Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Angie and Frank


"Hello Angie. I'm the King of Siam. Shall we dance."
"Fuggedabout Baldy. She's with me."
"Don't be mean Frank, He's harmless. I hear he's packing a Magnificent Seven. A lot better than your pal Jack."
"Don't be a slut Angie. Now come sit on my lap and I will show you the braciole."
"Oh I love me some Italian."


The Dude said...

Yul be sorry!

ampersand said...

Isn't that Nancy in the photo?
Yul Brynner was a mystery guest on What's My Line! I wonder if the panel was provided hints or told outright who the MGs were because out of the blue Arlene Francis asked if he was known for his curly blond hair which got a huge roar from the audience.

MamaM said...

Nancy it is.

Father influence also came through in the article I read at Politico yesterday that revealed more of the life story of The Woman from Michigan. While it was meant to be a rah-rah piece, showing how fit Whitmer was to be Biden's VP choice whatever that "fit" involves) what eventually seeped through was more of the story under the story, with unmet needs and trauma once again showing up as factors of influence along with dad.

If you can make it past the glorification and spin (especially present at the beginning and end), it's a long but interesting and enlightening read: