Saturday, March 1, 2025

You have to have been raised Catholic

I know it's horribly unfair to force upon you a sight like that over breakfast, but there is method in the madness. Look closely at what he says. If it rings a bell, you were either raised Catholic or you participated in anti-abortion marches or protests.

The idea that someone who might eventually cure cancer shouldn't be deported because they're an illegal is the same justification The Catholic Church has been using for millennia to forbid any and all forms of birth control among practicing Catholics, abortion included. You can take the boy out of the Church, but you can't take the Church out of the boy.

The Airborne Ranger in the Sky does get his little laugh now and again.


1 comment:

CT Ginger said...

I don’t suppose it occurred to this oaf that these budding geniuses could just as easily cure cancer or fend off asteroids from Nicaragua