Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Hallelujah, Pentatonix version signed by Jake and his lady friend.

I know you don't care for this song but can you overcome your bias for a minute? Huh? Can you?

This guy is so preppy it makes me laugh. T-shirt under the pullover shirt, plaid short pants, so a mismatch right there, and those weird sock things. He dresses like all of my friends. And I have those clothes just to fit in socially.

This is like watching a textbook. And it's easier to be precise because it's so slow. That makes it easier to follow along too. If you choose to watch, notice how subtly Jake increase intensity with the song.

Hallelujah = applaud + celebrate.

Celebrate = twirling those NYE noise makers. I think.

The woman twirls her invisible noisemakers close to her chest, she should be careful if they're actually invisible sparklers, and Jake twirls his to the sides of his body.

Or maybe they're twirling flags. 

How do I know for sure, they're invisible!


Watch how ex-qwe-visitly and tightly Jake moves through "Goes like this, the fourth and fifth, the minor fall and the major lift, the baffled king composes Hallelujah."

There is no extraneous movement in his style. Their combined style. No flicking of hair, no distracting clothing, no painting of hands, no dancing, no body movement interfering with signs, even their walking is not distracting. Just as in real life, you can actually stop studying the signs and just let them come through and concentrate on their faces, their lips, while the signs support in periphery.

Look for “overthrew,” it goes "bonk," nothing gets thrown over the head.

“Baby” is not a baby you hold in your arms, it’s “lovers,” two thumbs twerking at each other  similar to “game.” She holds this to her heart.

“Somebody” is very similar to “forever” (all I ever learned from love), an index finger held upright and twirling. For "someone" an individual, it's that same configuration twisting into a definitive singular upright  "1".


Amartel said...

Newp. Tried but can’t stand this song. We need a millennial to dive into the pit on this one.

MamaM said...

I started listening, stopped, read Amartel's dissent, allowed it to reflect my own discomfort with the song and then went back for another try. The picture of the colored noisemakers in the post was the hook that got me as I wanted to see the twirl motion; and I wasn't disappointed.

The mental thought of applaud and celebrate being connected as elements of hallelujah intrigued me as it fit with my experience of the emotional movement involved, which starts with a realized clap of joy or delight that expands into a swirl of elation needing to be gathered and released. Having the freedom outside of ASL to throw more energy and extraneous movement into a personal expression of it, I tried the movements myself and found them a very satisfying, ending the twirl with a toss of hands upward into the air. Way beyond nice.

And very much in contrast to the weight and ponderous seemingly dead end melancholy that bugs me about the song along with the lie presented, as there is no such thing as a cold and broken hallelujah unless anger, sarcasm and resentment are holding that energy down.