Sunday, March 23, 2025

Taw Jackson would understand

If you've ever seen the movie The War Wagon, you know Taw Jackson spent 3 years in the clink planning his revenge to the last detail.

Watching all the headlines, I've gotten the feeling The God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne has done much the same.

Consider the reaction to 2 of the Left's GoTo tactics. First is harassment and obstruction in the form of Federal judges wildly overstepping their bounds in  temporary restraining orders. In most cases, these infringe on a President's authority as Chief Executive or Commander-In-Chief. If carried all the way to the Supremes, the Left would lose rather badly. Considering the public's distaste for activist judges ruling out of whole cloth (the penumbras and emanation of Roe v Wade come to mind), The Donald, assuming he saw this coming (and I don't think it's all that impossible; this is how Sarah Palin was run out of public life), has led the loopiest of the Left into his trap.

This is virtue signaling the way the Left loves it. Ruin somebody's life just for the fun of it. 

The other is vandalism to the point of terrorism and intimidation. Firebombing Tesla dealerships we see mostly in Lefty paradises like WA and CO where crime is on the BLM plan. Now we're starting to see individuals being harassed for simply sitting in their vehicle. And, thanks to Elon's outfitting his rides with cameras, several of these would-be Viet Cong are already looking at long terms in max security.

And the American public has voted about 4 to 1 against. We like law and order here, even if it is attached to short rope and a long drop.

And we all know there's a Kyle Rittenhouse in their future.

Some have worried Roberts might be the weak reed in this process. His reported presence at some hoity toity Lefty invite only club means his usefulness may hang on the line The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior (Article III, Section 1). Thus Roberts' sinecure may hang on whose (or who's) interpretation of good behavior counts.

What puts the icing on the cake is that any hate campaign against Musk has to get past the fact he rescued 2 astronauts from being stranded in space when last inmates of the Rainbow House refused to do anything. Even Kirk and Spock never pulled off anything like that. And you have Pete Hegseth telling one of those Lefty judges, "Since 'Judge' Reyes is now a top military planner, she/they can report to Fort Benning at 0600 to instruct our Rangers on how to execute High Value Target Raids…after that, Commander Reyes can dispatch to Fort Bragg to train our Green Berets on counterinsurgency warfare".

What's doing in the Left are all the revelations of money being rendered out of the taxpayers' hides to fund the lavish lifestyles of politicians and their ideological pals. The public likes the. They like that the price of gas, and eggs, are going down in 2 months. They like the idea of getting a break on taxes.

And they like that Trump is getting a hold of foreign policy.

Even Lomax would smile.

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