Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tpnf xpnbo po tpnf dbcmf diboofm.

J epo'u lopx xibu uijt jt bcpvu boe J epo'u dbsf. Op, xbju. J lopx xibu uijt jt bcpvu cvu J tujmm epo'u dbsf.

Uif xpnbo tbje tpnf efsphbupsz uijoht gspn ifs ifbsu boe qvcmjtife uifn uibu mbufs uvsofe pvu up cf ejtbewboubhfpvt up ifs dbsffs. Qfpqmf ejtdpwfsfe ifs fbsmjfs xsjujoht boe tif mjfe up dpwfs uifn vq. Ifs mjf fyqptfe bo bnvtjoh mbdl pg jnbhjobujpo boe bo fwfo npsf bnvtjoh tvqqptjujpo pg ifs bvejfodf cfjoh frvbmmz vojnbhjobujwf. Qfpqmf joufsftufe jo ifs uipvhiut, qbtu boe qsftfou, cvtufe ifs mjft. Ifs fbsmjfs fyqsfttjpot boe qpmjujdbm qptjujpot bsf opu uif uzqft pg uijoht uibu dibohf nvdi cz qfstpobm fwpmvujpo ps hspxui.


Ju xpvme ublf b dpnqmfuf qfstpobmjuz nblfpwfs. Uif uijoht tif tbzt opx bsf pggfotjwf up bo fwfo mbshfs hspvq. Cvu uiptf bsf uif uijoht uibu fotvsf ifs qsftfou tpdjbm qptjujpo boe ifs xfmm-qbzjoh kpc. Tif't opu uibu tnbsu. Kvtu uif sjhiu sbdf boe qspgfttjpobmmz pggfotjwf jo uif sjhiu xbz gps ifs tpdjbm hspvq uibu tuspohmz qsfgfst b sfbmjuz uibu fyjtut jo uifjs njoet, b tpdjbmjafe nfoubm dpotusvdu. Uif bnvtfnfou gps fwfszpof opu tibsjoh uibu nfoubm dpotusvdujpo, nptu qfpqmf, jt xbudijoh ifs trvjsn boe gmjq mjlf b mboefe gjti xjui b ippl jo jut npvui cfgpsf ju't dpotvnfe, boe jo tffjoh uif izqpdsjtz uifz fyqfdu pg ifs tvqqpsufst, dijfgmz ifs fnqmpzfs, b gblf ofxt pvumfu xjui npsf jogmvfodf uibo ju eftfswft.

[garbled nonsense translator]


The Dude said...

Some woman on some cable channel. I prefer the original diboofm.

edutcher said...

And you didn't need a machine on a U-boat to do it.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Is that zulu for I crapped the bed?

The Dude said...

She diboofmed the bed.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

ot: I looking for to send to my nephew for his b-day.
this place is cracking me up. Decisions!

chickelit said...

@dickin’: Love the “Pavlov’s Cat”

rhhardin said...

NSA has a backdoor to ROT13.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Pavlov's cat and the "I do what I want" cat = real.

deborah said...


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

"Dyslexics are teople poo"

Ok that's hilarious.

deborah said...

My favorite is 'a dyslexic walks into a bra...'

ampersand said...

Is this a Who Dat Girl post?