Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Merrill Howard Kalin

This is real.

Through an organization the lad was given airtime for a cooking show. His brother was a teacher at the time and spoke to his students about how great it was that his brother was given a chance to be on t.v. It was a big thing for them. Since then Merrill has passed. All that I got from comments.

Comments to this video are all about cross contamination, the cutting board used to chop salad after chicken was placed on it, but honestly, I think general awareness of this type came after this show was produced. It's a rather old show. It's after this that cooks are seen saying, "Okay, now I'm going to the sink to wash my hands before proceeding." Show after show after show drilling it in ad nauseam. And you're sitting there thinking, "You just now touched the water faucet. You pressed the pump on the liquid soap bottle. So be sure to clean those. Before that after touching the chicken you pinched salt from the little salt well. You touched the haft of the knife. And you touched to bowl and the dishtowel, and you opened the refrigerator and the oven all with your stinking sticky dangerous bacteria-laden chicken-y fingers all over the place. Bleach the whole set with a firehose!"

Merrill speaks lucidly under his breath, "Help me. Get me outta here." He's aware this isn't going as he thought that it would.

I bet that I could have shown Merrill how to make a salad dressing. And I think that because I had up to twenty people at one point over here assembled by Deena to help cater a party for local business owners. They were doing everything, eventually assembled around the extended dining room table making spring rolls. (One girl didn't like mushrooms so she wasn't putting any in hers. She had to be told her preferences are irrelevant. JUST DO IT! Another didn't know to spray oil on the tin foil before baking the little biscuits. Another woman had to be told when to stop stirring the egg yolks into the pâte à choux, yet another grown woman didn't understand "until the bacon is crispy but not burned" she had to be told how long in minutes and seconds)  And although in their twenties they knew zero about cooking and had to be told everything. Every thing. Every little thing. Collectively they had zero intuition. And that's not being critical, that's simply stating a fact. It was actually fun once I realized they were all blank slates. We did very well together. And if I can do that with them, then I could show Merrill something so simple as mixing oil with vinegar.

Merrill is charming. If you allow it.

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