Saturday, August 8, 2020

So Chlamydia got all the bad plastic surgery for nothing?

Interesting stuff coming out as we head down the home stretch.

Gun sales to women and blacks have shot through the roof. In Minnesnowta, they've doubled over last year.

As the Eminent Mr Surber notes, Trump lost MN by half the number of votes as there were gun purchase this years. Would you believe 40% of new gun owners are women?

Even the WSJ has noticed, so this is a big deal.

And it's why the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne made a point of accusing Shotgun Joe of being against guns.

Especially since, when seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

If they're coming at all, of course.

Truth in advertising. I've tried to lay off the Flu Manchu stuff and politics so as not to be repetitive .I'd do a few more show biz posts (I know Troop is better; I also know I kind of blew the one on Olivia, chalk it up to the learning curve) when something interesting comes along. Like did you hear Ghislaine tried to recruit Paris Hilton? Talk about Entertainment Tonight.

PS Is this new editor as slow for everybody else as me ? Trying to link anything is ridiculous.
No offense to anybody.


The Dude said...

To answer your question, the new interface isn't any slower for me than the old one was. My ability to navigate the editing page is not too swift, and for the most part the labels section still confounds me, but I am getting there. Slowly but slowly, eh?

Dad Bones said...

Ghislaine wanting to recruit Paris Hilton would be like Biden trying to recruit Bill Gates.

MamaM said...

I liked the Olivia post. And wondered where you'd gone, hoping the Rona that wafted past the Guv of Ohio hadn't blown in your direction or landed on your mask.

Comments that hit or miss the mark, or are few in number, are not as good an indicator of how many have read a post, taken it into consideration or possibly received something from it, as the number of page views, which tend to hang around 20 for a lower interest post. These days, when the views pass 50, you can be assured some pot has been given a stir even if there is no visible bubbling or boiling over taking place.

I haven't given the new interface a try yet.

The Ghislaine/Epstein stuff creeps me out. I did find it interesting a while back to discover Conrad Hilton's son William B.(the father of Paris) went by his middle name of Barron. Which made me wonder if that may have factored in to Trump and Melania's decision to choose that name for their son.

MamaM said...

An idea springing from one hotel baron to another?

The Dude said...

Well, there you go. At least after having her grill rearranged she is no uglier than before.

MamaM said...

I was hoping Biden would give in to his urge to sniff Hair Whitmer and lure her away from this state with the opportunity to take a ride in his clown car and further expose her foolishness in public.

As it is, Kamala's snotty sounding voice and tone make her as difficult for me to listen to as Hillary right from the get-go before whatever she has to say even registers.