Sunday, July 29, 2018

Avenue M for Menopause

So you ask yourself why is old Trooper posting up a storm this lazy Sunday afternoon?

You see the wife went off with her girlfriends to enjoy a lunch and a get together. They periodically do it and I have posted about it over the years. They all grew up together in Midwood on Avenue M and like to get together at least twice a year. Normally I am the only dude around because most of them are divorced or widows or their guys don't like the other women and refuse to go. But this time I had to pass as I am not feeling all that well and didn't want to drive and eat outside food.

They are out at an Italian joint in Bay Ridge and I am chilling. A few posts during the heat of the day. Then a little light gardening. Clipping the roses and watering. Then I will throw a steak on the grill and chill-lax.

I love the summer.


ricpic said... are jumping and the cotton is high.....

That's the only thing Brooklyn doesn't have in summer -- cotton. Although who knows? Maybe someone's backyard.

My first four or five years were on Foster Avenue. Which I think is in Flatbush. Not sure. I know it was close to Flatbush Avenue. I have a memory, actually my only very early memory, of white curtains, billowing white curtains with the sun streaming through them. I remember looking up at them from my crib.

ndspinelli said...

I've been using these Kingsford Professional charcoal. They light up quickly and burn real hot but not long. Great for steaks and burgers, OK for chicken, pork chops. Slow cooking a brisket or ribs, I go w/ cheaper slow burning charcoal. Royal Oak is my fav.

ampersand said...

Cotton came to Harlem.

deborah said...

Feel better, Trooper. I like thinking of you in your cozy lawn.