Saturday, June 22, 2024

On Cheep Fakes & Another Reason



edutcher said...

I didn't know cheap fake was a euphemism for the truth.

MamaM said...

I didn't know cheap fake was a euphemism for the truth.

Well, now you do, without needing a trip to re-education camp! Not yet anyway. The another twist involves how costly and expensive the Fake in Charge has in reality turned out to be.

I originally misspelled cheap as cheep in the post title, but decided what eminates from the mouths of AOC and KJP fits with fake cheeping.

MamaM said...

Yes to this: "The truth is that the more context you have for Joe Biden’s bizarre behavior, the worse it appears.

From Roger Kimball,"Notwithstanding the somewhat panicked objection that Biden’s accelerating senile exhibitionism has been manufactured by Trumpsters, everyone knows that what we have been seeing of the President are not “deep fakes,” not “cheap fakes,” but worrisome cognitive brain bakes. The truth is that the more context you have for Joe Biden’s bizarre behavior, the worse it appears. The public will probably never know what cocktail of steroids and uppers will be administered to the President to see him through the night, but whatever the recipe, they have a lot riding on its efficacy."

edutcher said...

Theodor Morell kept Hitler going for almost 10 years.