Friday, July 20, 2018

Romney: Trump's remarks at Putin summit are disgraceful and detrimental to democratic principles.


Because the resistance and partisan treasonous activity within the FBI and DOJ before and after and ongoing have caused the agencies to no longer be trusted?

Please elaborate. To somebody else, because this reader is no longer paying any attention to anything the resistance has to say.

Romney, piss off and go where the Whigs went. You've been delivered your lesson, now learn it.

The Hill, with useless reporting of ridiculous unhelpful things, and even worse prepubescent commentariat.


edutcher said...

Kind of like the Lincoln-Douglas debates or John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry.

Everybody had to take a side.

deborah said...

The FBI and CIA have gone rogue, nothing to see here.

ricpic said...

Romney's a pure unadulterated arrow collar shit.

deborah said...

Louis Gohmert, Congressional Record:

"So Comey was in a difficult situation. He wanted Hillary to win, no
question. He did not want Donald Trump to win. He never did like Trump,
never has, apparently, things he has said and done.

So what could he do that would cause the least amount of problems for
Hillary Clinton?

There was a threat, apparently, that FBI agents were going to go
public that they had found these missing emails and that Comey was
blocking reopening the investigation now that we have all these emails.
And if FBI agents, who are righteous, unlike Peter Strzok, really
righteous people--and I know a lot of them around the country. They are
good, decent, upstanding, honorable, give-their-life-for-their-country
kind of people, not give their affair for themselves but give their
lives for their country. Those people have gotten a big blemish on them
because of Peter Strzok and others at the top of the Department of
Justice in the last administration, as they held over. They would never
do what Peter Strzok did. They would never do that.

So it gets a little like they erect a straw dog: You are condemning
the thousands of great FBI agents around the country.

No, I am blaming you. We know they are good, but you are not."

time 1830

Leland said...

None of these clowns, like Romney, can explain what Trump has officially done that goes against what they campaigned to do over the last 5 years.

I've concluded that the problem with Trump isn't that he is bombastic. Rather, it is he is not of the political class. He didn't achieve his victories through their silly games of incrementalism and paying your dues. He took decisive action like a business man would. If republican voters recognize this, then they'll continue to look for outside business leaders to run for office. The life long careerist politicians can't let that happen.

They tolerated Obama. First because they dared not criticize him due to his skin color. Later, because Obama was planning to be just like them, he just was a bit more successful from the start. Once the realized he didn't threaten their careerist statist lifestyles, and actually could help build it; Obama was embraced by the left and right. Hillary has always been one of them, so they really want her.

edutcher said...

Trump tells the truth. He also gets results.

That's what scares all of them.

ampersand said...

Read my lips, these SOBs have no intention of implementing what they campaign on. They dug up Mark Hatfield to be the 1 republican vote against the balanced budget amendment. They had 3 to vote against Obamacare, ever reliable Collins, newly reliable Murkowski and ever back stabbing McMain.
When Romney ran he was already babbling about fixing Obamacare,his baby, instead of repealing it like his supposed voters wanted. Romney will be the next McCain if ever McCain leaves the scene.

virgil xenophon said...

What EVERYBODY, above has said as well as kudos to Chip for showering Romney with the contempt he so utterly deserves..