Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Super Lice

Ew, gross.

I drew this about a a decade ago when an infestation named super lice that was resistant to treatment was in the news. 

I'm posting it again now to dissuade you from clicking through to the real thing. To satisfy your lice-viewing impulses and spare you the disquieting shock of seeing a child in distress. (A child with a gorgeous head of hair.) Now we see why adults used to always have their hands in our hair when we were that age, to play with us as living little dolls with thick silky hair irresistible to touch. And we also see how that impulse is now easy to resist.   


AllenS said...

Oh, great.

Amartel said...

Super gross!
That poor kid.

MamaM said...

I should have known better than to look. The swinging lice wasn't enough to deter me, in fact it may have emboldened me to click with the thought that whatever turned up couldn't be that bad, but it was worse than I was anticipating. I wasn't expecting a comb full, and never made it past that specter to view the lovely head of hair.