Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Wages of Sin

Well, things don't look good for the bad guys. All their old superstars have run out of gas, but more to the point it looks like Justice is catching up with them.

Take Brandon, if you dare. Today, we saw him (the 9 feet tall one) jogging across the Rainbow House lawn to tell Fake News he's going to right an old wrong. Actually, it's just another pander to a particular ethnic group, American Indians. Even the Noble Red Man seems to be walking away to the point that the Demos feel obliged to make a big deal out of taking away all the Medals of Honor awarded for Wounded Knee.

To make the picture complete, another of Brandon's body doubles shows up mumbling and yelling about how terrible the white man is. That alone tells you it isn't the real one, but we're supposed to buy the idea this is the same guy who messed himself in Normandy, wandered in a daze in Italy, and stood catatonic on Juneteenth, smacks of some plot or other to invoke the 25th and declare Chlamydia PUS. Or something.

What evokes the themes of Greek tragedy is that the real Brandon, wherever he is, at the point of getting the validation he lusted for all his life, had to see it slowly slip away in madness.

This is not to sympathize. The mean, petty, corrupt, bigoted, and depraved excuse for a human certainly had it coming, but such a fitting end could hardly have been envisioned.

Then there's that good ol' boy, Willie Whitewater, serial rapist, adulterer, real estate flipper, hick town ward heeler writ large, and not so closet racist. The Smartest Boy in Hope AR (how big is it, anyway?) who could never figure out how to stay out of trouble and needed fixers like Carville and Dick Morris on speed dial.

The Demos resurrected him to try to save Chlamydia and found it just gave him a shot at channeling his inner Orval Faubus. Unfortunately, Willie is looking a lot like his political ideal in his present state. Sunken eyes, bloodshot cheeks, raspy voice, and split lip. Maybe AIDS, maybe just the picture of Dorian Gray. All the over the hill wannabe hippie chicks that wanted him 20 years ago have left him to Hillary's tender mercies and even the Davos crowd has no use for him.

Zippy OTOH still has that crease in his pants and maybe the love of all those perpetually guilt-ridden Liberals, but his gift for sticking his foot in his mouth has gotten lots worse and he's looking more like Uncle Ben (or is it Uncle Tom?) than the Lightworker of 20 years ago. In talking down to da brothas, he forgot that a lot of them have been taking a hard look around and realize halfa cracka is about the nicest thing they can call him. Having the people who put him on the map now turning their backs on him by the million can't be good for someone as vain as he is. 

He never really liked them, of course, and felt more comfortable around the Hamptons crowd even though aping the mannerisms of Bush 41 never quite compensated for not really being white. He's now reduced to hawking some idiotic nonsense about people who may vote for Trump because they got a kung flu check should realize it was Brandon's doing. The people flocking to Trump by the million aren't looking for a check, they all want to be able to make their own money. Something the First Gay PUS will never understand.

James Carville, still looking like Spock's evil twin, has come a long way from, "It's the economy, Stupid" which the adoring media forgot was just a warmed-over variant of the old saw, people vote their pocket books. He spent most of this year telling the new generation of flacks what a bunch of pansies they are and being ignored, if not laughed at. His latest bit of wisdom has been that the Left ought to take up arms if they lose.

As the Greeks put it, be careful of that for which you wish...

What's interesting is that the old political order, Uni-Party included, also seems to be fading with its old stars. If the Hildabeast can barely waddle into a TV studio to blather about how Free Speech gets in the way of control and gets the same treatment she did in '16, and even the last JFK from MA, good ol' Lurch, is treated like the also-ran he always was for supporting her, then the bad old days really are slip-slidin' away. Cocaine Mitch is now irrelevant, as is Pelosi Galore - and, brother, does she look like it. The Gods of the Copybook Headings told us evil shows its ugly face eventually.  

How long these people have on this planet is anybody's guess, but, whatever awaits them on the other side, the years they have left will be spent contemplating the mirror and the world that's passing them by because they sold their souls.

Monday, October 21, 2024

On Sweet & Salty


JD VANCE: "But look, he was interacting with people. He was talking to the employees. He was giving people food, and he was just [doing] I think what he does best, which is just being among the people, talking to them about what they care about. He showed genuine interest in the employees and their lives and where they came from and what they were actually doing in their job, and that's something you can't stage, and you can't fake."

He continued, "That is just a genuine person that Donald Trump is, and it's why I think a lot of working people, even though, of course, he's a successful real estate billionaire, have this emotional connection to Donald Trump, you can't make up that kind of connection."

Saturday, October 19, 2024

On Showing Up & Being Real

Trump honored a commitment he almost changed, to meet with Tyrus for an interview prior to showing up to speak at the Al Smith charity event, and I'm glad he made the effort and took the time to do both.  

In this exchange I heard two men talking honestly about what matters most to them, with Tyrus bringing out the generous and genial side of Trump that runs alongside his willingness to take on a fight and make a difference for good in the lives of others.    

Friday, October 18, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A new kind of ghastly

This has been traveling sub rosa across the Net for the better part of the week. It's the October Surprise the Hildabeast warned the Lefties about. As I noted earlier, most are a big nothing, but this is quite the opposite.

Fake News tried to tell us Tampon Tim had a different kind of masculinity. None of that macho stuff like Donald Trump getting up off the deck after being shbot, pumping his fist, telling the crowd to fight.

No, Timmy was America's Dad. Never mind stills of him that made him look like a chorus boy in La Cage Aux Folles. 

It's why he left NE for MN. Apparently, the school board found out he had taken a student of his to a gay bar and then had him stay overnight. And, yes, the kid was male. And, yes, they had sex.

He didn't just lie about his military record, he lied about his coaching record. Not quite the same level, but we're seeing a pattern. So he's a perfect match for Chlamydia in every way.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

On The Economy & No Doubt


It's more than the economy, but that alone would be enough.  More stunning than the stupid shallowness and obfuscation being revealed by the Candidate Who Won't Hold A Press Conference is the contempt and disregard for the American people that runs beneath her approach and behavior 

There's no doubt in my mind over which of the two candidates truly loves this land and expresses that love on a daily basis,  along with genuine respect, concern, interest and appreciation for its citizens.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

On Real Nerves & No Pheasants


The times, they are a-changin'.

The Democrats have trotted out their old warhorses one last time. And it's probably going to be the last time. The only 2 Demos to serve as 2 term Presidents since Harry Truman and their only official Co-President have had little, if any, success in rallying the faithful.

The Hildabeast went on a podcast to tell the world we need to junk the First Amendment. Lurch quickly followed suit. All either did was vindicate the voting public for rejecting them.

Then came Zippy, he of the silvern voice and the inability to form a simple declarative English sentence without idiot cards. Having nothing better to say, he tried the old bitter clinger routine on black males and only reminded them how his brothahs ended his Administration calling him halfa cracka.

Lastly, there has been Willie, looking like Hell and sounding worse, who channeled his inner Orval Faubus and reminded the world the young Laken Riley might still be alive "if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened".

The irony here is that the Ozero ego's insistence on clearing the party of anyone who might outshine The Won has worked far better than could ever have been envisioned.

On t'other side of the aisle, Donald Trump is younger than Springtime, having survived betrayal, lawfare (the appellate courts in NY have struck down those 34 counts), 3 (or is it 4?, or 5?) assassination attempts, and is appearing before cheering crowds, the idol of milions, with a disintegrating opponent, and a clear field of fire.

The order is rapidly fadin' For the times they are a-changin'

Friday, October 11, 2024

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Are we due?

You may or may not have heard (Troop certainly has) Donald Trump is having another rally in NY, Madison Square Garden, to be specific.

In theory, NY is the bluest of states yet Trump is wasting his time doing a rally there. Why, you ask.

Granted, his campaign has placed VA, NM, and NH on Flip Watch. MI is said to be underwater for the Demos (which propbably ends the Obersturmbannfuhrerin's political career), WI and MN are looking to be within reach. PA is no longer in doubt.

And so on. Some people are even talking Reagan landslide. And then there are those signs popping up in Gotham.

Consider the possibility NY and NJ are also flippable. Stuff and nonsense, you may say.

Then look at where the Demos are right now. The Chlamydia campaign is so far underwater, they can see the Japanese ships at Truk. Fake News, having given her several venues to save the day, appears to be trying to position her for all the blame when the smoke clears on 11/6.

So, what happens if this continues for the next month? If NY and NJ flip, what states won't? Even CA appears to be mightily sick of Governor Nuisance.

Which brings us back to the Garden. Trump knows something. Something, if the Demos know, they don't dare discuss. Once Chlamydia bombed on Oprah and then challenged Trump to another debate, it was a sign the word salads were toast, as it were. Now she's blundered the View, 60 Minutes, Colbert, and even Howard Stern.

The crack in the dyke may have become a great gaping hole. Perhaps not something measurable, but something felt, Out on the hustings

Butler, Helene, FEMA, the Secret Service, the good ol' boys down in the hollars doin' the Christian thang, and a few other happenings would appear to be the beginning of a paradigm shift.

A week from now the view may be lots clearer.