Thursday, July 28, 2022

What's the Hullabaloo?

There is really only one Joey!


MamaM said...

Gahhh. There's the little girl voice showing up with "I mean the Hullaballoo" (.52, 1:22)to accompany her sexualized and inviting adult dance moves.

Still and all, people back then seemed to have a lot of fun trying out new dance moves. Or maybe that was all part of the sell job, back when playing What's my Line? and flipping the score card was high entertainment

edutcher said...

One critic called it the Hulluvaballoo.

Some Seppo said...

I was shocked to see that when the camera pulled back Joey wasn't wearing any pants. I wouldn't be shocked if that happened with the FICUS*

*Fraud In Chief of the United States**

**And also a potted plant.

edutcher said...

You probably will. He's really going downhill in a hurry.