Wednesday, May 11, 2022

I didn't know that Hallmark was turning to Horror to get ratings now that so many stars have left!


 I think that my current favorite show on TV is "When Calls the Heart" on the Hallmark Channel. Yeah, it's a sappy family show with a story that was originally based on a love story between a Mountie and schoolteacher, but it improved over time. It is based on this town in Canada and is sort of a cross between a soap opera and Little House on the Prairie. There are various characters that are cliches but still fun in an old-fashioned way. The noble Mountie. The shady saloon keeper. The virginal schoolteacher with the big tits. The Jewish storekeeper. The black preacher. All the people you expect to see on the Hallmark Channel.

One of the main couples is the owner of the sawmill Lee Colter and his wife the editor of town paper Rosemary. She was introduced as the former girlfriend of the original Mountie who was after the schoolteacher and later she married the richest guy in town. They are married in real life so their chemistry is really great. The one problem they have is that she can't seem to get pregnant. Season after season they are all sad because they can't start a family. They always seem to be ready to adopt whatever orphan that shows up but they never do. Until this season. The sawmill guy finally slipped one past the goalie. It is set in Canada by the way.

I thought that was great until I realized one thing. If they had a kid it would be Rosemary's baby!

Can you imagine the horror? A little demonic child in a wooden cradle screaming "You can suck my dick you fucking lousy Mountie!" "Teacher leave that kid alone and show me your tits!"

Hallmark will do anything for ratings it seems.

Rosemary's Baby!

1 comment:

ampersand said...

The surefire way to get pregnant on TV is to adopt a Chinese kid first.