Friday, June 21, 2019


President Trump confirmed he pulled back a military strike on Iran after he was told the number of possible casualties.  (screenshots)

Misused homophone for "sites." He doesn't have Sixtygrit to help him. 

And then.

FAA issued a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) prohibiting U.S. registered aircraft from operating over the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. That is, flights are not permitted overwater in the area of the Tehran Flight Information Region until further notice. 

More details at Daily Wire where we see this information conveyed through FAA tweets that look super serial with lots of tiny technical words.


The Dude said...

Thanks for the cite.

edutcher said...

There's a lot more to this, clearly.

Are there people in the government that are on the outs with the crazies about the way things have changed in the Trump era (Israel and many more secular Arab states)? Are the mullahs, who've been running the show for the last 40 years beginning to see Kim Jong Un's point about time for a way out? What about the massive revolution inside Iran? Is killing 150 civilians who are more or less on our side worth it?

what you hear on Fake news is a joke.