Wednesday, December 4, 2024

This is just Too, Too Cute

OK, if you're outraged by the Hunter pardon, I've got some very good news for you. As always the guy who flunked 3rd grade and finished in the bottom 9th of his law school class shows he hasn't lost his touch (actually, it's the people around him since he's either dead or in extended care for life and we all know he wouldn't have anybody around him smarter than he is/was).

This has been floating around the comment boards for a few days and it sums up the legal ins and outs pretty succinctly*. First, he was prohibited from holding public office in the US government because of his admission used upwards of $1 billion of US government loan guarantees in a bribery coercion scheme to threaten the Ukraine president to immediately terminate the Prosecutor General who was investigating the corrupt practices of Burisma Holdings. Second, of course Idiot bragged about on videotape. This is a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Also a violation of the US Code.

So where's the joy? The pardon of his notorious crime partner and son is completely null and void coming out of the gate. And that doesn't even cover the now-revealed 18 million vote fix that stole the '20 election.

Even better, the Bum can be called to testify, but can't take the 5th. He is also open to civil suits which could bleed the family white**.

Something else that may eventually deepen the grave of the Democrat party and its most eager would be king. The people of Shasta County CA are challenging the count of their vote on Constitutional grounds. They say 1 out of 2 votes was tossed and that violates a SCOTUS decision which declared people not only have the right to cast a vote, but to have that vote counted accurately. How many Rs would take a seat in the House if this went Federal (and I think it will; just the sort of thing the new AG would love to see investigated, and tried)?

*Follow the links. They're lots of fun, too.

** By way of Team Jacobson.

1 comment:

CT Ginger said...

Have no fear. Along about 1/19/25, Joe Stupid’s handlers will put a pardon in front of him to sign. Joe will be pardoning himself for the same 11 year period. Watch for it