Thursday, July 26, 2018

President Trump leads Iowa Workforce Development Initiative Roundtalbe.

Wilbur Ross is there with him and so is his daughter. Workforce development roundtable? Sounds dreadful. Bush II would sound like "we gotta do this, we gotta do that, you're gonna hafta do this and do that, hafta do this, that and these, gonna hafta haft hafta." And Obama would sound like "Erglesss der tap sssstererle ssssesssssosssssicsssssss tap tap tap sssscccisssorssss tap disssscushionsssss." *adjusts hearing aid* While Trump is surprisingly glibly engaging. In a rattle-trap way. I didn't want to watch but I must admit he is fascinating to observe, even as he mostly brags of his accomplishments and all the fabulous people he meets and the great relationships he has with other world principals, and then crosses his arms and squeezes himself inside his suit, as people do when they're blocking, but he does as sort of squeezing his head on top of his torso still expounding but now from atop his own torqued up belted bulk. And I'm sitting here going, "why does he do that? Containing heartburn or what?" Not in thrall but riveted by fascination. Did I hear him say China put 50% tariffs on X then the next moment it's 15% tariffs on X? I don't know. I don't care. The point of unbalanced tariffs is made and it's fascinating hearing him ad lib like this. His daughter much less so. Less ease with her. She's stilted and formal and cautious in comparison.

Watch awhile and see what I mean.

I cannot get up fast enough to answer the door for an Amazon delivery. And I tried. I prepared. I look online. The map shows that means they're near. Fast as my body goes, with intention to meet them downstairs and outside, I grab my pants, grab my socks, shove my feet into shoes knock knock knock "Coming!" Tie my shoelace fast as shoelaces tie. Gone. Box on the floor. "T-H-A--A-A-N-K-Y-O-O-O-U" into the long spacious echoing empty hallway. 

Meanwhile, Trump has already left an important meeting with Juncker, the head of the European Union having arrived at a trade deal that improves the U.S. position with Europe. The ideal is no tariffs and no subsidies that distort free market trade. He's said this repeatedly. And it sounds silly to lifelong bureaucrat's ears.  To get to this point Trump had to threaten with disruptive tariffs, and mean it, crazy-ass unpredictable bastard, the harsh reality of unfairness met with unfairness, undeniably so,  and he had to say mean but truthful and necessary things directly to our allies. How rude! To tremendous disruption. Ewww, those mices hate him to pieces. The American stock market responded positively and very largely and immediately. Woosh. Up 70 points in an hour following the new European / American announcement. So people with money on the table understand the new situation, and collectively they like it, even as globalist commentators and journalists go out of their minds spinning in the wake of Trump-created events. They cannot keep up. Just as they have their narrative sorted, Helsinki bad, Putin bad, Trump with Putin in Helsinki bad, Trump treasonous. Trump snaps the rug from under them and sends them all spinning with new trade deals for natural gas to Europe with America as supplier, and a very long list of other products and commodities putting the reality to the truth he delivered to NATO nations about Germany and about Russia, about large sums of money, and about not making sense.  Journalist wanted Trump to fight with Putin verbally so they can hear with their ears the words they need Trump to say to prove to them he's not a Putin puppet, then Trump disrupts European deal with Russian energy to American advantage, and to NATOs advantage, and to Putin's huge disadvantage. Trump's actions speak much more clearly than journalist's words and with far greater affect. And all this with dizzying speed. That no one can handle.

When Trump says he holds all the cards he means it simply as that. Russia has but one good export, energy, and Trump just now pooped on that. China's centrally directed mercantilist economy relies entirely on exports. They cannot survive without imports. They cannot feed their own population by their own economy.They cannot satisfy their internal demand with internal supply. They cannot expand economically without centrally directed exports. They're fenced in. The United States can do both. The United States hold all the cards in any direct economic war with China. China is attacking American farmers to erode Trump support, but they're fated to lose that specific economic battle. Clever Chinese. You still lose. In the end, best for China to end its own unbalanced tariffs against the U.S. and its own distorting subsidies. Then we can have free trade. While forcing China to see the light takes a very good deal of rough talk and counter tariff raising. Same with Canada and Mexico who all take advantage of poorly drawn trade agreements with the U.S. that globalist see as balanced while the bulk of middle America does not.

Roger Simon very nicely explains what is happening. And even as Simon does explain in such basic terms that even the simplest dummkopf understands it, there are still commenters that appear in his section to troll with exceedingly poorly thought through contrarian views of what we are all seeing, setting granular things they notice against large things they cannot fully imagine. They're handled swiftly and deftly by other commenters with greater more encompassing views. A sample:

* Trumpkins are blind, deaf and dumb.

* Tell that to the farmers who are now receiving welfare benefits.

* Trump’s war on farmers must be stopped! His policies have already led to American industries like Harley-Davidson cutting jobs, but, now Trump is hurting farmers too.
MAGA = Motorcycles Are Going Away

* Trump’s economic decisions have led to disaster for many small businesses.

* Are the people that loss their jobs due to Trump tariffs illiterate too?

You will really like 30 Hours at Trump-Speed.

*squeaky ventriloquist voice*  "So, Chip, what was in the box?"

Oh that.

A smaller 9x4x4 inch Pullman pan. A heavy-duty terrine pan with a sliding lid. To create square loaves. I'm on a sourdough kick right now and I want to make precious little sandwiches. The one similar 13x4x4 is too long for a regular guy who cannot eat that much bread in a month. You'd be appled how much I paid for these two simple pans that will not see much use.

I meant to say appalled just now.

But what the heck. They'll outlast me. When I die someone will use them to store things. The Amazon guy is a ghost to me. While Trump is a blur.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Ivanka is very cool and articulate, but she needs another couple of decades before she can do it like Dad.

I must admit he is fascinating to observe, even as he mostly brags of his accomplishments and all the fabulous people he meets and the great relationships he has with other world principals

Trump knows what to do because he's been ding it all his life.. He's not necessarily bragging as much as laying a foundation so people understand he's not just blowing smoke. He's been there, done that.

When Trump says he holds all the cards he means it simply as that. Russia has but one good export, energy, and Trump just now pooped on that. China's centrally directed mercantilist economy relies entirely on exports. They cannot survive without imports. They cannot feed their own population by their own economy.They cannot satisfy their internal demand with internal supply. They cannot expand economically without centrally directed exports. They're fenced in. The United States can do both. The United States hold all the cards in any direct economic war with China

Excellent summation. The $12 bil is to be sure the farmers are provided for until the Reds come to heel. And I'm guessing Trump figures he won't have to spend much of that.

The Reds need to sell to us. Badly. Bigly.