Free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last.
I borrowed from the other man whose day this is (actually, there's a third, Robert E Lee*, in my mind the finest man this continent ever produced) to celebrate the end of the lying dogfaced pony soldier's Babylonian Presidency and his pitiful, oppressive, corrupt reign and the accession of the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne to his rightful place as President of the United States.
As to all of Idiot's pre-empitve pardons, I doubt they're any more valid than his proclamation of the ERA as 28th Amendment.
Enough of him. He is condemned to the dustbin of history, surpassing James Buchanan (not a bad Secretary of State, though) as worst President in American history.
Enjoy your day, Mr President. You've earned it.
* Gen'l Lee's birthday was January 19th and several Southern states are observing it today.
PS As Sergeant Tyree said to Colonel Brittles, "Wish you'd'a been holdin' a full hand".
Wow! What a venture. What an accomplishment. One Done and the other Entering back in to assume the huge responsibility of once again leading our nation as President.
I loved the prayers, the music, the room, the directness and immediacy of the moment. As for Trump's speech, MrM nailed it afterwards when he stood in the doorway of the room where I'd been watching it (he'd been watching from his downstairs office) and said, "They messed with him. And he didn't like it". They did. And Trump wasn't afraid to speak truth in the face of the corruption sitting before him, corruption that continued on into the final moments before the transfer. Wow again to all of it. Seeing that 747 start it's engines with the vapor rolling, and taxi away to takeoff was a sweet finale, with Trump about to pick up his pen to begin making his mark on history.
Free at last, indeed!
Kudos to you, edutcher, for believing all along that this was possible. I was camped in the tent of fear and disbelief, while holding onto glimmers of hope. I appreciate your accompaniment, along with the perspectives and links offered here during over these last four years of Biden's corrupt rule and reign.
Last week, Insta posted a quote in which the term "unforgiving reality" was used to describe why subscribing to woke was difficult for tradesmen to do as they have to work and deal with unforgiving reality on a daily basis.
For me, looking for and finding cartoon art and visuals to match my perceptions of reality, and having this place to post them and vent, helped me realize the levity needed reach this point of celebration. I'm grateful for this place and the outcome realized today.
Thank you, ma'am. I am honored.
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