Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Netherlands trash truck.

Seems slow.

And noisy.

Speaking of noisy, this is unrelated to garbage. Sort of.
I water my little garden every day early in the morning when no one is around. I'm concerned the sound of the drips from the hanging basket onto a metal drain five floors below is too noisy. So I keep the drips to a minimum.

But tonight a woman was out there in parking area below taken by the sound of her own voice. She liked the way her voice echoed when she screamed. She was down there screaming nonsense, as a child does. At 2:00 in the morning. Apparently unaware there are a couple hundred people above with their bedroom windows surrounding the courtyard like a stack of horseshoes. But she has to look up to appreciate that. I saw her walk out from under the covered parking on the first level. Still baby-screaming into the night.

My impulse was to yell in moderated tone, "STFU."

But I didn't. I just continued watering hearing the drops fall to the metal drain trough below. My balcony was  the only one illuminated. I didn't want to add to the noise and I didn't want a yelling discussion. She stopped.

Earlier I took down a bunch of cardboard boxes to dispose. I also took my camera and 18-200 lens to photograph my balcony from the outside.

I encountered a woman who works at the liquor store with Lurch. I hailed her by name.

She was already tossing out liquor store boxes. She walked over to me in the center of the lot and asked me if she could help. I said, sure.

She took boxes out of my basket, walked to the garbage bins and threw them away. Returned and took two more, went back to the bins and threw them away. Returned and took two more, walked back and threw them away. She emptied my cart while I stood in the center taking photographs.

Is that awesome, or what?

I find that people do this all the time. All the time.

I must look really pathetic to invoke this help impulse so often.

I look in the full length mirrors and think, "yeah, you do look pathetic. But not that pathetic."


That cracks me up.

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