Sunday, June 9, 2019

Democrat candidates

Iowa-something. Something something la la la.

Every time I encounter something about Democrats, every day, every hour, my mind goes blank.

I didn't even read this. I have no idea what this says ↓. Don't even tell me because my ears shut down and my brain ceases communication.


Everything that they do, everything that they say, every controversy they contrive is all for naught so why should I give them one ounce of energy?

One gram.

For every single item about Occasional Cortez or whatever her real name is, my eyeballs go skip to the next thing. I simply have zero time for anything she says to draw attention to herself. I have zero time for any of them. They are irrelevant. All of them.

The places I go like to keep track of these people, so half of nearly everything I can just skip. I have no idea what they're up to.

I opened a video of Greg Gutfeld. This one, right here. The very first thing they show is Rachael Maddow saying something malicious e-r-r-r-r-k skip, skip, skip, then kittens then QEII, then Maddow again skip, skip, skip. I flat don't care about anything that she says. In my world she is irrelevant.

All these people get zero ear-time, zero thought.

Know what is relevant to me?

This Italian zucchini. It's supposed to be green with yellow stripes.

It's just a baby and look at all those little flower buds. These plants are going to be insane.

I think I've got six of these things. Possibly eight.

Two of these go together in a large pot planted with loads of other things.

I like the way their leaves spread out and form large sort of like an umbrella. The fruit is incidental but it'd be neat-o if it actually made some. I want these big large leaves all over the place spread nice and broad larger than the pot with things jutting above them with more colorful leaves, and vines crawling out of them and upward like beans, and flowers dotted in front of them like marigolds and vines crawling out of them and downward and across the floor like watermelon. All of that in one large round pot.

Can you visualize that?

Okay, that's just one. There will be others with different combinations. It's all an experiment. And this experiment is getting a very unsatisfying late start. It's bumming me out.

In fact, right now it's actually quite cold out there.

And a similar thing in another large round pot on the opposite end of the terrace.

And another similar thing in another large pot placed elsewhere.

And all the pots literally stuffed to the gills with everything that I started, new seeds that didn't work out yet, and new plants that I buy to fill every possible inch.

Not one spare inch of dirt anywhere.

Everything completely crowded with everything possible.

Like it's insane over here.

I bought only one bulb for  elephant ear plant this year. Plus a few more given away. I'm a little bit tired of those because they're so big and they take up so much space and they're not all that dramatic. They're a little bit boring. The only thing they have going for them is size. It's a test. To see how the zucchini compare with the elephant ear plants. I think zucchinis will win.

Then when I'm eating all those zucchinis I'll be thinking, yeah, zucchinis were the right choice.

I planted those from seeds.

I was going to transplant a whole bunch of things today but I pooped out after fifteen things. I sat on the bench and then couldn't bring myself back to it. I guess that's going to be how it goes, in spits and spurts.

Oh man.

I just now flashed back to a specific moment in time and a very strange place.

I'm waiting in line to see a movie. Outside. With two other friends. A very long line. Very crowded. This is on Colorado Boulevard about thirty years ago. I put on a ridiculous voice that slobbers the sibilants out the side of my mouth and said to my friend visiting from Boston as if I am speaking normal speech, "This-s-s-s line is progre-s-s-s-ing in s-s-s-pits and s-s-s-purts."

He copied my voice and said, "Fit-s-s-s and s-s-s-tart-s-s-s. "

Ew. How clever. I wasn't expecting him to actually answer and do that in my own way. What an amusing adaptable little bastard.

Then I said, "Puls-s-s-e-s-s-s and pau-s-s-s-e-s-s-s."

Then he said, "S-s-s-urges and s-s-s-ilen-c-c-c-e-s-s-s."

Then I said, "S-s-s-pates and he-s-s-s-itation-s-s-s."

Then he said, "Ru-s-s-s-he-s-s-s and s-s-s-tamer-s-s-s."

And I was thinking Jesus Christ I'm going to run out synonyms for spits and spurts.

Then I said, "jolt-s-s-s and lull-s-s-s."

I'm down to mere plurals for the slobbering sibilants.

Then he said, "ebb-s-s-s and flow-s-s-s."

Then our line suddenly moved forward.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like your zucchini comments more than those Dem candidates.

ampersand said...

With any luck, when they all get on the debate stage, it will collapse and hopefully Hillary's in the basement.

ricpic said...

Kamala Harris will likely be our next president, God help us all.

And that bit between you and your friend on the movie line could have been right out of the back and forth between Vladimir and Estrogen in Waiting For Godot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

God please do not let it be so...

edutcher said...

Don't hold your breath. Chlamydia blown through a lot of the money she's raised up to now whit not very much to show for it and has a real problem with info; here big IDK line is (get ready) I would consider as President reading a briefing book. I would consider surrounding myself with experts. I would consider listening to the voices of the people who are going to be most at risk.

If I were the Demos, I ditch the broads, likewise the novelty candidates (Pancho, Spartacus, Buttpeg) and the zeroes and leave it up to the Groper and Rich Bernie to see who survives longest.

PS Chlamydia may be the Gray Lady and WaPo choice, but there's nobody left to ride.

MamaM said...

Chip Ahoy, would you be willing to consider ussssing page breaksssss on your ssssome of your longer postsssss?

When long posts are presented in succession or multiple videos are posted at once, a lot of scrolling is required to find and read previous posts or catch up on the comments made by others, which I value along with post content.

That method of posting which seems to have become more pronounced in recent weeks ends up pushing previous posts by you and others (in which some form of commenter back and forth has had a chance to start) down and out of sight (and mind); and I find this outcome frustrating. It doesn't allow a selection of posts to remain in view for very long or leave much opportunity to consider and respond to a post before it falls off the page into blog history.

Even though attention span and shelf life is short these days in Media World, and fresh matters, I would like to see the time and energy that goes into posting and commenting honored with more room for the passions, interests, opinions, stories, music and pictures presented to be seen, shared and responded to by others.

Regarding Crops and Caladium: I did take out what I'd planted in the swans and filled them with the greenhouse caladiums I'd previously purchased. The swans look much better, and the caladiums haven't yet shriveled in the heat, mostly because we haven't had much of it here yet either.

Chip Ahoy said...


MamaM said...

That looks good! Thank you.

Amartel said...

What, no De Blasio? A list of losers is not complete without De Blasio!

Amartel said...

The numbers change constantly and are meaningless. No one is paying attention right now other than the stupid media and some pinheads in Iowa. Trump didn't even get in the race until June of the year before so all these people are just wasting money and time but it's good for whine-about-Trump-cable-tv which seems to be the driving force.