Friday, March 16, 2018

Matt Damon is pissed and he's leaving you!

The article at Diogenes' Middle Finger is posted by Diogenes Sarcastica™and, boy, is it ever sarcastic. He, or she, begins by reminding we're often told by celebrities they're leaving if a Republican is elected but they rarely follow through and actually move.

And the whole time I was thinking of some of the ones who did renounce their citizenship, Josephine Baker, Yul Brynner, Henry James, Gary Davis, John Huston, Maria Callas, Henry Martyn Noel, Gore Vidal, Terry Gilliam, Oona O'neill, James Carney, Gary Wright, Cince Cate, Harmon Wilfred, Mike Gogulski. And other expatriates too many to mention.

The writer refers to an article on Page Six explaining Damon is fed up with Trump and his supporters that he's moving to Australia. But it also gives him a chance to escape the pile he stepped in with his comments about sexual assault allegations in Hollywood.

He told an Australian crowd that he wants to ban all firearms in one fell swoop just like Australia did.

There is a bit more non-sympathetic sentiment I think will enjoy. It's harsh.

There's a lot at Diogenes' Middle Finger I think you'll enjoy.

The next item down is Barack Obama paying respect to Stephen Hawking in typical Obama fashion. With a picture of himself.

The post before that is "Even Democrats are telling Hillary Clinton to shut up."

The post before that is Maxine Walters responding to Trump's attacking her I.Q. with a letter published on a parody site from her doctor filled with amusing misspellings and grammatical errors.

And the post before that is "Liberals lose their poop over first female CIA boss."

You'll like it.


edutcher said...

Don't let the door hitcha.

Amartel said...

Buh bye, Pudding Face.
Those Stella Artois "chalice" (it's a water glass, you fuck) ads he does where he's in the super swank mid-century dining room waving the corporate branded glass around and there's this obscene contrast with the African people who have to walk half the day to get clean water .... Why does anyone like this guy? I never even liked him as an actor/persona in the movies. I hated that math genius movie that made him and Affleck famous. I saw it on a plane. What a waste of Robin Williams, and it made these two non-deserving virtue signalling hypocrite assholes famous and we're still paying for it 25 years later. In lectures and chalices. Feh.