Thursday, July 8, 2021

Under DeBlasio NYC has become a shit show

This is what these animals do when you don’t keep your boot on their neck.


The Dude said...

Earl Butz was correct and prescient as well.

ndspinelli said...

Those shoes look comfortable as well.

The Dude said...

Ah, a man who knows his history!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Nancy approves.

Meade said...

After telling that racist joke Butz Secretary of Agriculture. Later he pleaded guilty to tax evasion and spent part of his 5 year sentence in federal prison. Butz actually was a racist and openly believed “coloreds,” as he called them, were an inferior race of human beings. That prompts the question—are you a racist?

The Dude said...

Well, let us review, Larry - first you, the unashamed atheist started lecturing us on sin. That didn't go well. Next you decided to become an art critic - you have never made any art, never read a book about art, and, apparently, have never been to an art museum. But that's par for the course for an unaccomplished no-nothing such as yourself.

Now, you, who thanks to the ill-gotten wealth of your make-believe wife, live in a lily white gated community where the only POC you encounter are your fellow lawn boys, have the audacity to ask if others (it's not clear who you are talking about in your pathetic comment) are racists - remove the plank from your own eye, wretch.

Things must truly be bad at home - seriously, consider groveling or whatever it takes to get Ann to keep you occupied. You are tedious.

Meade said...

Okay—I’ll take that as a yes from Mr.Grit. Anyone else?

The Dude said...

You admit you are an atheist - good, good, that your marriage is indeed fake, that you know nothing of art, and that your community is lily white and that even though it is a sham, your "marriage" is a total disaster. Good to have those admissions on the record, Larry.

Now tell us more about your relationship with your homosexual step sons.

Meade said...

“ Earl Butz was correct and prescient as well.”

Correct and prescient about what?

The Dude said...

So you admit that both of your "wife's" sons are homosexuals - do you attribute that fact to her diseased uterus or her inability to curb her binge drinking while she was pregnant? If you need to, sober her up a bit and ask her - she will be happy to share the answer with the love of her life. And maybe you, too.

Meade said...

Do you believe in the so-called “one drop rule?” Earl Butz did.

ampersand said...

If you can make it there
You'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York

ampersand said...
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Meade said...

"I push a lawnmower."

You finally said something true. Well done.

The Dude said...

And you admit that is the pinnacle of your intellectual and creative life achievements. How proud you must have made your parents. I hope they are long dead and never saw you con an old piece of dried up slunk meat into a sham marriage.

How many abortions has your "wife" had? Surely with the two defective clumps of cells she carried to term there must have been plenty of aborted fetuses along the way. As a self-loathing Marxist she surely must have had plenty of them - no feminist affirmative action hire can get anywhere without a significant number of terminated pregnancies on her resume.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If you're on the right and you tell an "racist" joke - you be damned forever.

If you're on the left- you get to tell racists jokes AND burn down Portland.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

tip toe thru the typos. I'm too tired for this sh*t. Going to ride up way high.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I had to look him up.

I must say it's a shame the mans first name wasn't Seymour.

The Dude said...


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


" Butz started by telling a dirty joke involving intercourse between a dog and a skunk. [ you had me right there, dude! ] When the conversation turned to politics, Boone, a right-wing Republican, [Right wing Wiki tells you! evil right wing!] asked Butz why the party of Lincoln was not able to attract more blacks. The Secretary responded with a line so obscene and insulting to blacks that it forced him out of the Cabinet last week and jolted the whole Ford campaign. Butz said: "I'll tell you what the coloreds want. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit."

After some indecision, Dean used the line in Rolling Stone, attributing it to an unnamed Cabinet officer. But New Times magazine enterprisingly sleuthed out Butz's identity by checking the itineraries of all Cabinet members.

Butz resigned his cabinet post on October 4, 1976.[14][15]

I do want to say is there anyone who doesn't like tight pussy, loose shoes and a warm place to poo? heated toilet seats are so fine.

The Dude said...

I drifted over to Instasurrender and I can see why Larry is upset - his make-believe wife is taking some heat in the comments over there - link to comments.

What do you know - I am not alone in my assessment that Oldhouse is a communist puke. And, if you ever wonder why hard leftist Reynolds links to his fellow traveler so often, imagine what goes on at law prof conferences - lots of drinking and hooking up. In that order.

Some Seppo said...

Althouse's funniest joke was "I have a vagina and I vote!"

I'm still laughing at her.

The Dude said...

Larry said the exact same thing!

The Dude said...

Indeed, and currently this post has 173 unique views! Well done, Trooper.

Meade said...

Will out and proud racists like Mr. Grit and Mr. York hurt or help the Trump movement in 2022 and 2024 elections? I’d bet on the former. But I hope I’m wrong. Still. I know the bellwether Driftless region of Wisconsin went for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but then helped elect Trump in 2016 and went for him—narrowly—again in 2020. Trump of course denounces racism in all its forms. He also denounces racists. Good. Don’t you wish everyone would?

The Dude said...

You live in the Dickless region, right Larry?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"Just shitty all around. "I concur.
Come on, man.

I like Ann and Meade - but I like all sorts. I draw the line at I-nag.
Now - Instapundit/Glenn is fabulous. Some of his commenters are lame and kinda dumb.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

the left are writing books that pronounce without evidence that the entire Trump family is white supremacist. CRT training manuals.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Still. I know the bellwether Driftless region of Wisconsin went for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but then helped elect Trump in 2016 and went for him—narrowly—again in 2020.

I voted for Trump on my way out the door of Orange County, CA. That reliably red stronghold flipped blue due to ballot harvesting and the usual Dmv motor voter registration where it's illegal to ask about citizenship when applying for a driver license and thus for voting. Still, there were unexpected demographic shifts in voting patterns: link.
I moved to Wisconsin too late to vote here but I did observe about a 50/50 split in the electorate. Uppity white women in my county all voted for Biden; they were really clutching their pearls and voting against Trump. They weren't thinking about national interests but were instead voting against Trump because they don't like his serial monogamy and they despise his current wife because she puts their fat bodies and bingo wings to shame. Unfortunately, too many of their schlubby hubbies were playing nice to their wives and pretending to not vote for Trump as well. Who knows what they did in the voting booths. They deserve Biden good and hard.

There are still out and proud Trump signs on lawns here.

chickelit said...

I'm in the Driftless Zone.

chickelit said...

...they don't like his serial monogamy and they despise his current wife because she puts their fat bodies and bingo wings to shame.

Of course these same women adored Michelle's arms and muscular build. Typical Dem double standards.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

the white left are asshoe:

Amartel said...

He just wants attention 'cause he ain't got no friends. That's all.