Wednesday, March 2, 2022

On What Was Cooked Up & Served


In looking through the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Italian painter in the 1500's, best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and books) for another post, I came upon his painting of The Cook, posted atop the cartoon of Lies*.  What's needed to complete this SOTU grouping?  I'm thinking a vegetable-fruit composite of Pelosi gleefully clapping in the kitchen and clacking her dentures over burn pits and toxic smoke would be in order.   

*Cartoon drawn by Bosch Fawstin, presented at The Front Page with a post entitled, "Confused Old Man Yells at Nation for an Hours, 3,720 seconds of lies, fearmongering and malapropisms" by Daniel Greenfield


ampersand said...

Does this come close?

MamaM said...

And what the heck was "Go Get 'em" about?

It's hard for me to understand how someone can see at that trio of liars in top leadership position, two in their dotage and all three foolish and in over their heads, and not see and hear the con and dissonance involved.

Yes, ampersand, very close--appearing more benighted and clueless than The Cook, which has a more cunning look. Although there's someone in the kitchen cooking up the nonsense that's being trotted out and served up like a mess o'amped up potage

edutcher said...

Consensus seems to be it was, "Go get 'im", regarding Vlad. If you listen to the tape carefully, it comes out him.

Amartel said...

We need a mumble-to-english interpreter for Biden speeches, especially the longer ones and the ones where he answers reporter questions. We've got interpreters for the deaf now how about the rest of us?