Tuesday, December 17, 2024

I guess Doubleaughtwhatshisface is out of a job

You've been hearing about all the drones flying over Jersey (and that doesn't count the politicians) and all the panic about what's going on.

I'd seen references to these drones about a week ago, but this is a much fuller account and has some pictures.

OK, now we know what they look like. So what are they doing flying over Jersey (this is the fun part)? And, yes, Vagina, there is a connection to Brandon.

At the end of the Cold War, a lot of nucular warheads and missiles were dismantled, but about 80 from Ukraine turned up missing. Some were headed for the US.

So now the NRC reports a quantity of radioactive material has gone missing. The container arrived at its destination severely damaged and empty. Which brings us back to the drones and their capabilities. Now somebody has to find the stuff before Jerseyans start dropping over like they've got the plague. And they can't talk about it or the whole country goes Trumplican.

Sounds like the trailer for a movie. Solo and Kuryakin ride again.

This is speculation on my part, but what if Zelenskyy wanted a nuke to get Poot off his back once and for all and what if the dirt he has on Brandon goes a lot farther than his son, the bum?

This is what happens when you hire from the faculty lounge and let the bean counters winnow out the straight white guys. Remember Sam Brinton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste Disposition? How many containers were pilfered and nobody ever knew?

Consider the possibilities.


Repub Jersey mayor confirms drone - missing radioactive material connection is a real possibility.


MamaM said...

Yes to "lack of transparency fueling conspiracy theories" mentioned in the update. Something real is going down and being searched for in the midst of all the smoke and fog of feigned ignorance, avoidance and deflection.

edutcher said...

Now they're seeing them in OR. The old Hanford lab is only about 50 miles away.