Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The times, they are a-changin'.

The Democrats have trotted out their old warhorses one last time. And it's probably going to be the last time. The only 2 Demos to serve as 2 term Presidents since Harry Truman and their only official Co-President have had little, if any, succes s in rallying the faithful.

The Hildabeast went on a podcast to tell the world we need to junk the First Amendment. Lurch quickly followed suit. All either did was vindicate the voting public for rejecting them.

Then came Zippy, he of the silvern voice and the inability to form a simple declarative English sentence without idiot cards. Having nothing better to say, he tried the old bitter clinger routine on black males and only reminded them how his brothahs ended his Administration calling him halfa cracka.

Lastly, there has been Willie, looking like Hell and sounding worse, who channeled his inner Orval Faubus and reminded the world the young Laken Riley might still be alive "if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened".

The irony here is that the Ozero ego's insistence on clearing the party of anyone who might outshone The Won has worked far better than could ever have been envisioned.

On t'other side of the aisle, Donald Trump is younger than Springtime, having survived betrayal, lawfare (the appellate courts in NY have struck down those 34 counts), 3 (or is it 4?, or 5?) assassination attempts, and is appearing before cheering crowds, the idol of milions, with a disintegrating opponent, and a clear field of fire.

The order is rapidly fadin' For the times they are a-changin'

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