Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain died

Expect several days of Memorial Democrat caucusing.


chickelit said...

If they put their mouth where the money is they’d get behind Jim Webb. Instead they’ll redo 2016: Warren vs. Occasional-Cortex.

chickelit said...

It’s really not fair that J.S. McCain III gets more adulation than this father and gfather and so I recuse myself from the mourning.

rcommal said...

Have you bothered to do this yet? I did, w/r/t to the flag ever there in front of our house, as did, by the way, The White House.

Inquiring minds want to know.

edutcher said...

That's Enquiring minds.

And the laugh I get is from all the scolds who can't wait to remind us he was a hero.

50 years ago, they were calling him a baby killer.

rcommal said...

Chickelit, I get the Webb reference, I did support him and those options, even while I still a registered Republican willing to go more right of the bell curve than that. That time and situation is so, so, so far behind us, now. No Republican would ever support a Webb. Hell, very few Republicans would support a Conservative.

Time to move on and ask: What next?

rcommal said...

NO, @educther, I meant what I wrote: *I*nquiring minds, meaning: Are your still inquiring here. Make no mistake, Ed, I am well of aware of the National Enquirer's tag lines for, oh, at least close to 5 decades.

Count on you to step on the double-meaning, which, OK. You get to do what you do, and I get to do what I do.

That said, would you consider answering the question? Did you lower the flag at your house? The White House did.

rcommal said...

BTW, don't you all just love all of the typos?

rcommal said...


50 years ago, they were calling him a baby killer.

And I thought that was disgusting. That's what my families thought, riven even as they were with different opinions with regard to the Vietnam war at the time. They thought it was inexcusable, that sort of cheap propaganda phraseology. That baby-killer language crap helped shape my politics. It shaped my attitude toward, for just one of many examples, John Kerry.

Try again, scold.

rcommal said...

You keep forgetting that originally I was born and raised in very [very] small-town heartland America.

edutcher said...

r, to the first, I was kidding.

To the second, never forget who Songbird's BFF in the Senate was before Grahamnesty. And I had several classmates in 'Nam.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

McCain pissed everyone off at some point and well, the guy gets no respect.
How do you like them apples?

ricpic said...

McCain can be summed up in "Okay, you'll get your damned fence." I think he said fence but it might have been wall. Anyway, the attitude of contemptuous dismissal of the very real horror-show invasion his constituents in Arizona were up against, that floored me.

deborah said...

Chick, I'm pretty sure I've said before that Webb is the only one who could 'bring it' against Trump. OTH, if the general populace is sick of Trump by then, dear, sweet, nagging Grandmother Warren might look good to them.

Trooper York said...

McCain was truly a sick and evil man.

Trooper York said...

Many young American boys suffered and died in service of his ego.

rcommal said...

Yeah, as did many others in service of the ego of folks and ethos whom you've admired over many decades.

rcommal said...

Son starts college this coming Tuesday. I remember, years ago, when other people's kids started college.

rcommal said...

The first time that I'd heard of "homeschooling," in its modern form, was way back in the mid-1980s, when I was just a free-lancer, working a couple of jobs (a full-time one in addition to a part-time one) in order to feed my research+writing+reporting habit on account of the passion that I wanted to pursue.

rcommal said...

I. was. self. supporting.

rcommal said...

at. that. time.

rcommal said...

Though not having much.

rcommal said...

I remember when Darcy was misty when her one went off to college.

I remember when first one, then another of Chick's kids did.

I remember the congratulations that both AA and the father of her kids congratulated both the older and then the younger of their kids.

I remember when Freeman Hunt showed up. I remember when she first got pregnant. I remember when her dad died of cancer. I remember when one of her kids was was diagnosed as diabetic as, if not as a toddler, then on the verge of being in elementary school.

I remember. I think about all of that, all of the time. So many things, there, which I love, and so many people, there, whom, I miss.


Just sayin'.

rcommal said...

Sure, so many mistakes I made. Still, so many things I remember.

How do y'all justify not remembering? How come you won't (can't?) acknowledge mistakes, too.