Friday, October 12, 2018


When are mobs not really mobs? When Democrats in media say so. Shut up. They're people simply expressing their opinions. When Democrats realize their various mobs, antifa, BLM, feminist mobs, anti 1% mobs, socialist mobs, communist mobs Marxist mobs, college mobs, anti Kavanaugh mobs, environmentalist mobs, Portland mobs, anti energy mobs, anti 2nd Amendment mobs, open border mobs, are harming Democrat chances in an upcoming midterm election. That's when.

9,000 Trump supporters spontaneously chanting "lock her up" at the mention of Hillary Clinton's name in controlled environment for self-controlled duration now there's a real mob for you. A scary one too. One that rose up to thwart Democrat ambitions. Be afraid.

Actually, the MAGA crowd at Council Bluffs Iowa chanted "lock her up" at the first mention of Dianne Feinstein. They chant it a few times then drop it to get on with Trump's speech, the reason they went there,  but they never fail to have this sentiment known, (as a political mob intent on denying Democrat ambitions) it's part of the entertainment, and that's observably different in type and quality and character from the brainless chanting we hear all the time on the streets that shuts down communication completely.

Disclosure: I didn't watch this video all the way through because my poor little tender sensitive childlike ears are not meant to tolerate any news media.



It's weird. And has been from the very beginning. At five years of age starting 1st grade I was all wow this is important. My important dad has his shoes off and he is listening carefully to an important newsreader. That Cronkite guy is really serious. I wonder what he's listening to. Let's give it a try. *listens* Wawa wa wa-wa-wa wawa wa wa wawawa wa-wa-wa- wa waaaaaa wa wa wa. Wa wa wa. Wawawa wawa wawa wa. Wa-wa wa wa wa. Wa wa wa wa wa w.

Well, that didn't work.

They're speaking another language.

"Hey Daddy, can I ... "

"Be quiet right now. I'm listening to the news."

What a bummer.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

For 2 1/2 years, we've seen Democrat mobs do various types of violence. We've also seen mobs threaten violence for the future (like maybe Nov 7).

So the Demos suddenly realize it doesn't work? Way too late.