60 Minutes, Colbert, and even Howard Stern.

The crack in the dyke may have become a great gaping hole. Perhaps not something measurable, but something felt, Out on the hustings

Butler, Helene, FEMA, the Secret Service, the good ol' boys down in the hollars doin' the Christian thang, and a few other happenings would appear to be the beginning of a paradigm shift.

A week from now the view may be lots clearer.

And to the Eeeevilllll For Which They Stand

Well, by now the world's heard about David Axelrod chortling over how the Demos have left western NC to twist slowly in the wind. Because much of it is R. And they likely won't get to vote a month from now.

People have lost parents, children, spouses, in some cases whole families. FEMA is confiscating supplies from civilians trying to help. Only a few men from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions are being allowed to help.

This, by now, is intentional. They are letting people die.

For politics. 

I keep wondering if this is to provoke an incident to give them the excuse to impose martial law. Worked for Hitler. And what's left of his fan club certainly is capable of it


Saturday, October 5, 2024

On Much Needed Help & Ninnies at the Helm

Is any of this true?  Even these figures turn out to be off by millions, or even thousands, the disparity would still be horrendous to consider.

A commenter elsewhere used the word "ninny" which I found, upon looking it up, describes a silly foolish person.  And it seemed like a fit with the silly, foolish behavior and responses the KA-mala's been rolling out, along with a Commander in Chief who doesn't know which storm or what strike is the current topic of concern.   Ninnies at the top and all the way down.   

On Misnomers & Missing from the Meme


And, from Powerline's Pics of the Week, the meme that made me laugh:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Beast Predicts a Surprise

On somebody's podcast, the Hildabeast predicted an October Surprise. For those old enough, the first was supposed to be a deal to get the embassy hostages free; a last ditch effort by Old Bucketmouth (who just hit the century mark). Hilda missed one point - that these little efforts are always the work of the Demos to try to embarass the opposition. Often, they're a big, "So what?".

Well, this time it may come about, albeit not the way the bad guys might have wished. Even Fake News is in a tailspin over the indifference the Demos are showing to the damage wrought by Helene to the Old South. Presumably, they figure those states are lost anywho. But appearances count for something, especially if you're the Party of Compassion and the Little Guy. Especially in parts of the country that remember East Palestine OH and Maui

And that's where Il Forza Del Destino comes in.

We also have a Longshoremens' strike on the East and Gulf Coasts (quite possibly to be joined by one on the West Coast) in which Brandon shows no interest. That would be one thing if not for the union president bragging how he'll cripple the country Just what the Demos need, especially with cold weather and Christmas on the horizon.

Then there's Chlamydia's comic relief, who proclaimed himself a "knucklehead" in the debate in between being humiliated by JD Vance.


Since Brandon blew all the money the Feds had on Ukraine and the illegals, a lot of people may be re-evaluating who is going to take care of them when disaster (or Haitians) strikes.

The Halloween polls may turn out to be a real October Surprise. 

On Phony & Checked Out

 I don't know what to say.  No cartoon could adequately cover what's been unfolding with regard to the disrespect, disregard, disinterest, and distancing the President and Vice President have been exhibiting in response to the devastation Helena wrought.    

When I read today that I-40 had 14 bridges closed with 5 "completely gone", I wondered if either of them had any concept of the impact that situation alone has on that area, the state and the nation.  I've driven in the flood of pounding traffic on I-40 numerous times on our trips to Black Mountain NC and Townsend TN.  And each time have been amazed at the number of trucks using that East-West route through the mountains.   Add to that the amount of property damage, loss of life and destruction of homes and businesses the people of Western North Carolina in particular are experiencing.  A catastrophic event has taken place and both of our top "elected" leaders appear to be checked out or engaged in phony photo ops.

Our thoughts and prayers go out for our long-time NC commenters, Windbag and The Dude, one of whom might still be situated in the affected area.

Below, the truth of what else is going on:

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Why Bobby Kennedy is so valuable

Nothing about Trump or the campaign.

This is about the maliciousness of the US government, the Deep State, if you will. You wonder where the second would-be shooter came from? Our tax dollars made him. And millions more.

If you ever thought ADHD was some sort of scam, much like kung flu; oh, baby, did you nail it. Tuskegee meets MK Ultra.

One of The Blonde's nephews, undisciplined because of lazy parents, but with a curious turn of mind, was put on that stuff and ruined.

And check the dates. Coincides with the rise of the teacher unions.

Now somebody wants to look into this sort of thing. There were times I thought his dad had something of a handle on some things. Good to see his son is going him one better.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Notes and speculations

OK, first the nut we have alive. He wrote a letter of apology if you can believe it, offering $150 Gs to somebody who could off Trump. He also had a list of dates and places where Trump would be until October. What's more interesting is that this guy traveled all over Eastern Europe and proved himself enough of a psycho even the Ukes wouldn't take him. 

Now, if you're as old as I am, you remember James Earl Ray and how he wandered around Europe for some time before killing Martin Luther King. Lots of people wondered about that, but I don't recall ever hearing an explanation. Same thing here and guess what? He's been on the Feds' radar for about 5 years.

OTOH, we had Chlamydia demanding another debate with The Donald and he turned her down. The Left gave us their usual he's scared for a day or so, but it just faded out. My own theory is that, post-Oprah, the Demos needed something to get her back in a forum where she could deliver her word salads in sound bites, the celebrity rally being a dud. Couple this with some of the weekend polling (I know) and it looks like people have stopped listening.

I know, we're 6 weeks out and the Demos are full of dirty tricks, but I get a sense something has moved.

What, exactly, we shall see.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

On Holey Cow & Who's Next?


The amount of disconnect and disrespect involved is astonishing on several levels.  

On Striking Fear & Hunting for Truth