Sunday, May 13, 2018

Laura Loomer at the Israel US Embassy

It's not that great of a tour or a report. We do get to see is the area and ground at the front and city's fairly standard decorations such as you see for museum exhibitions. We're told of the heat, and we see the effects of the wind. The flags go, Israeli Israeli American Israeli Israeli American ...

Good to see people so happy.

Happy enough to become ground zero for terrorist targeting.

We also see how it feels to be on the receiving end of renowned Israeli defenses where everybody is suspect, restricted and bossed around.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

A babe. And she has a cool name.

But, yeah, not safe there.

We'll have to hear from Troop, but I'm getting the feeling the God Emperor just might turn out to be The Airborne Ranger in the Sky's point man.