Saturday, September 3, 2022

On Small & Large Realities from There to Here

 Sometimes it takes awhile for the humor to percolate and filter through the initial dismay, disbelief and sense of disempowerment I experience in the face of the political distortions, twists and gaslighting currently being used to deflect from reality these days.   Though I wasn't in the mood to do much laughing over the joke of the nonreducing Inflation Reduction Act when it was first approved, these two from Powerline's Week in Pictures: Leni Riefenstahl Edition, made it through today as hitting the mark, along with my appreciation of scale with regard to other small and large realities.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

We went from No Taxation Without Representation to our current mess because politicians got greedy.

There's no perfect solution, but I'm betting term limits for Congress, the Federal bench, and civil service all the way down would be a big help.