Sunday, November 11, 2018

Trump cancels visit to U.S. military cemetery outside Paris

The search results are titled strangely. Good Lord, if these NPCs would work up an independent thought their poor heads would ache for a week.

The first link I saw was to Washington Post and I didn't care to read that due to its title: Critics pile on after Trump cancels visit to U.S. military....

The comments that I read from people who did read it indicate the article doesn't explain why Trump cancelled. They're all guessing it's due to some credible security concern. Weather. No plane, ground transportation too insecure. Best choice, cancel.

Half the search results have this title. And the other half of the search results are titled: Real low energy: Critics pile on after Trump cancels visit to ...

Who has low energy, Trump, or his critics?

I sense they're trying to pin the tag "low energy" onto Trump the way Trump pinned the tag low energy onto Low Energy Jeb!

But I'd have to read them to find out and I'm not in the mood for antagonism.

Metro says he cancelled because it's raining. Right there, antagonism. Not in the mood.

Uckemfay.  If weather forced concerns for his flight that forced them to drive and driving opens up all kinds of security hassles then it's not worth it just for a show. If Yurp peans cannot appreciate that then I couldn't care less how their fake news perpetually opines. They're children. Socialist children.  If this were Obama or Hillary Clinton then they'd be making all kind of excuses for them.


edutcher said...

Paris, having declared itself a haven for all "oppressed" people, has also become a haven for every terrorist cutthroat unwilling to stick his neck out in a combat zone.

We're talking Charlie Hebdo, 15:17 to Paris train attack, and the Bataclan massacre, among others.

iF the security guys said, "Hell, no", I don't blame them a bit.

AllenS said...

I wouldn't have even traveled to Paris. A stop at Arlington would have sufficed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I read somewhere that Trump hasn't visited with the troops overseas since becoming president.

If true, I don't know what to make of it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not visiting the cemetery may have been a reaction to Macron's speech?

I'm guessing now.

ken in tx said...

If Trump had over-ruled the Marine Corp pilot and ordered him to fly in 'Below Minimums' weather, it would have been an illegal order and that's what his critics would be crowing about today, instead of this bogus complaint.

Leland said...

So I saw a video of Trump visiting a cemetery. He's in a field of white crosses, which I thought was the field in France. I would understand not visiting the Normandy cemetery, because this trip was about WWI. So what's up?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just saw this tweet... An Administration official tells @FoxNews the reason there was no motorcade backup option for Aisne-Marne cemetery after the Marine One weather call is that it would have shut down traffic from Paris all the way to Belleau for hours.

Trump did the right thing.