Friday, January 15, 2021

On Real Beyond Imagination & Fifteen Shoes that Fit

Did you see this posted at Insty two days ago?   It was presented with this intro: 

JUST A LITTLE TOO MUCH ON THE NOSE TO BE FUNNY. Seen around the internet – it’s real, from a workplace mental health organization. I checked, because it was so on the nose that I thought it might be a clever fake. Save it before it’s inevitably purged, or definitions conveniently change.

On the nose indeed.  I received it as an explanation for the tiredness and overwhelm I've been feeling recently along with the growing sense of resolve that's been forming.  I grew up in this.  And I survived it, living long enough to figure out the game and find my way through and out.  With help I was able to enter into healthier ways of relating, and am now able to support and encourage others in their efforts to do the same.  

This is where we are at.   Or at least where I am, recalling what was, seeing what is, and committing once again to doing what's needed to come out on the other side, one more time.  I wish us all well on our journey through whatever lies ahead.


Mumpsimus said...

Jinx, MamaM! I was going to do a post on this, and when I logged into Blogger I saw yours in Draft.

When I saw it on Insty, I just assumed it was from a right-wing satire site. WMHI is not only real, it looks like quite a touchy-feely-lefty HR-Lady kind of place. I wonder if they'll keep this poster in their downloads.

Mumpsimus said...

Click here to see the original (bigger and easier to read).

MamaM said...

Fun Jinx, Mumpsimus! Your note and link are also a fit, like the 16th shoe!

I don't know how I missed it, but I didn't see this when Insty posted it on the 13th. SonM showed it to me on his phone last night when he stopped over, as fun meme a friend had sent him. Knowing my history and my response to the Rule of Gretch, he thought I'd also appreciate as real beyond the laugh. And I did, enough to mull it over and decide stay home from the studio this afternoon to put together a post, squeaking in just ahead of another Observer of Levity and Gravity in Different Forms. While looking for a photo to use, I found the Insty link and the "on the nose" intro and it came together.

Now I'm wondering what came up for you when you first saw it over there and what you were considering as the name and approach to your post?

edutcher said...

Fits the incoming Commie regime like a glove.

Should become the metaphor for the next few months.

MamaM said...

On a Rule of Gretch side note: We actually had two cats come into our Mlives just prior to the election. The first was the little black kitten, now called Koh, who now lives like a king in the building under renovation. The other was a small female Torti that showed up as a stray at SonM's Cabin in the Woods and started living under his deck. Since she looked like she might be pregnant, he caught her and put her in the unheated garage thinking it would be safer and better to have kittens there than under the deck. With no kittens transpiring (the swelling most likely due to worms which she did have) she's since worked her way indoors, with a spay job completed last week. She's very loud and talkative, bossy to the point of bitching but from the reports received, fun to have around and happy to share space with the grouchy cabin Manx who's there for the mice. From her start as Little Girl she morphed from Quizmo (due to a question mark above her eye) to Little Gretch. Which fits like a shoe and a glove in addition to marking the ongoing (and incoming) Commie Regime with an exclamation point.

edutcher said...


The Dude said...

That is short for tortoiseshell cat. Tricolor kittehs.

MamaM said...

Yes, in a mix of colors that makes them look IMO like something swept out from under the bed, or in this case from under the deck or the mess of boxes on the garage floor. She blended right in with those two environments!

Following "the science" (as Big Gretch loves to do) yields this: Because each color is carried on a different X chromosome, a cat needs two X chromosomes to be born with a calico or tortoiseshell pattern of black, gold, and orange, which means they will almost always be born female. With a chance of 1 in 3,000 of a genetic mutation yielding a male.

They're described as talkative with "Tortitude"-- which includes being strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered, fiercely independent, feisty, unpredictable, and possessive of their human. All of which is showing up to be true of Little Gretch.

On an earlier thread, Trooper mentioned the role books played in his life growing up. In addition to books serving as the open door through which I walked out of the life described above in the chart, a variety of wonderful cat companions (and one good dog) have met me along the way and walked alongside.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said..

That is short for tortoiseshell cat. Tricolor kittehs.

I thought that was calico, like the calico pintos.

MamaM said...

Live and learn, edutcher. Cuz you never know what might be having kittens under your deck!
This was my first experience with a Tortie and I didn't know they were mostly all females or the genetic difference between one of them and a calico.

The calico pattern has an extra spotting gene, which produces white, unpigmented spots. You can have an almost white cat with a few colored patches or a colored cat with a few white spots. Tortoiseshell cats, also called Torties, very often have only two colors, red/orange and black. They have no white at all.

Little Gretch is mostly black with light orange/tan markings--dusty looking in the overall. She's not exactly attractive or regal looking, but is a mighty force in a small body, able to keep the big Manx in line.