Sunday, March 23, 2025

On Transported Back & Too Much Winning

I had a wonderful time watching the two hour video Elon posted on X (with 6.8 million views), showing Dragon Freedom and Crew-9's return to earth. I was only intending to check out the splashdown but ended up watching the whole thing, to see all 4 astronauts extracted.  I was impressed to the point of awed by the apparent precision, care and teamwork on display.  I also enjoyed the narrative and info provided by mission control, with the two female voices coming through as crisp and warm, calm, professional and informative.  While present to the current event, I was also was transported back in time, remembering the wonder, and enjoyment I experienced watching the Gemini/Apollo missions unfold.  Only this time around the pictures, voices and information were even better than what Walter and Jules had to offer back then.  The competence and order present in a sea of current event chaos came through as another win.  


edutcher said...

The rescue of SpaceX was an awe-inspiring achievement made even more spectacular by the fact the Feds had no involvement and Elon did it on the spur of the moment.

It made the Demos look that much worse because it was the result of the institutional petulance that has characterized them for the last 32 years.

MamaM said...

I was impressed. The efficiency, focus, good will and intention was all right there for anyone with eyes to see. That's what brought tears to my eyes. Things actually worked, and worked together.

MamaM said...

Not only another win, a YUGE undeniable one, for the world to see.