Friday, June 14, 2024

On Off the Wall & Finer Than Frog's Hair



edutcher said...

Fake News is finally starting to worry, but it's far too little, far too late. Art home and abroad, Brandon is wandering around like a lost 2 year old.

This should have bee done at the midterms or, if they'd been paying attention, when college kids stsrted yelling, "Let's go, Brandon", at various college sporting events.

MamaM said...

Yes to that.

The excuses and explanations being offered up in lame attempts to cover for the bizarro behavior are now coming through as bizarro too. A double WTF?????

Reading about the possibility of some of what we're seeing being related to Parkinson's is starting to make sense to me, as to how he can be so weirdly on and off, so mumbly and then momentarily sharp with drug assists. Also would accound for the stiffness, physical unstablility and frozen moments. (IIRC Parkinson's may have been mentioned earlier by the Blonde?) That disease, along with the decline of dementia in progress would be another daily double.

edutcher said...

Parkinson's is noted for its tremor. One of The Blonde's brothers had it. If you want to see it in action, any old footage of Hitler post 7/20/44 will give you a glimpse.

The Blonde goes into considerable detail on Brandon's neurolgical woes. If you saw him at his Juneteenth party, he was stiff as a board, literally, but that was medication. The death's head leer you get from him occasionally is classic Alzheimer's. The bewildered "where am I, who are all these people?" is also classic.

Trump has demanded a blood test before he debates, but, given all the footage recently, any behavior unlike the last couple of weeks will be a tipoff to anybody watching.

PS Apparently, he tried to give Sig.ra Meloni a grab at the G7 (he seems to have fancied himself a ladies' man), so of all the things to still survive is his most repulsive trait.