Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Donovan, Hurdy-Gurdy Man

While over at Legal Insurrection I clicked on this Video of the Day feature.

Did you used to sing along and reverb your voice?

Not available in ASL. None of the kids bothered to interpret this song. Too old, too weird, I guess. 

Is Donovan even alive? I get him mixed up with Lou Reed.

I see pictures of this young man and an old man. 

He's alive. And I wonder again how people this cool when they're young then age so unfortunately. Time is a cruel uncaring distorter. By appearance, plants and animals age better than humans do. What does he sound like? Is he the currently cool mature version of this youthful coolness?

Donovan on teaching guitar technique to the Beatles.


edutcher said...

I get him mixed up with Lou Reed.


I wonder again how people this cool when they're young then age so unfortunately. Time is a cruel uncaring distorter

I'm betting all the sex, drugs, booze, VD, and rock 'n' roll had a lot to do with it.

MamaM said...

Nature takes out the weak and the old among the birds and animals long before they have the opportunity to reveal the distortions and disintegrations of aging that plague humans into considering themselves unfortunate.

It also does a number on the plants and trees, lifeforms with survival and reproductions as their number one priority, rather than appearance management. For them Time is the framework in which the cycle of birth, death and rebirth is repeated over and over, with some humans taking a view that regards time as a "cruel, uncaring distorter".

When we made the decision to euthanize a beloved but diabetic cat that was already on insulin treatment when kidney failure became evident, the vet reminded me that nature would have taken him out years before we humanely brought his life to an end after extending it by human intervention.

Amartel said...

Hurdy Gurdy Man always reminds me of the movie Zodiac in which it is featured. Perfect creepy song for a movie about a serial killer. Good movie, too.

Amartel said...

A hurdy gurdy is a very old fashioned fiddle that was big in the early Middle Ages In Europe but went out of style as music became more complex and required more flexible instrumentation and the hurdy gurdy became the instrument of itinerant musicians, especially from the edges of European civilization. The hurdy gurdy man was like a roving street beggar, often of Slavic descent, who went from town to town playing for money

edutcher said...

Mama, if we let Nature take us out when it could (no doctors, no anti-biotics, medical tech, etc), we'd all go around 40. Also, a lot of kids would be gone before they reached 5.

One of the reasons Social Security is a scam is because it was only supposed to apply to those who worked outside the home (almost exclusively men at the time) and set retirement at 65 when life expectancy for men was 62. It was never intended to serve both men and women, and not very many of them.

How well we age has a lot to do with how smart we are when we're young. There's a point of diminishing returns, of course, but that's being pushed out all the time.

windbag said...

Hurdy gurdy goodness. Things get crazy just after the 2:00 mark, when he starts looping. My son and I thought about trying to tackle the instrument, but the cost stopped that idea cold in its tracks.

ricpic said...

Half the people you pass in Dublin look like him. If Troop were around he would confirm my observation. ;^)

The Dude said...

I think I used to have that record. Now I can't even listen to it.

And I agree with ricpic - although my reference point is Scot-Irish here in the mountains, but that face is not uncommon. Even some men look like that.