Friday, August 26, 2022

On Megaphones & Tomfoolery


In my despair, and loss of hope for any type of reasonable approach to whatever the current hoopla, folderol, fandangle or tomfoolery coming from the White House involves, I find sparks of hope and fun in the creative responses of cartoonists who to come up with visuals that not only hit the mark but also my sense of humor.   While Joe, in the role of decrepit hero, with his hairy legs, shades, megaphone, and media umbrella, shouts from his high position at the crowd; its this artist's rendition of the save about to be deployed that made me laugh. 


edutcher said...

Another of the gang that can't even find the target, let alone shoot straight's ideas that goes over like the legendary lead balloon.

Dad Bones said...

That 'lifeguard' has helped too many drowners and wouldn't float on an ice skating rink.