Wednesday, April 4, 2018

How to master cheese soufflé

Alex is being silly but he does give some great tips. Notably, his idea about wiping the bowl with a lemon.

Since any acid will do then I think that I'll try powdered citric acid that I bought for making cheese. To go with the lemon flavor.

Alton Brown has good tips too, for his show Good Eats. He is slow imparting information and his video is 22 minutes. Although he gives more ideas about proportions between number of egg whites and egg yolks, (usually two more egg whites than egg yolks) and proportion between cheese sauce and egg whites. Alton Brown also explains the lift is assisted by rough lining inside the bowl by giving it a surface to crawl up. And he says something particularly scientific, to use ultra clean glass bowl or aluminum bowl and not plastic bowl because plastic is a petroleum product, so molecularly too similar to fat that prevents egg whites from fully forming. My large mixer's two identical large bowls are plastic  :-(

They work fine. 

But that forces me to consider using my other large mixer. I haven't used that stupid thing in fifteen years. It's not even orbital.

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