Thursday, February 2, 2023

Is the cafeteria closing?

The Democrat party is packed with cafeteria Catholics. And they've always gotten away with showing up at Mass with a rosary and a missal without much flak. Kind of like Willie lugging that encyclopedia-sized Bible when he made a show of going to church any time he got caught with his Peyronie's hanging out.

The times, as someone said, may be a-changin'.

Brandon, long known for shooting off his mouth, usually loaded with blanks, may have gotten on the wrong side of Mother Superior. His claim that the Pope OKs abortion funding, among his many other blasphemies, may turn out to be the last straw. American Catholic bishops are coming down on him after he tried to paint Frank, Commie that he is, as being yet another cafeteria Catholic on the subject (one can see how he might be confused) when there's no such statement.

All this is to justify his continuing support for Federal funding of abortion in the face of a move by Congress to ban it; a bill which, of course, is passionately backed by the Catholic Church.

We can debate the ins and outs of Church politics, but this seems to be the first real Conservative stand the American Church has taken since the days of the Berrigans and Andrew Greeley.

Let us keep a good thought.

PS Another shoe may be about to drop in the Memphis thing. Rumor has it Nichols had a thang with the ex of one of the cops. 

For now, put it in the We'll see folder. 

Poor Al Sharpton did his best to make it a race thing in his eulogy, but, since he couldn't yell, "Kill the Jew! Kill the Jew!", he looked rather lost.

Wonder if there's a Freddie's Fashion Mart in Memphis.

PPS Consider said shoe dropped (we're getting into Fisherman's Wife territory). The soy boy who stopped Nichols for reckless op has been fired, but it's come out he tased Nichols and yet Nichols was able to run away.

Rodney King ring a familiar note?

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