Sunday, December 16, 2018

Trump: NBC & Democrat spin machines like SNL may be colluding and 'can't be legal'

This was four hours ago and already Washington Examiner put up an article. He certainly does have their attention.

And not just regular attention. This is acute attention. They literally hang on every word. And now it appears that Trump is writing SNL skits for them. I would say, "We'll see" but nobody sensible watches that show anymore. We'll see what other people watched. It's written by Democrats first and foremost, for Democrat consumption. Just like American news.

*snotty child's voice* But what about Fox?

The tweet begins a flurry of tweets bearing on FBI text messages being erased, Michael Cohen, FBI activities, Major Golsteyn accused of murdering a terrorist and Obama's border child separation. It's like a stream of consciousness jotted down and published for immediate global dissemination. This form of communication is quite incredible. We've never seen anything like it. It wasn't possible before now. These wide open windows into a United States president's mind do give his enemies a lot of ammunition. They have only to read them unsympathetically for all the ridicule they'll need to satisfy them for the day. Every day. As Obama did differently everyday with prepared speeches, teleprompter, nose in the air swiveling back and forth and hand professorially tapping his invisible baton. One is no more obnoxious than the other.

Here, read for yourself.

He's like my dad. He bitched a lot. Every little thing, every flaw was pinpointed. He ran a tight bootcamp. But the good thing about that was we always knew exactly what was on his mind, exactly what he thought with zero whitewashing. There was never any question about that. There was no concealing anything. It was brutal honesty. I mean it. We had to toughen up just to take it.

I was such a sensitive lad. Easily bruised. He told me later, "I should have treated you two boys differently. I had to actually brow beat your older brother just to make an impression, all criticism rolled off his back like water off a duck. But one little cross word with you and you'd be off sulking in introspection for two weeks. I tried very hard to treat you two equally, but I shouldn't have done that."

"Thanks, Dad."

I see a similarity here. Trump is treating them harshly and they're not used to it.

Fuck 'em.

Grow a pair already. There is no sympathy left in me. They've earned every smackdown they get.

Now I'm seeing articles about concern for the stark political divides being second in importance behind healthcare on American's list of worries. Washington Examiner.  We hired elected Trump to reform Republican party that refused to represent conservatives for decades, while that representation is intended to check Democrat political ambitions. Indirectly then, Trump really is about them. It's natural for Democrats to feel the disruption in force. All is well. It's well-nigh civil war. Things are going as planned. Of course there is tremendous discomfort.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

The Donald has something in the works and I'll wager it's big. He always ticks off the Left to get them going.

Like hard old General Marcks in The Longest Day, "When you create a diversion, it's for a reason".

He told me later, "I should have treated you two boys differently. I had to actually brow beat your older brother just to make an impression, all criticism rolled off his back like water off a duck. But one little cross word with you and you'd be off sulking in introspection for two weeks. I tried very hard to treat you two equally, but I shouldn't have done that."

"Thanks, Dad."

Dad sounds like a good man to appreciate the differences between you two. Be glad you had him.