Saturday, December 1, 2018

Four Republicans aim at Trump, hit their country instead.

Quin Hillyer writing for Washington Examiner says this really has been a week for Republican senators sticking their thumbs in the eyes of President Trump but hurting the cause of good conservative governance a lot more than they hurt the obstreperous billionaire.


Four senators have been obnoxiously obstructionist. 

But it's Trump who's obstreperous.

Two were obnoxiously obstructionist on Judicial nominees and two on foreign polity. 

Senators Tim Scott of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona have been blocking Trump's judicial nominees. 

Rand Paul of Kentucky and Bob Corker of Tennessee are nearly as counterproductive.

But it's Trump who's obstreperous.

Rand Paul is blocking legislation codifying a long-term military aid program for Israel. 

Corker is working with disgraced Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey to curtail the power of Trump's incoming director of the U.S. Agency for Global Media that oversees Voice of America. 

mas al enlazar, Washington Examiner.


AllenS said...

The Swamp is still alive. Is there anything that can bring it down? Trump can't do it alone.

edutcher said...

Fortunately, 2 will be gone in less than a month.