Thursday, August 1, 2019

William Jacobson: The brutally boring, mind numbing, brain cell destroying Democrat debate No.2

Sounds delightful. Let's read all the words.

* Joe Biden probably won because he stayed awake.
* Kamala Harris isn't that smart.
* The whole thing was sleep-inducing.
* Gillibrand embarrassed herself.
* Weird vibe about attacking Obama policies, particularly deportation.
* Democrats are probably depressed.

Just as I had expected; not worth the trouble of watching unless you enjoy watching malevolent crackpots.

Comments over there at Legal Insurrection are reliably interesting. More interesting than the actual debates.
* JusticeDelivered
Decline of the Democratic party is similar in some respects to how some people slide from being working productive citizens being somewhat deranged homeless people. The party is in that death spiral, one where they screw up at nearly every turn, and become increasingly irrelevant. They are nearly to the point of defecating on the streets.
Hmmm. Interesting.

I don't think so.

Democrat party goes though phases of appearing irrelevant but them phasing out is wishful thinking based on observed present day crackpot behavior. But make no mistake, the party is still the great American catch basin for all American political crackpots of every stripe. Always has been. Always will be. It is the oldest political party on earth. (Besides British Tories by a previous name, but Democrat party had previous names too)

I drew that one time. Hang on.


You see, *strikes professorial pose* From the very beginning of American time people realized the government was going to be the biggest thing going. If they can get their hooks into government, or get government to do their bidding, then government could extend their personal wealth, extend their personal power, extend their personal will like no other force available. To very many people, government is personal.

Government is singular in its power.

Benjamin Franklin brags about this in his autobiography. When he secured government contracts for printing, then his printing business was set forever.

Nana says, "There outta be a law!"

While political activists are positively maniacal about ensuring there are particular laws. Whatever their conceit is.

Got a daddy problem? Boy, do we have a party for you. Got a problem with men in general? America has a party for you. Got a sex problem? Got a race problem? Got a problem with your neighbors? Got an income jealousy problem? Got a problem with dealing with healthcare? Got a problem with everyone else's dog? Got a problem with with fossil fuels, got a conceit about the environment, got an ache for being taken care of, got an affection for overarching government, got a hankering for lording over everyone else, psychologically damaged in any way? Boy, does America have a party for you.

There will always be our Democrat catch basin to collect all America's psychologically damaged and worked up and ambitious people and the present day Democrat party debates show this truth with pulsating glaring painful clarity. Right now they look like crap but the political party is needed absolutely.

I learned this from a Wikipedia page about the Whigs that is now so heavily edited it's no longer this useful for comprehension. But back then when I read it, the page made very clear that an opposition party developed to check all these crackpots who collected into prototype Democrat party. Then changed their names.

Then the Whigs developed solely to check Democrat wild ambitions, particularly on the issue of slavery. Until they became useless to the task for so many Whig principals owing slaves themselves. Republican party was invented to pick up where the Whigs left off, to counter Democrat wild ambitions particularly their ambition on maintaining the institution of slavery.

Left unstated on the Wikipedia page about Whigs, Republicans did very well in checking Democrat wild ambition for extending government beyond its clearly stated Constitutional restrictions until they became part of the problem precisely as happened with the Whigs before them.

Unstated in the Whig article is present day conservative voters becoming so thoroughly disgusted with Republican non-representation they forced Tea Party types on them. And when that approach was challenged, not defeated, rather, challenged by Republicans and especially by Democrats, then they morphed to an unnamed force and became even more insistent and produced as their representative within the Republican party the decidedly non-GOPe Donald Trump, who turns out to be the most classical Republican of everyone else available and far exceeded all expectations of the conservative voters who elected him and who are thoroughly disgusted with common blended non-representative Republicans.

The thing occurring now is an awesome historic era of realignment in which conservative voters force their representation while Democrat party adjusts to another wild-ass form rife with insane ruinous ambition. A form that fairly suits all worked up American political crackpots.

They'll work it out by banging their heads together until they bleed all over everything.

When their refrains are "free" this, "free" that, "free" education, "free" food, "free" housing, "free" love, free internet service, free cell phones, free clothing, free abortions for everyone including men, free wide open unchecked borders, and racism projected onto everyone and everything, welcoming and encouraging voter fraud, vote harvesting, encouraging people here illegally to vote, popular vote over electoral college, then you know that you're dealing with perfect economic socio-politico worked up nearly insane power hungry crackpots.

And you always will be this vexed.

There will always be a Party for them. There must. Because there will always be so many of them.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

The Demos may always be around, but they're looking at a 20 year hiatus like the Rs had during the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations.

Unlike the Rs, this will be all their own doing.